Full Moon

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Authors note/ This chapter will be re uploaded with edits and improvements. 

 It was Late afternoon and Hope and Josie were walking back from the woods. As they arrived at the school Josie checked the time "Hey Hope, I  have to go and check that the wolf transition cells are ready for tonight, I'll meet you there later". Hope shook her head "No you won't, I don't need a transition cell I don't turn on full moons if I don't want to and Tonight, I don't want to". Josie smiled "Whys that?" Hope Grabbed Josie pulling her into her "Because I was Hoping that you would share my room with me again tonight, We can watch a film, eat snacks, cuddle. What do you say?" Josie giggled kissing Hope quickly "I say, I know my dad's rules and they are that you have to shift on the full moon so you can stay in control of yourself". Hope giggled and sighed "Well it was worth the try". Josie giggled as she waved to Hope and headed down to the cells. 

Josie had checked all the cells and the wolves had started heading down, She showed them to the cells and counted them making sure they all came. Josie waited to make sure they were all There before Pulling the chain around the bars and securing it with a padlock, She then Locked the main door Before saying night to them all. Josie was on her way to her dads office when she bumped into someone, Josie apologised as she looked up at the person "Raf, What the hell, You should be in the cells". Josie quickly grabbed his hand dragging him towards the cells "Jo, It's okay there's still time". Josie sighed answering him "Yeah well dad said everyone has to be at the cells at a specific time". Once she got in the main room she saw Jedd and everyone else just sitting there doing there own things. Quickly unlocking the door Josie gestured for him to go inside, Raf smiled and Hugged Josie before walking in "Please don't tell your dad I was late". Josie smiled as she locked the door behind him and double counted the wolves "I wont". 

Josie went to her dads Office and knocked walking in "Here are the key's to the cells dad, all the wolves are secured". Alaric smiled and thanked Josie before asking her to help Lizzie check that all the vampires were in there rooms. Josie nodded and headed up to the second floor to help Lizzie. After about an hour everything was checked, The wolves were secure and the vampires were in there rooms. Josie yawned as she walked through the halls arm in arm with Lizzie "So, where's your girlfriend?" Josie shook her head at Lizzie "She's not my girlfriend, and I don't know probably getting ready to run around the woods all night" . Lizzie shook her head at Josie "Ok so if she's not your girlfriend, why have you two been spending so much time together?"  Josie swallowed nervously she hadn't wanted to tell Lizzie the reason but at the same time she didn't want to lie, So when they both reached their room they headed in and Josie explained.

"JOSIE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" Josie shrugged her shoulders at Lizzie "Well to be honest I didn't even believe it, I still don't" Lizzie walked over to her and Josie pulled up her sleeve showing Lizzie the mark "Woah, it looks like a heart with paw prints". Josie nodded "that's because it is, the other one is on Hopes arm". Lizzie smiled at her sister "This is huge Jo, You and Hope are destined to be together just like you used to joke about back when you were 14". Josie nodded "I know right, It's so weird". Josie and Lizzie was in the middle of a conversation when they heard a knock at their door. Standing up Josie answered it "Hi, Jo". Josie smiled as she saw Hope on the other side "Hey Hope, you okay? shouldn't you be all wolfie by now?" Josie was silent as Hope was staring at her strangely, then she saw Hopes Eye's flash gold as she spoke "You smell like another wolf". Josie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion then she remembered Raf "Oh yeah, sorry Hope, Raf gave me a hug before I locked him in downstairs". Josie heard a growl escape Hopes throat "No one else should be touching you". Josie was starting to get a little bit nervous at Hope's sudden mood change but she managed to remain calm as she spoke "Hope, I think you need to go for a run, I'll take a shower and wash my clothes and I'll meet you tomorrow morning and we can talk okay?" Hope's eye's were now back to blue as she leant in and kissed Josie "Fine, see you tomorrow, Come find me, I'll be by the dock's again". Josie nodded as she kissed Hope back and waved bye.

Josie woke up at 5.30 am and streched, She had set her alarm last night before she went to sleep so that she could beat anyone else to the docks. climbing out of bed Josie headed to Hope's room to grab her some clothes. Josie knew that Hope preferred loose fitting clothes after she shifted as she usually ached so she grabbed her some joggers, a top and some trainers. Putting the clothes into a bag Josie headed down to the docks. It Didn't take Josie Long to spot Hope who was laying at the base of a tree, Walking over Josie saw she was sleeping so she sat Down next to her and Pulled out a book. Josie had been reading for about half an hour when she heard Hope move. Putting her book down Josie smiled as she came face to face with Hope's wolf. Josie lifted the bag and Hope looked at it barking a little before laying down in front of Josie and putting her head on Josie's lap. Josie was taken aback at First but when she heard Hope whimper she began stroking her. Hope and Josie sat like that for another half Hour when suddenly they heard a twig snap, Hope jumped up standing in front of Josie protectively as she began growling in the direction of the noise. 

It didn't take long for the owner of the noise to step forward and Josie sighed as she saw her dad standing in front of them. "DAD ! what are you doing here?" Hope was still growling standing in front of Josie as Alaric took a step closer "Josie, come here". Josie shook her head at her dad "Why? and answer my question". Alaric looked down at Hope then back up at Josie "Jo, I know that you and Hope are soulmates, and that you want to be around her as much as possible. But Hope has shifted and When she's like this she's unpredictable and dangerous. Just because she can change at will it doesn't mean she can control herself once she has". Once He Finished talking Hope took a step towards him snapping at him almost like a warning. Alaric stepped back and Josie panicked a little bit "HOPE STOP!". Almost as soon as Josie had spoken Hope turned and looked at her before laying down and putting her head between her front legs almost like an apology. Alaric looked at Josie shocked then down at Hope "Hope, I'm sorry if I made you angry, You know that I trust you, But Please stay away from Josie when your Like this". Hope stood Up and growled once more before walking over to Josie Defiantly and laying next to her. Alaric rolled his eye's then looked at Josie "Jo, Can you please meet me in my office with Hope soon, I'll be waiting for you both". 

Hosie: The bondUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum