Crush on me

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Authours note/ this part will be re uploaded with corrections and improvements

Hope woke up smiling. She had slept really well last night and it was the best night sleep she had had for a while. Looking next the her Hope felt her heart skip as Josie was sound asleep with her arm over her. Hope could get used to this. Hope stayed Laying in bed for a while longer Until Josie began to stir Next to her. Turning so she was facing her she watched as Josie's eyes fluttered open "Good morning Jo". Hope watched as Josie Smiled at her "Good morning Hope". Hope couldn't deny that Josie's Morning voice was hot. But she tried ignoring the feeling as she Knew that Josie wanted to be just friends. It still hurt but she knew that as long as Josie was in her life some way It was worth it. Hope went to get out of bed when She felt Josie Grab her waist and pull her back "Hopee, stay in bed with me, It's the weekend". Hope turned around and Laid back down smiling, she couldn't resist Josie when she was being this cute. "Fine But we have to get up at some point". Hope felt Josie cuddle into her side "Nope, your stuck with me". Hope could feel her heart racing, She wanted nothing more than to Turn over and Kiss Josie but she knew that's not what Josie wanted. 

After a while The feeling started getting to much for Hope and she had to get up. Without saying a word Hope sat up and moved Josie's hand before standing and walking to her drawer. Hope then heard Josie's voice behind her "Hope, what's wrong?" Hope smiled and turned around Facing her "Nothing's wrong Jo, I just have things to do today?" Hope felt a rush of Sadness and walked over to her bed sitting down "What's up Jo, why you suddenly sad?" Josie was quiet for a second before looking at Hope "I was hoping we could spend the day together". Hope smile at her "Okay". Hope watched as Josie Looked up at her excitedly "Really? what about the stuff you have to do?" Hope shook her head "It can wait". Hope felt the sadness she had previously felt fade and be replaced with happiness.

Josie sat Up Pulling Hope into a hug and Hope smiled "Okay, so what do you want to do ?" Josie grinned and laid back down Pulling the covers back "Watch a movie". Hope smiled and grabbed her laptop before crawling back In bed next to Josie. Hope and Josie scrolled through Netflix until Josie found a film she wanted to watch. It wasn't Hopes Kind of film but if Josie Liked it Hope would watch it. During the film Hope had Noticed that Josie had got really close To her. Her head was on Hope's shoulder and her legs were over Hope's. Hope could feel her heart beating hard against her chest every time Josie's Hand brushed her thigh. Once the film Was Finished Hope felt Josie Move, she looked next to her when She realised her face was inches from Josie's. Hope felt her breath hitch and She heard that Josie's had to. Hope looked down at Josie's Lips before looking back up when she noticed that Josie's eye's seemed dark, almost lustful. Hope swallowed and went to back off when she felt Josie's hand on her face she then suddenly felt uneasy as Josie's face leant closer. Hope stayed still almost like if she moved this moment would vanish Finally she felt Josie's lips on hers. 

Hope was still for a moment until finally kissing back. The kiss was soft and a little bit clumsy at first until they both finally found a rhythm. Hope felt her earlier uneasiness disappear as she felt Josie pushing her back Hope didn't fight it as she felt Josie climb on top of her. After about 5 minutes of intense kissing Josie pulled away and looked down at Hope who's eyes were shining gold. Hope hadn't noticed until she heard Josie talking "Hope, your eye's they're Gold again". Hope sat Up with Josie On her lap before taking a few deep breath's finally her eyes went back to blue "Sorry Jo, Erm, They do that when I'm, well You know". Josie grinned as she put her finger under hope's chin and lifted her head up "It's fine Hope, I do need to talk to you though". Hope nodded "Sure what's wrong?" Hope felt only what she could assume was nervousness build up in her "I want to start by explaining that kiss, I know that you maybe don't feel this way, and maybe I pressured you into it but I have been wanting to kiss you for a long time. Also I want to talk to you about something else, I kind of have a crush on you. I have since I was 14. If this makes thing's awkward its fine and I can leave but I didn't want you to be confused or think that I was using you or something". 

Hope was surprised by Josie's confession but she couldn't help but smile all she had wanted was this moment and now it was finally here. Hope looked at Josie and smiled "Thank you for telling me, Jo, and if were being Honest, I've had a crush on you for a long time. I don't want to make things awkward or rush things but do you want to go on a date with me?" Hope watched as Josie's face turned into a huge smile "Yes I would like to go on a date with you, But only if you let me kiss you again". Hope smiled at Josie as she brushed a bit of hair out of her face "Of course you can". Hope leant in meeting Josie half way as there lips met in a passionate kiss. they sat kissing for a while when there was a knock at Hope's door forcing them to break apart Hope groaned as Josie giggled, before finally Hope got up and answered the door. "Hey Hope is my sister here?" Hope nodded as she turned to Josie "Hey Jo, It's Lizzie". Josie stood up and walked over to the door standing next to Hope "What's up?" Lizzie smiled as she handed Josie a set of keys "Here, dad want's you to secure the wolves in the cells tonight". Josie nodded and took the keys "Oh, and once you are done hooking up please come back to our room I want to tell you all about last night". Josie felt her face go red once Lizzie hugged her and left. She shut the door turning to Hope who was standing there looking Amused "Shut up". Hope started laughing as they sat back on her bed. 

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