A Super Sized Spider

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A/N: Alright my Peeps this is Another Suggestion by Hexxus-Bitch and It's For His favorite Monster Musume Character Rachnera Arachnera! So Enjoy

3red Person POV

It was another Usual Day but Rachnera was nowhere to be Found instead of usually being Found Having fun times with people like she would usually do! So he, Miia, and Cerea went looking for her yet has no luck so Far!

Jackson: "Nothing?"

Miia: "Nope!"

Cerea: "Nothing so Far! The attic Door is Locked Shut and the A whole Lotta food from the Kitchen is Missing!"

Jackson: "Hmm... You don't think-?"

Just then The Ceiling started to Creak and before they Can React A Huge Rachnera fell from the Attic on top of them After Eating the last of her Binge/ Feast!

Just then The Ceiling started to Creak and before they Can React A Huge Rachnera fell from the Attic on top of them After Eating the last of her Binge/ Feast!

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She didn't took notice at first as she was rubbing her immense belly trying to Digest her Meal!

Rachnera: "Oooooh... That Takoyaki didn't sit too well..."

Her fat was smashing against the walls, Windows, and Doors as she Craned her head and Triple chin upwards to see the Massive hole that she made!

Rachnera: "Oh... Urp... That is A... Hic... really big hole... Hic... I have no idea to... Explain this one to Honey..."

She tried to use her eight legs to claw her way upwards back to the Attic but quickly finds out that She Dosen't have the Strength or Traction to do so!

Rachnera: "Oh no... Hic... Gotta try something else..."

She then Shot webs upwards into the Ceiling, and Attic and she lifts her upwards sweating up A Storm using all of her strength to do so!

Rachnera: "Nrrrrgh... Cooooome.... Oooooooon..."

This allowed Miia and Cerea to speak their minds!

Miia: "What the Hell Spider!?"

Cerea: "What happened to you!?"

She then Crashed on them again trying to give everything she got but Failed miserably!

Rachnera: "That's it... Huff... I give up... Puff... Where is Honey anyway...?"

She then Started being Lifted up into the Attic by Jackson who had turned into Wargreymon who was  giving her 'The Look'!

Rachnera: "Hehe... I Guess I'm A Little Piggy...'

Wargreymon J10: "..."

Rachnera "Alright, Alright, I'm A Big Fat Piggy...!"

Just then Papi and Suu came flying in and started Hugging and Playing with Their newly found girlfriend Rachnera! Look back A Few Chapters to see that!

Papi: "Woooow! I love Big Rachnera so much! So big, and Squishy, and Cute!"

Suu: "Suu! Suu loves Big Rachie! Big Rachie makes an Amazing Bed for Suu for Sleep!"

Rachnera: "Awww... Thanks girls... you're too cute too..."

Wargreymon J10: "Alright even though I will admit You're really damn cute like that you have to Work it all off!"

Rachnera: "Sure... Just let me spend some time with my two cutest girls..."

Wargreymon: "Okay! But only if I join in! Then we get to work!"

Papi/Suu: "Yaaaaaaay!!!"

To Be Continued...

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