I keep having dreams

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Hope was sitting at the mill, reading a book. she was broke from concentration by the unnerving feeling that she was being watched. she had the sudden urge to turn around, observing a familiar figure as she did so. "Josie? What are you doing here?" Josie turned and looked at Hope "I'm here because I'm part of you". Hope was confused "What do you mean?" This made Josie giggle. With a smirk, she replied to Hope "We share a piece of each other, you just don't know it yet. But you will". Hope went to speak, but Josie had vanished. Sitting up, Hope called out for Josie "Jo Jo, Where are you?" The brown wolf appears in Josie's place, as if  Hope's words had summoned it. Rolling her eyes, Hope spoke to the wolf  "Jo, why have you become a wolf? in fact, why do you continue to become a wolf?" Wolf  Josie walked up to Hope and nuzzled into her side. Hope just sat there, gently stroking wolf Josie while reading her book again. soon after, wolf Josie rose to her paws and walked away. Hope watched her disappear into the forest. Hope stood, stretching before deciding to take a stroll. Hope eventually found herself at the docks, where she saw Josie. She was sitting there, with her legs dangling over the edge. her feet barely skimming the water. Smiling, she walks over to her "Jo, how do I keep seeing you as a wolf? That is you right?" Josie smiled and nodded "Yes Hope, it's me. I'm a wolf". Hope laughed before sitting beside the girl. "That's impossible, You weren't born with that gene". It was Josie's turn to laugh as she turned to Hope "Your right, I wasn't born with the gene. It's the mark, it allows me to change. Like you can". Hope was about to ask what Josie meant, but the girl had once again disappeared...

Hope awoke, irritation covered her like a blanket of negative energy. She thought her weird dreams were gone, but last night proved otherwise. Finally fed up with them, Hope got out of bed and walked to Alaric's office. instead of knocking, she instead decided to barge in. "Dr Saltzman, have you been reading any more about soul marks?" Alaric looked up "Hi Hope, come in, take a seat. I'm Fine, thanks for asking". Hope was in no mood for humour "Sorry I'm stressed." Alaric nodded "What's bothering you?" Hope took a deep breath "I keep having these weird dreams. They are so vivid, it's like I'm really there. I don't know why, but I feel like they are trying to tell me something." Alaric was quiet for a second, before proceeding to rummage through the books on his desk. finally pulling one from the pile. He flipped through the pages, stopping on one and skimming through the text with his eyes. Hope was becoming impatient, but finally Alaric spoke "These dreams, do you have a re occurring person in them?" Hope swallowed, nodding while hoping he wouldn't ask who "Okay, have you spoken to them in your dream?" Hope nodded once again and Alaric smiled "Okay, That person you keep seeing in your dreams, That's your soulmate". Hope felt her heart stop for a second "I'm sorry, did you just say this person in my dreams is my soulmate?" Alaric nodded "Yeah". Hope raised her eyebrow "Wow, That's a lot." Alaric nodded "Yeah, there's Just one thing." Hope felt slightly worried "What? what is it?" Alaric smiled as he looked at Hope "You can only dream about your soulmate if you've met them. Which means you've already met them, Who is it?".  

Hope smiled, and looked away from Alaric, slightly blushing "Sorry, I really don't feel comfortable telling you. can you wait please?". Alaric nodded "Yeah, It's none of my business anyway. Now I have a party to plan for the twins 16th. So, out you go." Hope's heart jumped at the thought of Josie turning 16. She forgot her birthday was in a few days, and if Alaric was right about the soul mark, it would appear on her soulmate, on Josie. Hope wondered how Josie would feel about a permanent mark tattooed on her skin. Hope sat there for a moment in a daze, before getting up and leaving Alaric's office. Hope had class, and didn't want to be late. She had already missed her first lesson because she was in Alaric's office. Hope got to her class early. walking into the classroom, she greeted the teacher. It wasn't long before a crowd of students turned up and began taking their seats. Hope was reminded of how grateful she was that she was able to sit alone. 

Hope was relieved when the bell signalled the end of class. she found it tedious as she already knew what was being taught. Hope exited the classroom. It was now breaktime and Hope didn't realise how hungry was, she had skipped breakfast so she could talk to Alaric. It didn't take long for Hope to arrive at the Café. She was disheartened to find the café was brimming with people. vampires, witches and werewolves were congregated into their groups, filling all the tables. Hope immediately headed for the kitchen. She was a lone wolf, and hated crowds. They made her feel vulnerable and compromised. Walking into the kitchen, Hope went into the cupboard and grabbed herself a protein bar. Quickly leaving before anyone had a chance to talk to her. Now in her room, Hope let out a sigh of relief, sinking into the sheets of her bed. She now had a free period and was trying to figure out what to do. Hope considered painting, but changed her mind. Nothing had inspired her to want to paint recently. She thought back to her conversation with Alaric this morning. Josie, the weird dreams, the soul mark. Hope bolted upright, the soul mark. She got up and headed out of her room, her destination: the library. Hope decided that she was going to do her own research on the soul mark. Entering the library, Hope headed straight to the back. She grabbed some books, particularly interested in a book titled: Supernatural bonds.  Hope was eager to find something. 

Hope was unsure as to how much time she has spent reading, but she soon found it was time for her lesson. Feeling unsatisfied with her lack of answers, Hope was becoming stressed. Walking into class, Hope was immediately drawn to the front of the room. Looking up, she locked eye's on Josie. The scent of Josie was strong. It drowned out everything else, and Josie was all that Hope could smell. Her sense were so overwhelmed that Hope became dizzy. She was unsure of what was happening, but she had to snap out of it because she could hear Josie's voice. Josie was talking to her "Hope, Are you okay? Your eye's are bright gold. What's going on?" Hope managed to blink a little bit before finally responding to Josie "Jo.. Hi.. I'm okay. Just a little stressed, don't worry about it". Josie nodded before talking again "Okay, but I think you should talk to someone about what's stressing you out. It might help you release some of it". Hope nodded before walking over to her desk, closely followed by Josie who of course was seated right next to her. 

Hosie: The bondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon