Happy sweet 16th, there's your soul mark

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Hope woke up covered in sweat, gasping for air. That dream was by far the worst dream she had experienced. Hope noticed it was light outside and checked the time. 6.30am. Hope remembered what day it was. Practically jumping out of bed, Hope threw on some clothes and rushed down to Alaric's office. Once Hope arrived at the office, she let herself in without knocking. In the office, Hope was immediately greeted with the sight of Josie standing in front of the desk; staring back at her. Hope walked over and smiled "Hey Jo, Happy birthday".  The angry expression on Josie's face startled Hope "Really Hope? That's all you have to say?". Hope Looked at Josie, confused. She then noticed the look of guilt on Alaric's face. Turning back to Josie, Hope took a deep breath "I'm going to assume your dad has told you about soul marks". Josie nodded "When was you going to tell me Hope?" Hope looked away, feeling guilty "I was going to tell you Jo. Once I had found a way to get rid of them". Hope heard Josie's breath catch, like she had just been struck in the stomach. She tried to ignore it. Josie walked up to Hope, lifting her sleeve as she did so. Hope observed the familiar mark on Josie's arm. She felt the dance of butterflies in her stomach, making her feel nauseated. "Hope, we share a soul mark. We are soulmates, Why would you want to get rid of that?" Hope shook her head "Jo, It doesn't have to mean anything". Hope once again heard Josie's breath catch and then she felt it. she felt a stabbing pain shoot straight through her heart. Grabbing her chest Hope looked up, seeing Josie in tears "Jo". Before Hope could speak, Josie walked past her off out of the office. Hope felt a swirl of emotions running through her. From anger, Guilt to Sadness. 

Hope looked up at Alaric, anger radiating from her. She could feel her eyes beginning to change colour "How dare you tell her, It was my job to let her know". Alaric looked at Hope, matching her stance; almost as if they were about to fight "She's my daughter  Hope, She came in here this morning confused, she asked me a question and I answered her, You cant be mad at me for that". Hope's anger subsided, But she was still overwhelmed with sadness; and she didn't know why. Hope sat down and looked up At Alaric "I need to know what this mean's now that me and Josie both have soul marks. what's going to happen". Alaric nodded and sat down, looking back at Hope "I Read a few thing's about what could happen with a soul bond. But they are only theories". Hope Nodded "Okay, so tell me what you've read. Maybe there is some truth to these theories". Alaric nodded and began explaining "Okay. So apparently once you've met your soul mate, you will dream about them. We know that much is true. I also read somewhere that once both soulmates are aware of the bond and they both have their marks. They begin to feel or sense each others emotions". Before Alaric could continue to speak, he was interrupted by Hope. "Wait, that explains a lot". Alaric looked at Hope, clearly confused "What do you mean?" Hope looked up back at Alaric "I can feel Josie's emotions, Which means I've upset her. I need to make it better". Hope immediately stood up, not giving Alaric a second glance as she left the office. 

Hope made her way back to her room. Once there, Hope smiled as she grabbed the present she had for Josie and put it in a small silk bag. She put the bag in an envelope with a little note and sealed it before heading to Josie's room. Once there, Hope opened the door and walked in. She knew the twins would be in class so she put the envelope on Josie's bed before walking out; closing the door as she did so. Hope went back to her room to grab her books before heading to her classes. 

The day had been long and Hope was now in her bedroom, getting ready for the twin's party. She normally didn't like party's, but she made an exception since it was Josie. Continuing to dress for the party, Hope heard a knock at her door. This made her Smile as she knows exactly who it was, Hope opened her door "Hi". Hope couldn't help but stare at Josie, she looked beautiful, Hope broke away from staring and managed to speak "Erm, Hey Jo, Are you okay?" Josie nodded and Hope could tell she was lying as she could still feel the sadness from earlier. Hope opened her door and invited Josie in and sure enough, Josie entered and sat on the edge of Hope's bed. "Hope, Can we talk?" Hope shut the door and turned to Josie, making eye contact with her for the first time since this morning. "Sure Jo, What's wrong?" Josie patted the bed next to her and Hope walked over sitting down. "You upset me this morning with what you said". Hope looked down, she could feel the guilt and sadness building up again Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Josie "Jo, I'm so sorry, I never wanted to upset you. I just know this soul mark thing is a lot to take in and I wanted to find a way out for you first". Hope once again felt pain course through her chest and she once again knew she had hurt Josie. "Hope, I don't want a way out of this. We are soulmates. I don't even know what that means exactly but I want to find out. Don't you?" 

Hope nodded "Yeah, of course I want to find out. I just don't want you to feel trapped in something you can't get out of". This time Hope felt anger rise in her "HOPE FOR GOD SAKE! What make's you think that I want to get out of it? Why are you trying so hard to destroy this?" Hope was taken aback, very rarely did you see Josie get angry enough to shout, she replied to Josie "I'm not trying to destroy this Josie, but I don't even know what being soul mates means, just like you said". Josie took a deep breath and Hope felt the anger start to subside "Look Hope, I know that your scared. I don't know how I know, but I just do, I also know that you didn't mean to hurt me and you feel guilty about it. But what if there's nothing to be scared of? what if this ends up being a good thing? We won't know anything about these marks or this bond unless we try and figure it out together, as friends?" For some reason, the word friends stung Hope a little. She was sure it was because of her crush on Josie. Hope had figured out that she had feeling's for Josie not long before her soul mark appeared, but she would never admit it. So when Hope found out that she was destined for Josie, she was fine with it. What she wasn't fine with however,  was that Josie might never feel the same way she did. Although they were destined to be together Hope didn't know if it was as Friends, Or more. Hope finally nodded as she smiled at Josie "Fine, we will figure this out together, There is one thing I can explain though". Josie nodded "Okay, what's that?" Hope took a deep breath and began explaining "You said that you know I feel guilty and scared right?" Josie nodded, still listening "Well that's because part of this bond means we can feel what each other are feeling". Josie nodded and smiled lightly "Thank you for telling me, It explains a lot". Hope nodded and stood up before walking over to her door and opening it "Shall we go and party then?" Josie stood up, walking over to Hope and smiled at her "We shall". They both then headed down to the hall.

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