Problem drinker

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(Time skip: Few days)

Josie woke up cuddled into Hope. She was feeling a little worse for ware as she had been refusing Blood since Hope had turned her humanity back on. She had been a vampire now for almost 3 weeks, and so much had happened in such a short time, She had drunk vampire blood, Died, come back to life, Attacked Hope, killed a bunch of girls, slept with some girl who she had later found out was knocked unconscious by a jealous Hope, had her humanity turned back on by her girlfriend using Black magic and most recently reciever her daylight ring. Today was her First lesson with her mum as her dad had suggested she have a week of taking it easy. But Josie was Not feeling up to it, She felt drained, sluggish, and Very hungry. Josie sat up Seeing Hope asleep, Looking down at her, Josie smiled thinking how lucky she was that after everything, Hope hadn't given up on her. After staring for a few minutes Josie went to get up but instantly collapsed, Hope must have heard because within minutes Hope was by her side "Jo, Are you okay?" Josie nodded trying to get up but she couldn't Hope looked at her worried. Josie's face was sort of pasty, her lips looked dry and cracked, and her eyes were slightly sunken in. Hope stood up telling Josie she would be right back as practically ran out of her room. 

After about 10 minutes Hope ran back in the room and Handed Josie a bag of Blood, Josie instantly felt the veins under her eyes pulsate but she managed to find the smallest amount of strength to throw it away from her. Hope sighed As she watched Josie's head roll to the side "Jo, you have to drink, If you don't you will desiccate". Josie shook her head "I can't Hope". Josie's voice was horse and dry and Hope felt sadness run through her "Jo, Please eat, please. For me". Josie looked at Hope and shook her head "Hope, you don't understand, I can't. If I start drinking, I won't be able to stop". Hope was silent for a second before she stood up, Josie followed her with her eyes until she saw Hope go in her top drawer and pull out a dagger. Josie looked at Hope confused as she walked back over to her and knelt down in front of her. "Hope, What are you doing?". Hope frowned as she Apologised to Josie "I'm sorry Jo". Just as Josie Went to ask what she was Apologising for Hope used the dagger and cut her hand before putting it up to Josie's mouth forcing her to drink. Almost with no hesitation Hope felt Josie's fangs clamp around her hand then almost Instantly Josie's face started to light up again, The colour on her face coming back her eyes finally looking brighter and her lips soft like they was before. 

Once Josie looked Better Hope tried to pull her hand away but Josie's hand was in a vice grip around Hope's wrist. Hope felt herself starting to feel drowsy and If it wasn't for Caroline Coming in when she did Hope was sure Josie would have drained her of every drop of blood she had. Caroline had practically threw Hope off Josie holding her down until Hope's wound had healed itself and Josie couldn't smell the blood as strongly anymore. Standing up once She had calmed Josie Caroline looked at Hope "How could you be so reckless and irresponsible?" Hope shrugged using what strength she had remaining to stand up "I wasn't". Caroline walked a step closer to Hope and Hope did the same almost as if they were challenging each other "Josie cannot control her bloodlust yet, she could have drained you for every last drop of blood you have". Hope shook her head almost humorously "I had to do something, She had no strength, she was refusing blood, She was practically desiccating when I found her this morning". Caroline shook her head "Hope, Listen, I know you would do anything for Josie, but what if she would have killed you? She would never come back from that". Hope once again shook her head "If She would have killed me, I would have come back Vampire blood remember". Caroline sighed and Looked at Josie who seemed to have her Appetite back as she was drinking from the blood bag Hope had bought up. Caroline looked at Hope shaking her head once again "That's from Alaric's stash, Why is she not drinking the blood from the walk in fridge in the kitchen?" Hope looked away almost shyly as she spoke "She doesn't like it". Caroline looked away from Hope then did a double take looking back "What do you mean she don't like it? It's blood". Hope shrugged "She tried it but, as soon as it was in her mouth she ran to the sink and spat it out". 

Caroline was standing in Alaric's office with Hope, Josie and Alaric "It has come to my attention that our daughter doesn't like the blood from the walk in fridge. What should we do? She can't keep drinking from your stash and She cant feed from a human". Alaric sighed standing up "Josie, can't you at least try again? Maybe you will change your mind, You've been like this for 3 weeks now, Maybe your taste buds have changed". Josie sighed nodding her head "Fine, I'll try again". Alaric nodded as he leant down and opened a small fridge under his desk and handed the blood bag to Josie "Here, It's the same stuff from the freezer, I keep some in here for when MG or Kaleb are in here and want a snack. Josie Nodded and took the bag before looking at Hope  and Caroline and biting into it. After the first rush of Blood in her mouth Josie fought to swallow it down but almost as soon as she did, she vamped to her dads window and opened it Vomiting the crimson liquid back up. 

Pulling her head back in she wiped her chin "I can't drink it, It makes me sick". Alaric frowned and Looked at Caroline as Josie walked back over to Hope and sat on her lap. After a few Minutes of Caroline and Alaric trying to figure out what to do, Hope spoke causing them to snap there heads around and look at her "I have a suggestion, But neither of you are going to like it". 

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