The letter

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After the memorial for Steve, Sam stood in his hotel room looking down at the case holding the sheild. Sam briefly closes eyes taking a deep breath as he touches the case still unable to believe Steve gave it to him.

Opening his eyes slowly he opens the case sliding out the sheild, An evelope falling on to the floor. Sam sets the sheild onto the bed and bends down picking up the envelope. Written in Steve's handwriting is "To Bucky and Sam".

Sam carefully opens the envelope and pulls out the letter.

Bucky and Sam,
I wouldn't be asking this if it wasn't an urgent matter. I am asking both of you to work together on an unfinished mission. My grand-daughter Aurora Rodgers has gone missing. Her cousin Sharon Carter was the last one to see her. I had one lead I was unable to follow all others were dead ends. Please find Aurora and keep her safe.
Your friend,
Steve Rogers

Sam sighs "Shit" and reaches for his phone finding Bucky's number. Staring at it for what seemed forever Sam finally dials it.

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