Territorial problems

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Authors note/ chapter will be re uploaded with edits and improvements.

Hope woke up next to Josie, Looking down she smiled as she watched the brunette girl sleep. Hope couldn't  believe that Josie was finally hers, she had wanted Josie for a while and now that she finally had her she wasn't going to let anything take her away from her. Hope looked around her room and saw it was messy from the stuff she had bought back in last night after hers and Josie's date. Deciding  to just clean it later Hope got up and grabbed some clothes before heading into her bathroom and taking a shower. After Hope had finished showering she got dressed and went back into her room where Josie was now sitting up smiling at her "Morning sleepyhead". Josie giggled as Hope walked over to her and sat down giving her a kiss, After a few seconds Josie pulled back and smiled before stretching. She then got up out of Hope's bed and walked towards Hope's door "I'll be back in a minute, I'm just going to grab some clothes from my room". Hope smiled and nodded. After Josie Left hope stood up and began cleaning her room, She threw the dirty clothes on the floor into the laundry basket, she then folded up the sheet from last night putting it away and lastly she made her bed. Not long After Hope had finished Josie came back in holding some clothes "Hope can I use your shower?" Hope stood up walking over to Josie before pulling her in For a kiss "Of course you can, you don't have to ask". 

Josie had now finished in the shower and walked out into Hope's room "Ready for breakfast?" Hope nodded and stood up opening her door for Josie. Once they reached the cafeteria Josie spotted Lizzie, MG, Kaleb, Raf and Landon all sitting at a table Smiling she walked over to them all with Hope and greeted them "Hey everyone". They all smiled and greeted Josie back before she headed for the line with Hope. They stood and waited until its was there turn "Josie instantly went straight for the pancakes where as Hope went for a breakfast bar. Josie looked at Hope raising her eyebrows "Is that your breakfast?" Hope Smiled and nodded "Yeah, problem?" Josie shook her head as they headed towards the table "No Just an all powerful Tribrid, I thought you would need more food". Hope raised her eyebrow mirroring Josie's earlier action "My power doesn't come from food Jo". Josie laughed as they sat down with everyone else "No but physical strength does, How do you not break something when your being thrown around during training or P.E with the other wolves?" Hope  smiled at Josie "Because I'm Resilient, and when have you ever seen me get thrown around?" Josie nodded "Yeah good point". 

Hope and Josie's conversation was cut off as they heard Lizzie speak "Hey Lovebirds, Let everyone Join the conversation". Hope rolled her eyes at Lizzie "Your more than welcome to, we were Just talking about the importance of food". Lizzie grimaced a little bit "Well that's a boring conversation, Carry on". Hope turned around to talk to Josie but saw she was in the Middle of a conversation with Raf, Hope stayed quiet but couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of Raf. She wanted Josie's attention to herself. Taking a deep breath she tried to supress this feeling knowing that Josie would either feel rage or sadness, most likely rage. Hope cleared her throat Hoping that Josie would hear her and sure enough she did. Turning around she looked at Hope and smiled "Are you okay?" Hope nodded the feeling of jealousy already subsiding now that Josie's attention was back on her. They all sat and ate for a while Hope catching Raf staring at Josie a few too Many times. Although Josie had reassured her that they were Just friends Hope couldn't help but still feel threatened almost as if someone was trying to take over her territory. 

Finally Having enough Hope excused herself from the table telling Josie that she would see her later. Hope headed out of the canteen and out to the woods where She hid behind a bush and shifted. As soon as she was shifted Hope headed out into the woods, Considering she was the only wolf that didn't have to shift in the cells, the dock, woods and mill were all hers. being in these familiar areas helped Hope feel a bit better as she felt more in control of everything around her. Hope wasn't sure when it had happened but at some point maybe even before last night, She had already seen Josie as hers, And the idea of someone taking that from her made her feel a rage that she hadn't ever felt. After a few hours in familiar surroundings Hope felt better. She had started heading back towards the school when she saw Josie walking towards the mill with Raf. Hope without thinking followed them and Sat outside as She watched them from a distance. This was the second time that She had been spying on Raf and Josie but Hope couldn't help it. She sat and watched as Josie pulled out some books it was clear she was helping Raf study But Hope wanted more than anything to keep them away from each other. It would be easy to keep the other wolves away from Josie if she wanted, all she had to do was make sure that Josie was wearing one of her hoodies with her scent on it. But it would be more Difficult to keep Raf away as her scent wouldn't bother him. 

She stayed watching for a while until finally Josie waved bye to Raf and headed away. Once Josie was out of sight Hope walked up to Raf who was Alone, and began growling. Raf stood up staring at her in the eyes As she dropped her head and barred her teeth. She then turned around and ran off into the woods Hoping that her warning had got across. Getting back to the bush Hope shifted and Got dressed before heading to her room. Once She got there she walked in and was instantly met by lips on hers. Hope didn't even need to pull away to know who it was as she stood kissing Josie for few minutes. Finally pulling away Hope smiled looking up into Josie's eyes "Hi baby".

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