Full moon troubles

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Hope woke up feeling rough, she couldn't remember the last time she had had a proper meal, she stretched and reached out for Josie but she wasn't there. Instantly worrying Hope shot up. Grabbing some clothes, Hope put them on. Heading out and down the halls she came to Lizzie's room and knocked "Lizzie, Lizzie open up". After a few minutes Lizzie finally answered the door "Jesus Hope you look Ill are you okay?" Hope nodded "I'm fine where's Josie?". Lizzie shook her head "Not here, can't you smell her or something ?" Hope shook her head "Its harder to track her these days, as soon as I follow her scent to one place she's already gone". Lizzie sighed "Well have you rung her?" Hops once again shook her head "Her phone was still on the bedside table". Lizzie shook her head sighing "check the canteen and the kitchen, I'll check downstairs and in the common room". Hope nodded and left to try and find Josie.

Walking into the kitchen Hope checked for Josie but she wasn't there. She then went into the canteen, She hated it there but she looked around again not seeing Josie. Hope was starting to feel antsy and irritable, Josie hadn't even eaten from her yet and Hope needed the high. Almost like Josie was a drug and she was addicted. Finally after a few seconds Hope heard her phone ring, answering it she heard Lizzie "Hey I found Josie". Hope sighed relieved "Finally, where is she I'm on my way". Lizzie was quiet for a second "Erm, she's actually feeding right now, just leave her". Hope growled down the phone "Where is she? what is she feeding from? Lizzie cleared her throat "Hope relax she's- ouch Jo, I have a wrist ya know". Hope hung up instantly knowing where they were. heading out to the mill Hope spotted Lizzie reading a book while Josie was drinking from her wrist. Walking over to them Hope ripped Lizzie's wrist away from Josie's mouth. "What do you think your doing". Josie wiped her chin standing up "Giving you a break Hope, You've been feeding me for ages now, build your strength back up".

Hope looked at Josie angrily "I told you not to feed from anyone else, only me". Josie rolled her eyes "Hope just relax, it doesn't matter Who I feed from, I will always be yours we are one Hope we share all our feelings and a soul. I can feel how angry you are recently and I feel responsible I know I've been taking too much". Hope shook her head almost desperately "Jo, you can Feed from me whenever you want, you can drain every bit of blood I have, Just please keep feeding from me". Josie sighed "Fine". Hope walked up to her pulling her into her kissing her when she heard Lizzie "Get a room". Hope turned to Lizzie angrily "How the hell can you let Josie feed from you? Your her sister and human, she could kill you". Lizzie rolled her eyes "Don't exaggerate, she feeds me her blood first, and exactly she's my sister, If she needs blood she can have it". Hope walked up to Lizzie almost like a wolf stalking someone "How would dear old daddy feel if he knew his precious daughter was giving her blood away?" Lizzie swallowed nervously until Josie pulled Hope away from her standing in front of Lizzie proactively "Hope, what day Is it today?" Hope stood quiet for a second before sighing "Its a full moon". 

Josie nodded and Hope realized "That's why you haven't drunk from me today". Josie nodded "You need your strength and everything for your transformation tonight". Hope thought about the idea of going a full day without Josie feeding from her and felt desperate "I won't turn. I will skip it, as long as I Turn tomorrow I will be okay". Josie nodded knowing how stubborn she could be "Okay". Hope looked almost surprised "Okay?" Josie nodded in response "If you don't want to change then Fine, I'll come find you later when I'm hungry" Hope frowned again "Are you not hungry now?" Josie nodded "well obviously, I'm always hungry, but Lizzie has helped me out". Hope looked at Lizzie "Fine, whatever, if you wanna feed on barbie 2.0  go ahead". Hope turned and walked off leaving Josie with Lizzie "Is she always like that?" Josie nodded "When it gets near the full moon it's like her energy gets unfocused and she becomes angry. I've never felt her this angry before Though". Lizzie was quiet for a second before talking "Do you think she will tell dad?" Josie shrugged "Does it matter? Your my sister and I take precautions to make sure I don't kill you he can't exactly say anything". Lizzie agreed sitting back down before Josie Vamped off leaving Lizzie alone.

Hope was sitting on her bed, she didn't know what to do. she couldn't concentrate on anything, she felt distracted she was filled with anger. but she could tell it was all her emotion and not Josie's. After a few minutes Hope got up to go and take a shower until she felt hands sliding around her waist "Hi baby". Hope leaned into the touch feeling some of her anger dissipate "Hi, I didn't hear you come in". Josie practically purred into Hope's skin "Mm well, I can feel that your angry and I know the best solution for that". Hope grinned knowing exactly what was coming next, Josie spun Hope around staring in her eyes before leaning in and kissing her gently. She then Vamped Hope over to the bed and pushed her onto it crawling on top of her, Hope rolled over switching places so she was on top of Josie before dipping her head towards Josie's neck kissing her lightly. Hope started leaving little hickie's on Josie's neck and watched them disappear within seconds And again she started feeling frustrated. 

Josie sat up and leaned towards Hope "Hey, There's a full moon tonight and Your stressed I can feel it. What can I do to help you?" Without even thinking Hope knew exactly what Josie could do "Feed from me". Josie nodded "Okay, sure come here". Hope crawled into Josie's lap before sitting down And putting her hair to the side. Josie's Veins were already pulsing as soon As Hope was close to her. Leaning down Josie painted Hope's neck with barely there kisses before sinking her fangs in. Josie knew that Hope liked it when she bit hard and drunk slowly and Josie had to admit she liked it to.

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