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Authours note/ This chapter will be re uploaded and edited with corrections and improvements

Alaric was sitting behind his desk when Josie and Hope walked in. Alaric stood up and gestured to the chairs in front of him "Please, sit down". Josie and Hope took a seat and Alaric began talking "Jo, You know I love you, I'm trying to protect you. Now I know Hope isn't Dangerous when she's Human, But when she's a wolf it's different she's not herself the wolf takes over her and they might share the same thoughts but its still extremely dangerous, not just for you but for Hope as well". Alaric heard Hope snort as he was talking "Hope, I know your angry with me, but I'm just trying to protect you and Josie, I care about you both a great deal. You know that when your a wolf you aren't completely in control and I don't want you to do something you would regret". Hope looked at Josie who seemed upset "Dr Saltzman, It's not Josie's fault that she comes to me when I'm a wolf, Its mine. Even as a wolf There's one thing I'm sure about and that's that I will never hurt Josie. I love being around her. I don't know if its because of the bond we share or what, but I feel like I need to be around her It doesn't feel right when I'm not. I'm asking you to trust me, All I want to do is protect her". Alaric sighed and sat down almost defeated "All right look, Here's what we will do. I will study some more on this bond, I'll even call your aunt Freya and see if she knows anything. In the mean time, If you want to spend time with Josie and be a wolf, I want you to transform in the cells. Josie can sit outside the cage, and that way you will both be safe. Deal?" Hope sighed but agreed.

Alaric had dismissed them from his Office but Hope could tell that Josie was upset. Once they got back to her room Hope sat on her bed with Josie "Hey Jo, You've been really quiet, what's wrong". Josie laid down and Hope laid next to her "I feel bad". Hope giggled a little trying to lift the mood "Well, Duh, I can feel it, what's the reason you feel bad?" Josie looked at her and shook her head "I feel bad because Thanks to me you've lost your freedom for god knows how long. Unless I stop hanging out with you as a wolf". Hope could tell that Josie was feeling guilty so she pulled her into her and hugged her "Jo, it's okay, If the price of my wolf seeing you is that I have to change in a cell, So be it. As long as I get to see you It's worth it". Hope felt Josie's mood lift a little and smiled as they laid there hugging but she still had a slight hint of sadness that she knew belonged to Josie". 

Hope and Josie must have fallen asleep hugging as the next thing Hope remembered was waking up to the sound of knocking. Standing up Making sure not to wake Josie Hope walked over to the door answering It "Hey Hope, sorry to drop in like this but Lizzie said Josie might be here". Hope was surprised to see Raf outside her door but was slightly irritated that he was after Josie. Ignoring the feeling Hope nodded "Yeah, Josie's here, but she's sleeping at the moment". Raf looked at his watch before nodding "Okay, could you ask her to maybe drop by my dorm later or tomorrow at some point? I wanted to ask her something". Hope suddenly felt fear build up in her. She hadn't even asked Josie to be her Girlfriend yet or took her on their first date, What If that's what Raf wanted to ask her. Hope tried to supress her feelings as she nodded at Raf and shut the door. As soon as the door shut Hope heard Josie on the bed "Hope, What's wrong?" Hope turned around forcing a smile on her face "Hey Jo, nothings wrong. That was Just Raf, he wanted me to ask you to meet him in his dorm or something". Josie stood up walking over to her before brushing some hair out her face "What's wrong Hope? did you forget I can feel your feelings?" Hope sighed as she walked past Josie and sat on her bed "Look Jo, I know that we can feel each others feelings but sometimes I don't want to talk to you about why I feel them, I Didn't ask to be soul bound to you". Hope felt a wave of sadness rush through her that quickly turned to anger. Hope looked at Josie knowing full well that she had Just upset her and she immediately regretted her words. Josie was walking towards her door before she quickly stopped and turned around looking Hope straight in the eyes "Don't talk to me about your feeling's then. as for our soul bond I'll just pretend it's not there, That way you don't have to acknowledge it either". 

Hope was sat on her bed Josie had walked out on her about an hour ago and Hope was left with feelings of anger, sadness and Guilt inside her. Hope knew that half of the sadness and anger belonged to Josie so she was waiting for it to subside a bit before going to find her. Time seemed to be passing by slower and Hope was becoming increasingly more frustrated. Josie should be calmer by now but Hope could still feel her. Finally un able to handle it Hope headed out of her room and into the woods, She wasn't allowed to shift outside with Josie but on her own it was fine. Hiding behind the bush she stripped and shifted before running, finally feeling her frustration calm down. Hope had been running for a few Hours now and was feeling a lot more calmer. Walking back to the bush Hope shifted back and got dressed before heading to find Josie, She knew she needed to apologise to her for her actions before and make things right.

Hope had reached Josie's room and knocked waiting for an answer. After a few minutes Lizzie answered the door "What do you want?" Hope rolled her eyes at Lizzie "What I want is your sister, Is she here?" Lizzie shook her head "No, she's with Raf I think, she came here crying because of something, I'm assuming you. Then Raf turned up and asked if she wanted to hang out and talk about it". Hope frowned at the thought of Josie being alone with Raf "Where did they go?" Lizzie shrugged "Listen Mikaelson, I don't know what you said to my sister, but she was heartbroken when she came back, Mark my words when I say If you hurt her again I will literally siphon the life out of you". Lizzie closed the door leaving Hope alone. Turning around Hope headed straight for Raf's dorm.

Hosie: The bondHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin