The trail

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After finding the first body Alaric, Lizzie, Caroline and Hope had all decided to stay together and see if they could find any more and soon enough they did. Hope leant down to the second body they found, This time the girl had a bloody J drawn across her lips Almost like Josie was marking each girl as hers. Standing up Hope felt her eyes flash gold the thought of what Josie could be doing with these girls before feeding hurt. Alaric, Lizzie and Caroline had walked ahead a little and Hope pulled her sleeve up seeing that her Soul mark had faded a little more. Hope felt her heart ache but forced herself to ignore it as she pulled her sleeve down and continued to look for any more signs of Josie. After another 10 minutes they found another body, But this one hurt Hope the most. Leaning down she saw the marks in the girls neck and searched the body for the bloody J, Sure enough she found it. It was extremely High on the girls inner thigh where there were another set of bite marks. Finally not able to take anymore, Hope stood up eyes shining bright gold, deep breath weren't working. Hope Looked at Alaric who nodded and she ran into the woods. Hope wasn't even able to strip before her body shifted. Hope walked back the way that she had came when she picked up on a familiar scent. Josie. Without even thinking Hope began to follow the scent until there she was. Through the trees Hopes eyes landed on Josie, Resisting the urge to run over to her Hope followed her from a distance. She followed Josie all the way to a small neighbourhood and watched as she went into a house followed by another girl. Hope wanted to run over and rip the girl apart and Force Josie to go back with her but she knew that it was dangerous for both her and Josie. So instead Hope noted the area and headed back to the school through the woods until she found one of her hidden clothes bags for emergencies that she had hid throughout the woods a while ago. 

Shifting back and getting dressed Hope ran as fast as she Could to Alaric's office. Running in she walked over to Him and Caroline "I know where Josie is". Standing up Alaric walked over to her "Where is she? we need to go get her". Hope nodded and so did Caroline before Alaric spoke "What's the plan to get her to come with us?" Hope smiled at him as she already knew what to do "We don't". Alaric furrowed his brows in confusion "What do you mean? She has to, I have already had to get Caroline to talk to matt, But if she keeps this up he won't be able to ignore it". Hope shook her head "We don't have to convince her to come back with us, we just have to get me close to her and I'll do the rest". Alaric nodded and so did Caroline "We will do it in the morning, She will be trapped that way". Hope nodded and agreed along with Caroline. They had decided to leave at 6.30 in the morning.

It was officially 6.30am and Hope Was already climbing into Caroline's car with Alaric. Once they were all in they headed to the house that Hope had seen Josie go in. Pulling up outside Hope Got out and snuck round the back followed By Alaric and Caroline. Saying a quick spell Hope managed to unlock the back door before sneaking in with Alaric. Caroline was a bit hesitant about sneaking in however, but when her foot passed the door she followed them. Walking through the Hall Alaric spotted a girl dead on the floor. Looking over the body he could tell she had been dead for a day and a half almost. They continued sneaking up the steps until Hope Spotted the girl from last night. The girl was completely naked with bruises and bite marks all over her. Hope Felt her eyes turn gold and she growled as she grabbed the girl covering her mouth so she couldn't alert Josie. "Shh, this will hurt a bit. Hope then smacked girls head against the wall watching her as she fell to the floor. Grinning and feeling proud she looked at Alaric who frowned at her "Was that really necessary?" Hope smiled at him almost proudly "I'm a Mikaelson, I don't like when people touch my things, Consider me Jealous". Alaric shook his head before apologizing to the unconscious girl as he snuck past. Finally They Reached The room Josie was in. Peeking through the door Hope saw that Josie looked asleep with her back to the door. 

The room was darkened by blankets covering the windows but Hope could see Josie's sleeping form Perfectly. Hope stood glued to the spot admiring her girlfriend for a second until she heard Alaric whispering behind her " Do what You Have to do then". Walking into the room Hope cast a spell to drop all the blankets and within second of the sun touching Josie's skin she was in a corner looking Pissed "Hope, Baby, Welcome to my house, Did you see my breakfast on the way In I could use a bite". Josie laughed maniacally And Hope shook her head "You know I did see her, but she's currently unconscious." Josie pouted almost like a child being denied a toy and it made Hope's heart race she had missed Josie so much but she knew she hadn't got her back yet. "Pity, she was tasty." Hope felt jealousy rip through her but she knew Josie was just trying to get a rise out of her. Hope walked forward a little bit as Josie spoke again "you know, I bet you taste delicious". Hope swallowed thickly Knowing that Josie was playing her but part of her wanted her to just give herself to Josie. Hope knew that Josie was dangerous but for some reason she couldn't help herself as she walked a little closer. Once she was Just out of reaching distance from Josie. Hope apologised "I'm sorry Jo". Hope began chanting but was surprised when Josie countered it . Looking up she panicked as Josie reached out and grabbed her Pulling her into her and sinking her teeth into her neck. Hope Felt pain shoot through her body But managed to break away from Josie Using a beam of sunlight. Falling to the floor Hope felt her neck already healing. Just as she was about to chant again though something flew past her and before she knew it Josie was out cold on the floor. Hope stood up Looking at Caroline standing above Josie with a syringe in her hand.

 "What did you do?". Caroline dropped the syringe as Alaric Picked Josie up off the floor "I injected her with Vervain. She will be okay though. I dosed her with enough to last a few hours". Hope nodded and Looked at Alaric "Can I carry her?" Alaric nodded and Passed Josie to Hope gently. Looking down Hope felt tears running down her cheeks as she kissed Josie on the forehead "I'm sorry baby, I'll try and bring you back I promise". Once they had Josie secured they headed back down to the car where Hope Laid Josie in the backseat with her.  Hope Had Josie's head on her lap the whole way home as she Played with her hair. She had seriously missed this girl and it hadn't even been that long, but Hope knew that she would do whatever it took to bring Josie back to her.

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