Don't Break the bond

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Hope and Alaric walked in silence as they made their way to Alaric's office. Hope sat in the chair opposite the desk. Having had enough of Alaric's silence towards her, she finally spoke up "So why am I here?" Alaric looked at her before standing up and walking around his desk, leaning on the front of it. "What were you thinking Hope? You shifted without consulting me, not to mention falling asleep in broad daylight while still in wolf form. There for everyone to see" Hope attempted to defend herself. "But Dr Saltzman, I can expla-" She was interrupted by Alaric, who was clearly annoyed at Hope for butting in. "I wasn't finished Hope! Then there's Josie. What on earth made you think it was safe to be around her? What if you hurt her? How do you know that you have full control once shifted?" Hope's anger flared at this, her eyes shifting from blue to gold, indicating her rage toward Alaric "How dare you accuse me of hurting Josie!". Hope finished with a deep growl. They both looked at each other in silent surprise. Hope wondered where this sudden hostility was coming from. Her anger went as swiftly as it came. Hope recoiled and looked away from Alaric, feeling guilty about her sudden outburst "I'm Sorry Dr Saltzman. I don't know what came over me. But please trust me when I say I would never hurt Josie". Alaric looked at Hope, his face masked with worry "Hope, are you okay? I feel like something is bothering you, more than usual" Hope replied without thinking "I think I have feelings for your daughter". Hope Blushed, her cheeks a shade of scarlet. She was horrified at what she had just admitted.

Alaric and Hope sat in an awkward silence, just staring at each other for. Before things could get more tense, Alaric quietly spoke "Erm, Which one?" Hope raised an eyebrow, wondering why Alaric would ask such a stupid question "Really Dr Saltzman?" Alaric nodded, seeming to put the pieced together. He spoke again "Ohhh right. Hope, You can't go there with Josie. She will be crushed if you two got involved and she found out you was destined for someone else". Hope shyly averted her gaze, unsure if she should tell Alaric about her dreams. Deep down, she knew she had no choice "That's the thing, I don't think I am destined for someone else". Alaric looked at her, a shadow of confusion on his  face "What do you mean?" Hope took a deep breath as she began explaining "You said that the re occurring person in my dreams was my soulmate right? Well, What if I was to tell you; that the re occurring person in my dreams is.. Josie". Alaric was silent once more. he moved and took a seat back at his desk. He then proceeded to pull a bottle of bourbon and a glass from the top draw of his desk. The silence continued as Alaric poured a glass and took a big mouthful. looking at Hope, she spoke. "That's a lot to process". Hope nodded, Alaric continued. "Have you spoken to Josie about this?" Hope shook her head, suddenly worried "No, But you can't tell her". Alaric shook his head, taking another mouthful of drink "I don't think we have a choice here Hope, She turns 16 at midnight tonight". Hope looked at the clock on Alaric's desk 1.15pm. Hope stood up and started pacing "What are we going to do? I can't force Josie to be with me. We need to find a way to stop the mark appearing, or maybe we can find a way to sever the bond". Alaric shook his head at his desk "We've been through this Hope. There is no way to sever the connection."

Hope sat back down. she had two options, She could either tell Josie, or she could avoid her. Although avoiding Josie hadn't worked. She needed to find a way to get rid of the marks, and quickly. Regardless of what Alaric said, Hope knew that there was always a loophole when it came to magic. Hope decided to once again avoid Josie. She hated the idea, but she felt like she didn't have a choice. Once Alaric had dismissed her, she headed straight for the library. Once there, Hope found a secluded spot. She gathered stacks of books, and was determined to go though every one of them to find a solution to this problem. Hope wasn't even sure what time it was when she finally stopped reading. Although she could tell was that it had been hours, it was now dark outside. Standing up, something caught Hope's attention, It was Josie's scent. With no self control, she followed the scent until she finally spotted Josie. asleep at one of the desks. Smiling, Hope walked over to her. Careful not to cause any loud noises as she didn't want to disturb her Hope gently picked Josie up, and began carrying her back to Josie's room. Once she got to Josie's room, she used a spell to open the door before walking in. Carefully placing her on her bed. Hope stood for a second, smiling at Josie as she slept before remembering that she shared a room with Lizzie. Quickly turning around, Hope was relieved to find Lizzie's bed empty. Hope walked to the door, taking one final glance at Josie before walking out and closing the door behind her. '

Instead of heading back to the library, Hope headed for her bedroom. Moving straight for her bed, she laid down before pulling out a book. She continued reading until she felt exhaustion creeping its way onto her mind. She closed the book and changed into some pyjamas before climbing into her bed and finally falling to sleep.

Hope was standing in the flower field. She found herself here a lot, but this time was different. The flowers were all dead and the trees were on fire. Hope looked around, wondering what had happened to this tranquil place. She suddenly felt a presence, Turning to see a dark shadow form in front of her "Who are you?" The shadow stood there, unmoving. it replied "It's Josie". Hope shook her head "No, Your not Josie". The shadow laughed a sinister tune before finally showing itself completely. Revealing itself to in fact be Josie. Hope was shocked, Josie's hair was a midnight black, her eyes a colourless pit of nothingness. She had dark vein protruding from her hairline "Jo, What happened to you?" Josie laughed as Hope looked at her "You happened to me". Hope was confused and oddly hurt by her words "What do you mean?" Josie took a step closer to Hope, pulling up her sleeve as she did so. Hope looked down and saw a mark, But it wasn't a soul mark. Instead, it looked more like a scar. Hope looked up confused "What is that?" Josie smiled as she began talking "That would have been my soul mark Hope. The one that connected you to me. But you didn't want it, So you asked me to help you get rid of it". Hope was still confused "What did we do? How did we get rid of it?" Josie clasped her hands around  Hope's face, bringing her closer "You found out that in order to get rid of someone's soul mark, You have to get rid of their soul". Hope stepped back "How would someone do that?" Josie shook her head "Easily, You can rid one of their soul, by Ridding one of their Emotions. There was two ways to do this. You had the option to die, come back as a vampire and turn your emotions off. Or We could use a spell I discovered. The trouble with the spell, was that we didn't understand the cost of removing the soul bond". Hope shook her head "What was the cost?" Josie grinned once more "My humanity. I would become overwhelmed by Black magic". Hope felt her heart break "Jo, I'm so sorry; how do I fix this?" Josie smiled once more "Wake up, and don't break the bond".

Hosie: The bondOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant