A Heretic with No Humanity

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Alaric stood up and began Pacing before turning to Hope once more and taking a deep breath "I read something a while ago about Soul mark's, I read that there was only 1 way a connection could be broke". Hope looked up at Him angrily "AND YOU CHOOSE NOW TO TELL ME!" Hope's eye's flashed gold as Alaric continued "I'm sorry Hope, The only way that a soul bond can be broken, Is if one of the people in the bond Doesn't have a soul, Which means". Hope was silent a Moment before she began speaking cutting Alaric off  "Wait, I dreamed that once". Alaric raised his eyebrow "What do you mean?" Hope stood up and began Pacing "In order to break a soul bond One needs to have no soul. And in order for one to have no soul they need to have No feelings". Everyone was silent for a second until Hope felt her heart break with her next words "She turned off her humanity". Alaric looked at Caroline who looked almost like crying. Hope walked over to Alaric with tears streaming down her face "We have to find her, We have to bring her back. Soulmates or not now. I love her". Alaric could see the pain in Hope's eyes as she spoke. Nodding he looked at Caroline then back at Hope "We will Find her. All of us, We will bring her Home". Caroline stood up nodding as she headed for the  door "I will check in town for any signs of her". Hope nodded as she left and Turned to Alaric "I'm going to get Lizzie to help me with a locator spell". Alaric shook his head at Hope "It won't work, You need Josie's blood". Hope shook her head "No I don't. I just need black magic". Before Alaric could speak Hope left His office. Standing Up Alaric began making some phone calls to see if any of the hospitals had any cases that might seem like a vampire. 

Josie was walking through a neighbourhood in mystic falls. It wasn't far from the school, but wasn't close enough to get caught. She remembered the look on Hope's face, The anger in her eyes because of her own selfish actions. She was never like this before she changed. Josie couldn't help but feel like everything in her life had been turned upside down in one night. How is it she went from being a teenage witch, to a Vampire in one night. A teenage witch! Since turning Josie hadn't even though about if she still had her powers or not. Running over to a small wooded area Josie gathered some sticks together before closing her eyes and chanting. "Incendia". Josie was scared to open her eyes in case her magic was gone, but instead she was graced with a sudden warmth. Opening her eyes Josie looked down at the twigs and saw them burning, Smiling she felt the slightest bit of Joy creep through the black abyss of emotions she was currently feeling, But as quick as it came it was gone.

Josie sat quietly by the small fire as she felt all her emotions raging inside her. She was raged with what she had done to The girl, She was remorseful for hurting Hope but over all she was in Despair about the fact she felt like she had lost everything. Josie sat trying to find a way to make her feelings stop when she remembered something she had read. 'Young vampires can turn there emotions off'. Josie sat silently for a second trying to remember How, then She did. 'Some vampires turn their emotions off by imagining a switch'. Josie sat silently for a second contemplating it when she felt another surge of remorse fill her chest. Finally Taking a deep breath, Josie closed her eyes and imagined the switch, after a few seconds Josie imagined it being turned off and the sure enough She felt nothing. Finally Standing up Josie grinned as she walked by a near House, she was feeling hungry. Knocking on the door she waited for an answer and she was soon met by a young woman. Smiling she explained that she was lost and needed to borrow a phone as hers was dead. Without thinking the woman invited Josie in and as soon as the door was closed She grabbed her plunging her teeth into the girls neck within a few minutes she dropped the body to the floor speaking to herself "That's the best meal I've had in a while". Josie walked around the house looking at stuff when she decided to take a nap. Walking upstairs s he laid down and within a few minutes she fell asleep.

Josie woke up and quickly jumped up vamping herself into a corner, The sunlight had burned her hand as she had forgot to ask one of the witches to make her a daylight ring. Sighing grumpily Josie sat down in the corner. She was hungry but knew she was unable to go out, but then she remembered that it was a weekend and tonight all the teenagers from mystic falls high would be partying somewhere. Josie smiled to herself, she was going to have the time of her life once the sun had set.

Hope had tried to use black magic to find Josie but for some reason none of the other witches would help and Lizzie was unable to Hold it long enough without passing out. Hope was getting frustrated but knew that she had to try and stay calm or she would lose her mind. It was getting late and Hope had returned to Alaric's office to see if Him or Caroline had any luck. Walking into the office Hope sat down seeing Alaric and Caroline  already there "Have you found anything?" Caroline shook her head and so did Alaric, Standing up Hope shook her head "Were not doing enough, I'm not doing enough". Caroline stood up placing her hand on Hope's shoulder but Hope brushed it off "Can we please go and have one more look? It's getting dark, she's probably been hiding all day, She doesn't have a daylight ring yet". Caroline looked at Alaric who nodded "Fine, I don't know where she would be though". Hope shrugged her shoulders "Lizzie might know, she knows Josie better than anyone". Alaric looked at Caroline "You and Hope go ahead, I will get Lizzie and we will follow". Caroline nodded as she smiled lightly at Hope "Come on, Lets go".

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