part of the school

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Josie and Finch arrived at Mystic falls High. Walking in they headed towards the principles office. Knocking He called For them to come in. Walking in he asked what he could do for them. Finch Handed The papers to the Principle Before speaking "I need you to sign these papers please. They are for my transfer to The Salvatore school".  The principle nodded and Looked at Josie "Are you here on behalf of the headmaster? I haven't had a call from Him to allow me to sign these, so I assume he sent you in his place". Josie shook her head "I'm the headmasters daughter". He nodded as he read through the papers. He then put them on a pile with a load of paperwork "Okay Let me make a call to Dr Saltzman, it might take a day or two but I will get your papers signed". Josie sighed as she looked at Finch "sorry about this" Finch stood looking confused until Josie Vamped behind the headmaster And sunk her teeth into his neck. After a few seconds she dropped him back in his chair then looked him dead in the eyes "You will forget all about what just happened, You will wear a scarf and you will sign the papers that Finch just gave you". The headmaster nodded as he grabbed the papers signing them he then handed them to Finch who looked somewhere between terrified and impressed. They then left the headmasters office and began walking down the hall "Well That was terrifyingly Hot". Josie giggled and smiled "Well, I can compel people to get my own way". Finch looked away a second "Did you compel me to like you?" Josie giggled as she bumped Finches shoulder "It doesn't work like that, I can't compel super naturals like you". Finch smiled "Your girlfriends pretty intense isn't she?" Josie smiled "Yeah but she's been through a lot". Finch nodded "I just don't understand how a girl like her gets a girl like you". Josie was silent for a minute before speaking "I wonder that sometimes, Sometimes I feel like she deserves better than me. Before I became what I am now She was always there protecting me looking after me. I feel like now that I'm like this she loves me less than before. I feel like she needs someone who relies on her. And I don't have to anymore". Finch stopped walking and pulled Josie into her hugging her. Josie Hugged her back and smiled before pulling away "Lets get back to the school and give this paperwork to my dad". Finch Nodded and smiled back "Lets go".

Josie walked into Alaris office and saw Hope sitting in front of him looking like she had just been scolded. Raising her eyebrow she Looked at her dad who just shook his head. Josie raised her eyebrow Before speaking "Erm, We got Finch's paperwork signed". Alaric looked at Josie strangely As Finch handed him the paperwork. "How did you get this signed so quickly?" Josie stayed silent then Finch spoke "Oh, I was a troublesome student. He couldn't wait to get rid of me". Josie grinned looking at her with a knowing look shared between them both. Alaric missed it But Hope didn't, Clearing her throat Josie was snapped out of it as she looked down at Hope who was Sitting In the chair with a raised eyebrow. Josie didn't say anything instead she just smiled as she looked back up at her dad "This means She's officially a Salvatore student now right?" Alaric nodded as he finished signing the papers "Yes, But I need to know if you have any next to kin that I can contact etc". Finch shook her head I've been Living alone since I was like 14. I haven't heard from my family for years. Alaric nodded "Well You have a choice. We can Give you a Room here and you can stay here, Or you can continue living at your own address its completely your choice". Finch smiled as she spoke "I'd Love to stay here". Alaric smiled and nodded Well then Guess I will get Lizzie to give you the tour and I'll arrange a dorm for you and some people to help you move in". Finch nodded and smiled shanking Alaric's hand "Thank you sir". Alaric Pulled out his phone and dialled Lizzie explaining the situation and after a few minutes she arrived at the Door "Okay lets go wolfie I'll show you around". Finch smiled and waved to Josie, Hope and Alaric before leaving with Lizzie. 

Hope and Josie were in Hopes room and Hope kept fidgeting and shuffling. Josie hated seeing Hope like this but knew the one thing that helped her she wasn't allowed to do. Josie grabbed Hope pulling her in for a hug and Just held her for a while before Leaning down to her "Want to watch a film like the old times?" Hope nodded her head "yeah, Anything to take my mind off of this discomfort". Josie nodded as she stood up and got Hopes Laptop, before going and sitting back with her "What do you want to watch?" Hope shrugged "Anything". Josie nodded and settled on some comedy film as she cuddled up with Hope. After about and hour Hope had stopped fidgeting. Looking Down Josie noticed her sleeping. Smiling she ran her fingers through Hopes hair before talking gently although she knew Hope couldn't hear her "I'm sorry about everything that has happened, I'm going to try and make things better. I know I can't give you what you need anymore. But I won't stop trying to help you, I love you Hope Mikaelson". Josie smiled as she finished talking and soon she fell asleep to. 

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