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(Sexual content/short time skip)

Hope woke up next to Josie. Josie was lightly snoring and Hope grinned at the sound, it was almost as if a cat was purring. Taking her hands she began to run them down Josie's face then onto her neck and down her arm. Hope hadn't noticed but Josie's eyes had fluttered open and she was watching Hope intensely. After a few minutes Josie Spoke making Hope Jump "Morning baby". Hope smiled when Josie rolled over putting her arm over Her waist "Morning, Love". Josie smiled looking up at Hope "can we just stay in bed all day and watch movies?" Hope wanted nothing more than to say yes but she knew that Caroline would be here soon for there second week of training. "I'm sorry babe, but your mum will be here soon for more training so we have to get up". Josie groaned as Hope began to Move but using her strength she pulled Hope back down on to the bed "Stay here with me, You know I can make you". Hope Shivered a little bit, Just the strength of Josie holding her down made her feel hot and bothered. Taking a deep breath as she saw gold creeping into her vision, Hope managed to calm herself before turning back to Josie "Jo, we really need to get up". Josie huffed Angrily before letting go of Hope "Fine, but I'm in a bad mood today". Hope could tell as she could feel it and she sat up as Josie rushed round the room grabbing clothes "Why are you in a bad mood Jo?" Josie turned and looked at Hope "Because all I want is one day where I can just be normal and not have to worry about controlling my bloodlust, plus Lizzies probably in a bad mood today to, Her mood effects mine sometimes its a twin thing". Hope climbed out of bed And walked over to Josie wrapping her arms around Josie's waist "I think maybe your hangry". Hope leaned close to Josie's "Why don't you have something to eat". Hope's voice was low and suggestive and as she pulled away she could see that Josie's eyes had also darkened.

Hope grinned her plan having the desired effect on Josie that she wanted. Josie smirked before grabbing Hope's hips and vamping her to the bed. Hope fell backwards as She felt Josie crawl on top of her and her eyes instantly flashed gold. Josie had managed to gain control of her emotions now, for which Hope was grateful for, She had slip ups every now and then though, but Hope could deal with that. Josie lowered her head to Hopes before catching her lips with her own. They Kissed softly for a second but it quickly became heated, Hope switched places with Josie, Her now on top, and her outer vision was completely yellow as her eyes now glowing bright. They started making out again and Hope started kissing Down Josie's jaw, Then to her neck before tugging at the bottom of Josie's pyjama shirt to get her to take it off. Josie pulled back and removed The shirt Hope doing the same, they then continued for a second until Josie pulled away. Hope looked at her confused but realization snapped when she saw the black veins beneath Josie's eyes. Grabbing Josie's face with her hands she forced Josie to look at her "Hey Jo, come on, look at me, you aren't going to hurt me okay you don't want to feed". Josie closed her eyes for a second and the vein's receded. Smirking she then began kissing Josie again. After a few minutes Hope pulled back a little before getting off of Josie and kneeling on the floor. She then tugged Josie's shorts off and started leaving kisses on Josie's thigh Causing Josie to let out a little whimper, Hope grinned into Josie skin as she continued receiving little moans and whimpers every time her lips touched Josie's skin. 

Hope was almost intoxicated by the sounds Josie made and the way she rolled her hips trying to get Hope to make more contact with her skin. Hope was finding it hard to keep her composure as she ran her hand up Josie's thigh, She wanted more. Just as Hope was about to take a step further with Josie, she heard a voice at the door "Girl- OH MY GOD I'M SORRY I SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED! Can you please put you clothes back on?" Hope growled in annoyance Just as she was about to get what she wanted she was interrupted and it was frustrating. Pulling away From Josie she looked up and saw Josie Hiding her face behind her her hands "Is now good to turn my humanity back off?" Hope and Josie giggled as they both rushed to put there clothes back on. Hope was still feeling frustrated though so as they opened the door and walked past Caroline Hope flashed her eyes at her and growled. 

They all headed back to the mill and once again Hope put up the containment spell "Okay we will just get straight into it". Hope and Josie nodded as Caroline Took Hopes hand and cut it. Josie's eyes instantly fell to Hopes hand as it bled but she stood still not moving. Caroline smiled as Hope's hand healed "Jo, Wow, I'm impressed". Josie smiled then looked at Hope who looked at her beaming. Once again Caroline took Hope's hand and cut it and once again Josie stayed rooted to the spot. They tried it a few more times with Josie only faltering once or twice. After a while Caroline could see Josie had got the hang of ignoring the blood and the impulse so they turned to something else "Okay Hope, I need you to put your hair to one side to expose your neck". Hope nodded doing what was instructed of her "Good, Now go and stand in front of Josie". Hope nodded walking over to Her and standing in front of her "Good". Hope stood for a second not sure why Caroline had her do this "Hey Miss Forbes, Why make me do this?" Caroline smiled as she explained "To see if Josie can resist it. Right now she can hear your heart beat, she can see your pulse in your neck, she can hear your blood flowing". Hope nodded as she turned to look at Josie, Josie's eyes were glued to her neck and her Veins were pulsing. Hope could feel how intense Josie's stare was, It was almost as if Hope was Josie's entire life force. Seeing Josie's eyes this dark reminded Hope of what had happened earlier, she felt her heart rate spike and the second it Did she felt a sharp pain in her neck and a sudden dull ache. The feeling was only momentary but it made Hope's eyes flash and her breath hitch, Having Josie's fangs in her neck felt good but the feeling of Josie's lips and breath on Her neck felt even better. Mixing all the feelings together made Hope feel almost like she was in a state of euphoria. 

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