She's back

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As soon as Hope turned the key Josie did exactly what Hope had wanted her to do. Vamping straight out the door knocking Hope to the Floor. Josie went to Vamp around the corner to escape until she was stopped by Caroline, and once again was injected with Vervain. As soon as she Fell to the floor. Hope ran over to her putting her hand on Josie's chest and began chanting. After a few minutes Josie's body jumped and Hope passed out. Alaric had been warned this would happen so as soon as Hope fell to the floor Alaric picked her up and leant her against the wall as Caroline Locked Josie back in the cell. 

Hope came round before Josie and sat Up groaning, Holding her head. Alaric instantly leant over her to see if she was okay "Hope, Are you alright? Did it work?" Hope shook her head "I don't know, we have to wait for her to wake up". Alaric Helped Hope to her feet as she stumbled a little bit. After finally regaining herself she walked over to the cage and looked At Josie, she stood just watching her breath for a while until Alaric spoke "Caroline how long will she be out for?" Caroline shrugged "About an hour or so". Alaric nodded. 

Hope, Caroline and Alaric stayed in the cells waiting for Josie to finally come round. Finally after what felt like an eternity of waiting they heard Josie stir. Mumbling Josie sat Up and looked at Hope "Hope?" Hope nodded as she spoke softly relieved to see Josie awake but nervous in case the spell didn't work "Yeah Jo, It's me I'm here". Josie went to speak again but as soon as she stood up she fell to the floor grabbing her chest, the action mirrored by Hope. Alaric Was instantly worried as he bend down "Hope! Hope are you okay?" Hope nodded as tears fell down her face "It worked, I can feel her again, but the pain, Dr Saltzman the pain she feels is so much". Alaric nodded to Caroline who didn't even Give him a chance to tell her she could unlock the cage before she was holding Josie in her arms hushing her trying to soothe her "Jo, Jo, hey look at me". Caroline forced Josie to look at her "It's okay, I'm here, we are all here, we will help you deal with this". Josie shook as Caroline held her sobs wracking through her body. After a few Minutes Josie seemed to still and had sounded like she was a little calmer, But as soon as Hope sat next to her and spoke Josie's sobs started again. Josie looked up and as soon as her eyes locked onto Hope's Josie jumped into her arms "Hope, Hope I'm so sorry, Everything I did and said, Please don't hate me, I'm so sorry". Hope Held Josie rubbing her back to soothe her as she felt Josie's pain building up again "Hey Jo, its okay, I got you, I don't hate you, I could never hate you. I'm sorry to, I never meant to do this to you. I didn't know how much pain this would cause you". 

Hope had calmed Josie down now And they had all moved out of the cells to Alaric's office. Josie sat and watched as Hope got checked for Dark magic residue but luckily none were found. Once Hope and Emma were finished Josie turned to her mum "Mum, I'm Hungry, I'm just going to get some blood". Just as she stood up Hope walked over to her "Hey where are you going?" Hope's tone of voice sounded almost like she was scared that if Josie left she wouldn't come back. frowning Josie looked away "I was just going to get some food, I'm hungry". Hope grabbed Josie's hand "Stay here, I'll get you some Blood". Josie shook her head "NO! no, no blood, just bring me A sandwich or something please". Hope frowned but nodded "Of course Jo, Anything". As Hope left the office and headed down the hall she felt her arm burn. Looking down taking a sharp intake of breath she looked at her mark. The same mark that had previously been fading was now back as bold as when it first appeared. Hope smiled knowing that it meant that her spell had worked, And her Josie was back". Walking into the kitchen Hope began making Josie some food when she heard a voice behind her. Turning around she smiled "Caroline, Hi". Hope turned back around and continued making Josie's food when Caroline began speaking "Hope, You really Love my daughter don't you?" Hope nodded "Yeah, I do, and Even after everything I still think she's a good person".  Caroline nodded "She is. Look, Hope. Josie is going to really struggle over the next few weeks. I need to know that you won't give up on her, No matter what happens". Hope nodded almost immediately "I won't ever give up her, I'm not the type of person to do that. I'm a Mikaelson remember, I will do anything for the ones I love". 

Hope had finished making Josie's food and was heading back to the office with Caroline, Walking in Hope handed Josie the food and Sat next to her "Thank you Hope". As Josie was eating Alaric spoke "Jo, I know that this past week or so has been hard on you, so I'm giving you some time away from class to help. Also, your mum has said she will stick around for a bit longer to help you learn how to deal with all your heightened emotions and your bloodlust. And I know you don't want to talk to or see Lizzie at the moment, But she's told me that when your ready, She will help you control your powers". Josie nodded at Alaric then turned to Caroline "I'm sorry mum, I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. In fact I didn't mean to cause any of you any trouble". Josie looked around the room as all eyes were on her "It's fine sweetheart, I know how overwhelming everything can be, and you've already flipped your switch early, so we can deal with that to, And Hopefully it will help you". Josie nodded as she finished her food. She then turned to Hope who was looking at her like she was the only person in the room "I'm tired Hope, I'm going to go to bed, Do you mind coming with me?" Hope shook her head at her "Of course I don't mind, We can go back to my room and you can rest there". Josie smiled and Nodded standing up. Alaric took her plate and hugged her with Caroline "'I'll take this to the kitchen, Go get some rest, I'll come check on you in an hour". Josie nodded as she walked back to Hope's room holding her hand.

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