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Aqua's POV
"Wake up sleepy head!" My body suddenly shook, and I awoken to see Scarlett face to face with me. She carried a torch, lit up with fire. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"Well, it kind of turned dark yesterday, for some reason. Then we somehow got trapped in here. I wondered if they noticed we were missing in school."

I then now noticed that we are in a sort of miniature cave. It took me a while to gather my thoughts, and I stood up quickly.

"Are any Devils here? Did someone die? Where did they come from? How do we get out?-" I panicked.

"Woah, chill out. No one's dead, and we'll figure something out." Rachel comforted.

Elena filled the walls with hands that move quickly. "What are you doing?" Rachel asked. "Looking to see if there is an exit. It must be here, since there is an entrance to this."

"Scarlett, can you make the fire bigger?" I asked. She nodded and the cave lit up with brightness.

We all searched for an hour an a half. "There must be something" Elena looked desperate.

"I give up....there's barely anything in here. Except for that hole up there."
Elena pointed up. There was a small hole, in which a kid could fit in. But we weren't exactly small to fit through there anymore.

"Guys, find a stick!" I yelled, grabbing a tremendous one.

"Aqua, this is no time for a scavenger hunt." Rachel frowned.

"Just do it." I assured them.

I'm brilliant.

Elena seemed to get the note and grabbed a bunch.

"Elena, what are you doing? We can't play! We have to get the hell outta here!" Rachel spoke. I could hear the frustration in her voice.

Elena smiled and handed Scarlett and Rachel one. "We'll use this to make the hole up there, larger."

Scarlett shook her head in disbelief.
"How are these, going to help us, make that, bigger?"

I grinned and held out the stick. Elena grabbed a bunch of others and held them together.

"Elena, you're the only one that could do this." I said.

She nodded, and grasped the branches.....or sticks, and started to turn it into thick and sturdy vines.

She tossed it high up, and secured it in place, with her magic. "If you may please." She motioned, and we all started climbing one by one.

Scarlett nodded her head, climbing up first.
She placed the palm of her hands near the hole and exploded it. Rocks came tumbling down and Elena started to complain about how one hit her foot.

"Ah, freedom at last!" Rachel said breathing in the cool air. "Great idea!"

Elena and I exchanged glances, and smiled.

"This view is horrible!" Scarlett said, pinching her nose. I walked over to her, finding a bunch of garbage below us.
How come we didn't see this before?

We were also on the roof of the building but it was pretty flat, so that was lucky.

From underneath, it looked like we were floating in mid-air.
I totally forgot that this building was invisible.

Thank god none of us was afraid of heights.

"We still have time to save Delmas, and our mothers!" Rachel said enthusiastically.

"I think the time is up. But we could save them some other day. Besides, he can't steal Delmas's powers yet without our blood. Now that we know where the main door is located, I feel quite relieved." Scarlett said.

"But, what about our mothers?" Rachel looked depressed.

"They'll be fine. Trust me." I said.

We walked back home. 3 miles, back home. This time, Rachel was too depressed to asked how much longer.
It's also a pretty short chapter.
Today's question:

If you could learn another language, what would it be?


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