What's Happening?

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Authors note/ Will be edited and re uploaded with corrections and Improvements

Hope was looking everywhere around the school for Josie she hadn't seen her for an Hour and she was starting to get worried, Especially because of Josie's current state. She walked into Alaric's office without Knocking but he must have not heard her as he was on the phone "So let me get this straight? Josie Was in town, and she seduced some half drunk girl then compelled her and drunk her blood? Where is she now" Hope felt her heart Break How could Josie, HER soulmate, seduce another girl. Without thinking Hope turned and headed out of the office She walked out the school and began heading down the long drive towards the gates. There was no way that she was letting Josie Out of her sight again after what she had just heard. Hope was angry, but not at Josie, She knew Josie wasn't herself at the moment and she felt like it was partly her fault. As she was walking up the drive to head out the gates Hope saw an Un familiar car pull up. Walking over to it she could see Josie sitting in the front seat with dried blood still on her lips and chin. Hope was hating almost every second of this, She felt like she had lost her Josie and this person wasn't her, But then she had the little break throughs when it was her Josie again. Hope hated that this had happened to her but she knew she wasn't going to Give up, She was going to do whatever it took to help Josie through this. Hope stopped as the car drove through the gates and stopped next to her, she then heard the passenger door open and saw Josie, Hope could already smell the other girl On Josie, so as she leant in to hug her Hope Flashed her eyes as a warning. Josie Immediately Pulled back from Hope stepping backwards "Hope what's wrong?" Hope looked away "You smell like another girl, What was you doing Jo?" Josie Frowned at Hope "Nothing, I just fed a little that's all". Hope felt her heart racing as Josie spoke "How exactly did you get a girl to willingly let you drink from her?" Josie Looked away "I compelled her". Hope then asked one more question that she really didn't want the answer to "How did you get her alone?" Josie was silent and Hope already Knew the answer "You seduced her". Josie stepped forward and Hope growled at her. She had thought she hadn't been angry at Josie but actually she was. 

Josie stepped back again before speaking "I'm Sorry Hope, You don't deserve any of this. None of you do". Hope was about to speak when Josie vanished from Hopes sight using Vamp speed. Running Into the school Hope had hoped that Josie had gone to her dads office or would be with her mum but when she checked with them there was no luck. Caroline, Alaric and Hope all decided to check around the school, Alaric checked all the dorms, Hope had shifted and was checking the mill and woods, And Caroline was checking all the downstairs rooms and the courtyards. After a few hours of no luck they all met back in Alaric's office Hope was sitting silently as Alaric and Caroline spoke. She could feel Josie's emotions and could tell she was in so much pain. Looking up she was finally able to speak to them "Josie Is in so much pain". Hope felt tears streaming down her cheeks Caroline looked at her confused and Alaric crouched next to Hope taking her hand "Physical pain?". Hope shook her head as more tears fell "No, Emotional pain". Alaric looked at Caroline who was still looking at them confused, Clearing his throat he began speaking "I was meant to tell you, Hope and Josie are soulmates. They both have the same soul mark and it bonds them. It appeared on Josie when she turned 16. Hope can feel almost everything Josie can feel, and vice versa". Caroline looked at him Angrily "When was you going to tell me? She's my daughter Ric". Alaric looked at the ground "I know, I'm sorry". Hope's sobs caused Alaric to look back up at her "Hope, Can you tell me what she's feeling?" Hope nodded "She's Angry, sad, and guilty , Actually scrap that, It feel's worse than them things". Alaric wrote them down and nodded before she looked at Caroline. Caroline sat down next to Hope and began speaking "Thank you for telling us. I know its intense but that's because all her feeling are Heightened. Where say someone like you or Lizzie would feel Sadness, Josie would feel despair same if you or Lizzie was angry, Josie would feel rage". Hope nodded and took a deep breath What can I do to help her? Caroline Smiled lightly at her Try and Stay Positive she will come back when she's ready. Hope nodded as Alaric dismissed her "It's late Hope, we should all get some sleep, we will meet here in the morning okay". 

Hope was laying in bed She couldn't sleep and kept tossing and turning. Hope was trying to stay positive but couldn't help but think about how hurt Josie had seemed earlier. She remembered growling at her, flashing her eyes at her, Not wanting Josie near her, But now, all she wanted was Josie in her arms. 

Hope was standing in the flower field, the trees around her were green the weather was warm, and everything seemed nice. Turning around Hope saw Josie smiling at her, Running over to her Hope pulled her into a hug and kissed her. Josie kissed her back as her lips trailed down Hope's jaw then to her neck. Then She felt the pain of the teeth, she could feel Josie draining her. Managing to pushed her back she watched as the veins under Josie's eyes pulsed. It wasn't Josie looking at her anymore, it was a predator, and Hope was nothing but prey. Running Hope found herself at the Salvatore school gates but Josie was there to. There were bodies everywhere as Josie's chin dripped with Blood. "Why are you doing this Jo?" Hope watched as Josie laughed almost evilly "I can do what I want". Hope walked forward shaking her head "This isn't you". Josie laughed once more as she turned to a pile of bodies next to her looking at them she chanted "Incendia". The bodies began burning and Josie stood watching before looking back at Hope "Guess I'm still magic". 

Hope shot up from her bed sweat dropping off of her. She braced herself waiting for Josie's feelings to hit her but nothing All Hope could feel was her own heart racing, She couldn't feel Josie anymore. Looking down at her arm Hope noticed that the soul mark she had had started fading into a scar, then panic set in as Hope remembered her dream from a few weeks ago. Jumping out of bed not bothering to change or put shoes on Hope ran Down to Alaric's office barging In "I CAN'T FEEL HER! WHAT'S HAPPENING? WHY CAN'T I FEEL HER?" Alaric stood up running to Hope along with Caroline, trying to calm her down "Take deep breath's Hope, calm down, Tell us what's going on". Hope took some deep breaths before following Caroline to a chair and sitting down "Okay so I went to bed last night and I could still feel everything that Josie was feeling. I must have fallen asleep at some point because I remember having this bad  dream. Then when I woke up this morning I waited to feel Josie's emotions but I couldn't. So I checked my Soul mark and". Hope pulled up her sleeve showing it to Alaric and Caroline "It's fading Dr Saltzman". 

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