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Hope once again found herself in the middle of the field, still covered in flowers. Only this time, she was completely alone. She gazed around, calling out for someone. Her only answer the howling of the wind. Frowning, Hope walks through the woods with no destination in mind. Eventually finding herself at the docks. She jolts at the sound of a twig snapping behind her. Turning to see Josie, Hope smiles. Feeling relieved as she begins to move towards her. Stopping upon the realisation that Josie wasn't alone. Beside Josie was Raf. His eyes appearing gold as he took Josie in his arms and kissed her. He begin compassionately removing her clothes. Hope felt her heart shatter. Sprinting toward them, Hope shoves Raf away from Josie. The push causes Raf to vanish. Hope turns to look at Josie, her eyes flashing gold. She looks at Josie, who's eyes were a match to her own. Josie reaches out, touching Hope's face. Upon contact, the feeling vanishes. Hope's eyes flew open, scanning the docks for Josie; who was no where to be seen. Hope shifts and makes her way towards the school. To the place where she had last found Josie. Instead of Josie, she was met by the brown wolf. Hope walked over and nudged it. The wolf responded by shifting into Josie, who once again crouched down beside Hope "Soon it will all make sense my love. You will understand our bond". and with that Josie disappears... 

Hope woke up to the sound of knocking. Shaking her head, attempting to rid herself of the lingering dream. She rises and walks to the door, answering it. Hope was shocked to see the girl from her dream standing behind the door "Hi. I hope its okay if I drop by. You said earlier that I could come over, but you weren't specific when". Hope was silent. She loved it when Josie got nervous, she found it cute. Once Josie had finished talking, Hope smiled and stepped aside. signalling for Josie to enter. With Josie inside, Hope shut the door and sits on her bed. Josie stood awkwardly in the middle of Hope's room "You can sit down you know". Hope smiled as Josie walked over and sat next to her "Don't be so nervous Jo, I don't bite". Hope watched as Josie smiled "I'm not nervous about being around you Hope, I'm nervous that you might not like what I got you". Hope frowned, seeing the uncertainty on Josie's face. without a second thought, she reached for Josie's hand. Grabbing it. 

Upon Contact with Josie's hand, Hope felt a shock ripple through her body. She attempted to swallow the lump in her throat. Trying to ignore the feeling, Hope began speaking. "Jo, It's okay. I'll like whatever you got me because it's from you". Josie smiled, which causes Hope to smile in return. Josie let go of Hope's hand. Hope instantly missed the feeling, she wanted the sensation of touching Josie to return. Josie put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a little box. She opened it, revealing a little bracelet with a wolf on it. Hope looked at it and grinned. Not only did it fit perfectly as Josie slipped it onto her wrist, but the little wolf adorning the bracelet was white. Just like her. Hope couldn't stop smiling, her new bracelet was the cutest present she had ever received. Hope looked at Josie, who was staring back at her with a nervous shadow across her face. "Thank you Josie, I love it". Josie smiled and stood up, "I'm glad you like it. I've got to go now, I'll see you around". Hope frowned, she didn't want Josie to leave. She wanted to be close to her. Without thinking, Hope spoke "Where are you going? Do you want to stay and hang out?" Josie turned around, smiling at Hope before shaking her head "I'm sorry Hope, I can come back later if you want? but I'm meeting Raf". 

Hearing Raf's name brought flash backs of the dream. Hope entire mood shifted, Hope was hit by an emotional wall of anger. She was unsure why. Hiding her face from Josie, Hope looked at the floor "Oh, I didn't know you and Raf were close, but maybe you can come back later so we can hang out". Hope didn't look up at the sound of her door opening "I'll be back around 6". Hope just nodded. After the door closed, Hope stood and walked to the bathroom . She splashed water on her face, trying to cool off. she looked up and noticed the gold reflection of her eyes in the mirror. Hope closed her eyes and took some deep breaths, letting her anger dissipate with the rise and fall of her chest. She dared a second glance in the mirror, relieved to see her eyes had gone back to their natural blue.

Hope left her room, and headed to Alaric's office. This would be the second visit today. After knocking the door, Hope waited for a response and entered upon being called inside. Hope attempted to put on a brave, yet unconvincing face as she spoke to Alaric "Hey Dr Saltzman, can I go for a run?" Alaric was quiet for a moment, but nodded "Yeah, back of the woods, stay away from the mill though. Lizzie is there studying with MG, Josie and Raf". Hope nodded before walking out of the room. This form of relief was needed. The simplified animalistic nature of the wolf allows Hope to more easily cope with her feelings and emotions. The raw power of love, hate and jealously are far too overwhelming for Hope to handle. Hope reaches the tree line and and darts behind a bush, quickly stripping out of her clothes. Hope gave into the sweet agony of the shift, emerging from the bush a white wolf. Hope began running as fast as she could, feeling all her emotions slowly fade to nothingness. After what felt like hours of running, Hope returned to the bush she had shifted behind and morphed once again back to her human form. 

Once Hope was dressed, she made her way back to her room. She felt more relaxed now, but she still had a few lingering questions in her mind. How did she really feel about Josie? Why did she keep dreaming about Josie? Why did she have this mark on her arm?". Once Hope had arrived, she saw Josie standing outside her room. Smiling, Hope walked over to her "Hey you". Josie smiled back "Hey Hope, you been running?" Hope opened her door and invited Josie in "Yeah I have, how can you tell?" Josie smiled "I couldn't, I asked my dad where you were". Hope smiled "Oh so your stalking me now?" Josie shook her head "No I jus-". Josie was cut off by Hope "I was Joking Jo". Josie smiled and sat on Hope's bed, Hope closely followed and sat next to Josie "Wanna watch a movie?" Josie nodded and Hope pulled out her laptop and loaded up Netflix. 

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