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Authors note/ This chapter will be re uploaded and edited with corrections and improvements

Hope Turned up outside Raf's door, as she already knew Josie was there due to her scent, Knocking on the door Hope waited outside until finally the door opened. Raf stood in front of Hope with just some joggers on and Hope could smell Josie all over him. Fighting the urge to rip Raf apart Hope asked him if Josie was there. Raf shook his head but Hope knew he was lying so she took a deep breath before asking once more "Raf, I'll ask one more time, Is Josie with you?" Raf Could tell Hope knew Josie was inside but instead of letting Hope see Josie he stood as tall as he could and flashed his wolf eyes. As soon as Hope saw Raf's eyes she flashed her eyes back and stared at him, the Alpha inside her feeling threatened and angry. After a few minutes Hope could feel the alpha side of her screaming to fight him and take him down. But Hope knew she was only feeling like this because he was an Alpha as well. Finally after about  5 minutes of staring, Hope heard the door open wider as Josie walked out. However she was un able to look away from Raf, The alpha inside of her wouldn't let her. Hope could feel it trying to come out and throw Raf about the power inside of her almost bursting, but she was trying to keep control of it. Hope wasn't sure what happened next but suddenly she felt a hand on her arm and the power started to dissipate and it felt calming. Eventually after a few seconds everything in front of Hope went black. 

Hope woke up in her bed and sat up confused. The last thing she remembered was a stare off with Raf then calmness and then nothing. Hope then heard a voice and Looked at her  door "Hey, Hope, your awake". Hope nodded "Yeah, I am, What happened?" Josie walked in the room shutting the door behind her she then sat down at the end of Hope's bed "You and Raf were having a stare off, I'm assuming because your both Alphas and one of you was feeling threatened or trying to claim territory or something we haven't covered that in any classes about wolves yet. anyway, I could feel you getting angry, And I know the Angrier a wolf gets the harder it is to control itself so I siphoned your wolfs power". Hope was slightly surprised that Josie had Siphoned her but she recalled how it felt and smiled. Josie looked at Hope confused "Why are you smiling all of a sudden?" Hope looked up at Josie then looked away "Erm, When you Siphoned the power from me, it felt good. Calming almost". Hope was embarrassed but could tell Josie wasn't. "Oh, Is that so?" Hope giggled and threw a pillow at Josie "Shut up", Josie Giggled a little bit to then the room fell quiet.

Hope was the first to break the silence as she looked back up at Josie "Jo, I'm really sorry about what I said earlier, I didn't mean to hurt you". Josie smiled and Took Hope's hand "It's fine Hope, It's just, were both new to this whole soul mark thing and we know almost nothing about it, I know that There's some things that you don't want to talk about and that's okay. It's Just really hard to not ask you about them when I can Feel what your feeling". Hope nodded agreeing with Josie before the room fell silent once more. Hope had a burning question in the back of her mind that she wanted to ask Josie so taking a breath she took the silence as an Opportunity "Hey jo". Josie looked up at Hope and nodded "Yeah?" Hope was quiet for a second before finally asking her question "What was you doing with Raf?". Hope saw Josie smile as she took her hand "I was watching a movie with him". Hope nodded before looking away and continuing "Then why did he smell like you? Your scent was all over him". Josie squeezed Hope's hand, She could hear the uneasiness un her voice "He was hugging me". Hope looked up at Josie and could tell that she was telling the truth "Just hugging?" Josie nodded and Hope felt her uneasiness slowly starting to fade. Hope let out a breath she didn't even know she was Holding "Thank god, I thought maybe you two were having". Hope was cut off before she finished her sentence "No way. I like Raf sure, but not like that. He's Just a friend". Hope smiled as she tugged Josie's hand. Josie climbed forward until she was sitting on Hope's Lap. "Let me take you out on that date I asked you for". Josie nodded and leaned in kissing Hope.

Hope and Josie had both agreed that they would go on a date together and it was Hope who planned it. She didn't want to try to hard but also didn't want to seem like she hadn't taken it seriously, Sitting on her bed Hope finally came up with an idea. It was a little bit later in the evening now and Hope was laying on her bed reading when she heard a knock at the door. Hope smiled already knowing who it was as she called for them to come in. Not even seconds after Hope had spoken the door opened and Josie walked in carrying a small bag. She put it on the end of Hope's bed before laying next t o her smiling "Hi, what ya reading?" Hope smiled as she put the book down and Pulled Josie into her so they were cuddling "I was trying to find some information on soul marks but so far its been a dead end". Josie nodded frowning a little bit, she wanted answers as much as Hope and although her dad, Dorian and Freya were looking for answers there didn't seem to be any. Hope noticed Josie's mood change and squeezed her a little bit "Hey, Don't worry, we will figure this out". Josie nodded before sitting up and opening the bag she bought with her "Okay, but until then". Josie began pulling out snacks staying quiet a second before finally finishing her sentence "Let's watch a movie". Hope smiled and nodded as she grabbed her laptop and loaded up netflix.

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