Soul mates

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Hope had spent all of last night with Josie. They spoke, laughed and watched movies. Hope had been so happy and content that she had completely forgotten about all the negative baggage from before. By the time the movie was finished, it was late. So Hope decided to ask Josie to stay for a sleepover. Josie agreed, and they were soon asleep. Hope woke up and yawned before sitting up. she thought back to last night and smiled. It was the first time she had slept in the last 24 hours without her weird dream occurring. Hope looked next to her and smiled again, seeing Josie asleep. Something about the sleeping girl next to her felt soothing. Hope wished she could stay and cherish this moment a little while longer. She instead sat there, watching Josie sleep. She was broken out of her daze by the buzzing of her phone. Picking it up, she saw she had a text from Alaric: Come to the office asap.

Hope sighed as she snuck out of bed, careful not to wake Josie. Hope quickly went to her drawers and pulled out a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a top. she changed in the bathroom before heading out, Taking one last look at Josie before leaving. Once Hope was in the hallway, she headed down to Alaric's office. Hope reached the office and knocked, being called in almost immediately. Hope walked in and saw Alaric, he looked tired and there were books everywhere. She walked over to the chair opposite Alaric's desk and sat down "What's up? I got your text". Alaric handed Hope a book and she read the title of the page "Soul marks". Hope looked at Alaric, confused. reading Hope's expression, he began talking. "I can see your confused, let me explain. Basically that mark on your arm is a soul mark. They appear on specific types of people when they reach 16". Hope nodded "Okay, specifically what type of person? What does it mean?". Alaric stood up and walked around his desk, before leaning on the front of it "A soul mark is the physical manifestation of the bond between two souls. You have that mark on your arm, and the person you are bound to will also have the same mark. As for the specific type of person, it only appears on supernaturals and its an extremely rare occurrence". Hope nodded understanding "So basically your saying soulmates are real?" Alaric nodded at Hope "You got it in one". 

Hope sat there in silence. Somewhere out there, Hope had a soulmate. she didn't know how to feel about this, blessed or repulsed. Hope mentally went through all the people she knew. Trying to figure out if she had ever seen the same mark on someone before. but nothing leapt out at her. Eventually Hope looked at Alaric "Did the books say anything about how to get rid of a soul mark?" Alaric looked at Hope, surprised at Hope's response. But he shook his head "You can't, A soul mark is a permanent thing". Hope felt anger rise in her "So let me get this straight! I have a non optional soul mark which means I'm linked to another person forever, and there's nothing I can do about it?" Alaric shook his head "I'm sorry Hope, but you will just have to figure out a way to live with it. Hopefully when you find your soulmate you can both work through it". Hope stood up, angrily throwing the book she was holding onto the chair behind her "Thank you for researching this for me, but I'm not interested in having a soulmate". 

Hope stormed out of Alaric's office and headed into the woods. Once she reached the tree line, she hid behind the bush again and took her clothes off. Once she was in her underwear she shifted and began running through the woods. Hope replayed her conversation with Alaric over and over in her head. Why was it whenever she was happy the universe turned on her? Hope finally stopped at the dock and laid down. Hope laid there, thinking. She thought about the mark, the vivid dreams about Josie. The way she felt around Josie. Hope had been thinking for so long that she didn't realise that it was almost mid afternoon. Hope stood up and turned around. Slowly walking through the woods when she saw two people walking towards her. Quickly ducking and hiding in a bush, she watched as the people got closer. Hope instantly knew one of the people was by their familiar scent: Josie. Hope cursed to herself as she forgot that Josie had been sleeping in her room. She had hoped to get back before she woke, but she had lost track of time. Hope watched from the bush as Josie walked past with Raf and growled softly, Without thinking, she followed them from a distance all the way to the mill. 

Hope laid in the woods just outside the mill, trying to avoid their sight, she just sat there, with mixed feelings of jealousy and anger welling inside her. She watched as Raf would lean in too close to Josie on purpose, and she watched as Josie would blush and giggle when he told a joke. It broke Hope's heart, seeing Josie like this with someone else, it should be her who's making Josie blush and smile. Hope just laid there, watching until she was physically unable to take anymore punishment. She stood up and streched, before turning away and heading back to the bush. Once Hope got back, she shifted and put her clothes back on; including the bracelet Josie got her. Which Hope had to admit was her favourite thing at the moment. Hope walked back to her room, still feeling bitter about seeing Josie with Raf. She walked in and laid on her bed. It still smelt of Josie and Hope Smiled slightly. The exhaustion from her emotions and her shift slowly creeping up on her. Hope soon gave in and drifted to sleep.

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