Maybe you should see someone

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Josie woke up and stretched, she then looked beside her and saw Hope asleep. Josie grinned as she leaned down leaving small kisses all over her face shoulder and neck. Hope didn't wake however as she had been exhausted last night after her fight with Finch and then after what her and Josie did. Josie got up out of bed grabbing some clothes and putting them on. Josie wanted to find her dad and talk to him about Hope before she woke up so she got dressed and quietly snuck out the room. Josie walked down to her dads office and walked in. It was only him there which was a relief. "Hey dad, Can you talk or are you busy?". Alaric looked up smiling "I'm never to busy for my girls, now what's up?" Josie sighed and sat opposite her dad "I see what you mean by Hope acting weirdly. Last night were.. well.. actually don't worry about that. Erm I wanted a snack and asked Hope if I could come down and grab a bag of blood but she wouldn't let me move until I fed from her. But the even stranger thing is, I could feel how angry she was yesterday and she has been angry for a while and I can't seem to figure out why. But when I feed from her I feel all her anger go away almost instantly. I don't understand it".

Alaric was quiet for a minute before leaning back in his chair "Leave it to me. I'll talk to some people and figure out what's going on. And do some research. Until then I meant what I said. don't feed from her no matter what she does okay?" Josie nodded before standing up "Okay, I'm going to check on Finch and I'll bring her here so we can talk about last night". Alaric nodded and smiled as Josie left the office. Josie was heading up to Lizzies room when she heard a voice behind her "Morning Jo, do you always look good or is it magic". Josie grinned turning around "Good morning Finch, I could say the same about you but then my wolves are always flawless". Josie realised what she just said and blushed a little Hoping that Finch hadn't caught it "Your wolves? Got more than one have you Jo?". Of course she did. Josie laughed a bit before talking again "Let's just say all my recent attractions have been of the canine kind". Finch smiled and walked a bit closer to her, her voice low and suggestive "So does that mean I could be one of your wolves?".  Josie went to answer when she heard another voice behind her "Jo, baby what are you-" Josie turned around as she spotted Hope who's eyes were glued to Finch who just smirked and waved at her.

Hope walked up to Josie putting her hand around her waist "What does she want?" Josie turned to Hope quickly Kissing her "Morning babe, and Dad wanted us in his office to talk about what happened last night". Hope nodded as she took Josie's hand "Okay but can we go in about 10 minutes?" Josie shook her head "No he wanted us asap". Hope looked at Finch who's eyes were glued to Josie, then looked away "Fine, lets go, That includes you she wolf move". Finch rolled her eyes as she followed Josie and Hope down the hall back to Alaric's office. Hope knocked and waited until Alaric called them in. Walking in He stood up and smiled "Finch, Hi, I'm Alaric. I'm headmaster of this school and Josie's father". Finch raised her eyebrow smirking and looked at Josie "Oh, I'm already meeting your dad, who knew". Hope sighed next to Josie exhausted at the girls constant hitting on Josie. Josie noticed and squeezed Hopes hand reassuringly before Alaric gestured for them to all sit down. 

Once everyone was seated Alaric pulled out some paper and began talking "Okay, First of all I want to Apologize to you for the incident on the behalf of my student. I Also wanted to let you know that we will be taking measures and the next time there is a full moon she will also be put in the cells like the rest of our wolves." Hope went to protest when Josie stopped her "Babe, not now". The room fell silent again before Alaric continued speaking "Secondly, I'd like to know if you would be interested in transferring from mystic falls High to here. Where  we are more equipped to deal with students of your nature". Finch was quiet for a second before nodding "Okay and say I do transfer here, What makes you think I will be safe from the other wolves? I don't want to be forced into a pack, which I've heard from Lizzie is usually what happens". Alaric went to talk before Josie cut in "I can offer you my full protection, You can stay with me around school. The wolves don't come near me anymore except Raf and Hope, Raf is our resident Alpha and Hope is her own Alpha, She has no pack either". Hope tensed as Josie spoke "Do I have no say in this?" Josie was quiet for a second before shaking her head "No, You don't. Your my girlfriend not my boss". Hope sighed and leaned back in her chair. Alaric looked at Finch and smiled "Under Josie's care you will be safe". Finch was once again quiet for a minute before nodding "Fine. I'll transfer". Josie grinned and Hope sighed as Alaric gave Finch some paperwork. Take Josie with you to mystic falls high. Get the headmaster to sign the papers then bring them back here okay?" Finch nodded as she stood up looking at Josie "Road trip?" Josie nodded enthusiastically "Of course". Everyone had been dismissed by Alaric and Finch had headed Back to Lizzie's room to borrow some more of Josie's Clothes. Josie was waiting In Hopes room As Hope Just paced around not talking. Sighing Josie stood up and walked Over to Hope "You need to relax Hope. Why are you so angry lately? I can feel it. Talk to me". Hope sighed turning around "I don't know what's wrong with me Jo, I just feel Irritable and Jealous. I feel unfocused and fidgety all the time and the only time I feel better is when you feed on me. It's calming and it makes me feel  like you actually need me, Like you actually want me. Josie was silent for a second as she didn't know what to say, so Instead she just pulled Hope into a hug and stood holding her "You should talk to someone, maybe Emma or my dad maybe they can help". Hope stood and nodded before pulling away "I love you Jo". Josie smiled and kissed Hope back "I love you to Hope".

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