It's over

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Authors note/ I will publish the first two chapters of the sequel later. It will start as A Finch and Josie fanfiction but it will end with Hosie so please be patient.

 Hope was cuddled into Josie crying. Hope felt completely powerless. Not only had she been over powered by the new girl but she had Let herself become Addicted to Josie feeding on her, she had let Josie die at a party that SHE walked away from, and she let her Jealousy and insecurities run her life. Hope pulled away from Josie looking up at her, "I'm so sorry Jo, I haven't been a good girlfriend to you, I wish I had done more. If I didn't let my emotions rule me, maybe you would still be alive". Josie looked down at Hope "Hope, I am alive. My heart might not beat but I'm alive. It was my fault I died, I was the one who got drunk, Then drunk vampire blood. I'm the one who made the stupid choice to walk through the woods in the dark. You were angry its a emotion people do feel them you know, you leaving had nothing to do with it". Hope just shook her head as she sat in Josie's arms "And what about Finch? I've seen the way you look at her Jo, You don't look at me like that, not since your change". Josie went silent but knew she needed to say something "Hope, I love you. I am bound to you, Our souls are the same. No one could compare to the way you make me feel. but one thing Finch does that you don't, is tell me her feelings. Yes I can feel yours but you never explain why your feeling them. I had to find out about your addiction through my dad, and I understand that I should have noticed but I was new to everything, I thought you were just trying to help me". Hope was silent for a second then spoke "I'm sorry Jo. I should have been more open with you, I should have told you I loved you the second I found out. And I am going to start now. You want to know How I feel? I'll tell you. I feel lost, angry, unfocused, Jealous, embarrassed, I feel like I'm loosing you and I feel like I'm inferior. Like you don't need me. I've always been the powerful Tribrid who helps everyone else, And above all You. But I failed you that night at the party. I failed my own soulmate". 

Josie was taken aback by everything she had heard, and she didn't know what to say. She could feel every ounce of Hopes, anger and sadness and guilt but still Josie stayed silent. After about 5 minutes Josie finally spoke "Have you not spoken about this in your therapy sessions?" Hope shook her head "I feel like I can't tell anyone, Imagine how weak I would look". Josie sighed at Hope "Hope your not weak, your the strongest person I know. Maybe if you let someone in the-" Josie was cut off by Hope standing up angrily "MAYBE IF I LET SOMEONE IN WHAT? I WOULD FEEL BETTER? MY FEELINGS WOULD GO AWAY? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I DO I WILL BE PERCEIVED AS WEAK! EXPECIALLY IF WORD GETS OUT THAT THE POWERFUL TRIBRID GOT HER ASS KICKED BY A COMMON WOLF!. Josie was starting to feel angry, as she stood up but she knew the last thing Hope needed was more anger to add to her own so she tried to stay calm. "Hope, why is it so important that your so powerful, why do you feel the need to be the Tribrid? Why can't you just be Hope?" Hope frowned as she looked away also standing up "Because as the Tribrid I'm powerful and people respect me, As Hope I'm just the girl who lost her parents and is the only one of her kind and that isn't enough for her own soulmate". Josie walked towards Hope to give her a hug but Hope pushed her away "I don't need your sympathy Jo". Josie furrowed her brows in confusion "I wasn't trying to give you sympathy Hope, your upset I want to give you a hug to comfort you and you are enough for me Hope, and I'm sure its hard loosing your parents but you have done so well and you can keep doing it". 

Hope just stood motionless as Josie looked at her. She thought about what had happened here almost an hour ago, she thought about every way she had hurt Josie, every way she had used Josie to make herself feel good, when she could have just spoken to her. Hope was looking as Josie was staring at her with nothing but love in her eyes, yet Hope refused to feel it. She loved Josie, But she knew she wasn't enough for her anymore and she felt like she didn't deserve it. Taking a deep breath Hope finally spoke "Jo, I can't be with you anymore". Josie stepped back as she could feel her heart breaking "What?" Hope felt more tears stream down her face as she spoke again "I can't be with you anymore Jo, I don't deserve you". Josie felt tears running down her face "Hope your my soulmate, you can't just leave me, I won't let you." Josie vamped forward grabbing Hope but she flashed her eyes and pushed Josie backwards "Don't even try making me stay. I've made my decision If you grab me again I will bite you". Josie stayed on the floor where Hope had pushed her her previous feelings of sadness being replaced with anger "Fine, Go. Never come back". Hope felt sadness rush through her body as she heard Josie's words but without blinking she turned around leaving Josie on the floor in tears. 

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