they accidentally kill you/get you killed [romanced!]

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This was it....she ate the Lady, and now she has the power to protect you.

Walking across the dining hall, the guests all died, she didn't care, she just wanted to make her way to you, you were just by the door...shes so close.

When she makes it to you, she reaches her hand out to touch your cheek, when a sickening snap comes from you, her heart drops the second your body does.

She gasps and drops to the floor, trying to pick you up, when she fails, she puts her hands to her head, silently cursing at what she has done, she tries to shake you, whispering in a teary voice to get up, that you two can leave and be happy...but you're unable to answer her.


To him, he has one job: protect you at all costs, and hes always tried to live up to that.

The doctor was chasing you two, and the furnace was near, mono knew what he had to do...and you knew what you did too.

Instead of mono, you ran into the furnace, and the doctor followed, accidentally closing himself and you in, mono banged on the furnace door, screaming for you to get out, all you said was 'flip the switch!', over and over again, you knew what it would do, you were here before mono, but he didn't know what it did, so he flipped it, hoping it was the lever for the furnace door.

When the flames started and the screaming from both you and the doctor were heard, mono dropped to his knees, his usually courageous and hopeful expression had faded into a wide eyed one, when the flames stopped, he walked away, not wanting to see what happened to you anymore.

He cant help but tear up when he walks into a different just feels different without you there, smiling at him...if only there was another way, if only he knew what to do to keep you safe and by his side again...but it was too late, and now hes alone with wishes that can never come true.


He thought you'd always be safe with him, that you're always going to be by his side through the terrors of the world..but he was wrong.

Its so dark, the only sound is a TV and something cracking, hes too scared to move, but he knows you moved a long time ago...he needs to find you, he wont leave without you by him.

He slowly gets up, following the only light he sees, TV static, hopefully you'll be there once hes there too. When he gets there, he looks for your figure, but the light of the television isn't helping...maybe turning it off can help?

He turns it off, and a loud scream echoes the room, running off to the middle of it and letting out a horrible screech, it gets close to him, and he panics and turns on the TV again, it stops, and he sees a lever next to him, he flips it, but he wishes he didn't.

You're sitting on the floor, a small puddle of blood, he screamed 'no' at the top of his lungs, rushing to you as quickly as he can, falling as soon as he makes it to you, he starts shaking you, telling you through sobs to wake up.

The Hunter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Children, or more specifically, a child, one got in and she somehow evaded your Lover, so you decided to try helping him, you grab the gun he made you long ago and walk out into the small shed he told you the Child locked herself in.

He didn't even realize you weren't in the house until he couldn't find you in any room in the house, he panicked and ran out the door, why? The only place left to search was that shed the kid locked herself in, and it had his extra gun in it.

He ran and ran, time seemed slower as he passed trees and puddles, he was terrified of losing you, without you..hes all alone, he finally made it to the shed in time to see you right in front of the door.

"(Y/N), DON-"

..a gunshot was heard, and your stomach had holes in it, the second you fell, he was full of rage, flinging the door of the shed open and grabbing the small girl, practically growling at her, he wanted to blame her for his Lovers death, but he felt completely at fault for it.

He locked the child in his basement, he refused to let her leave after this, he wanted to go down there and snap her neck off...but she reminded him of you, how you acted when you two first met. but now he doesn't have you, now he only has the gun he gave you...and he intends to avenge you with it in any way he can.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She had you going off to an area in the maw, she didn't want you to go alone, but she was very busy, so she just had to trust you, she really wishes she didn't..

It was hours of waiting for you to get back, and she was extremely worried about what could've happened, so she sent mr. Janitor out to find you, up to the point of tears or anger, her thinking wasn't straight.

When she was told he found you, she was overjoyed, she goes down to the lower areas of the maw, ready to hug you and love you to pieces, but when she gets there, she sees a figure, covered by a blanket, she doesn't realize and pulls it up, only to see blank eyes in return to her horrified gaze.

She stumbles back and gasps, suddenly finding it hard to breathe, you died...and she sent you to it, she let you go alone, and now her Lover has been reduced to a pale eyed ragdoll lying among the dirt...

When she gets back to her quarters, she is emotionless and cold towards everyone, she is determined to get her revenge on whichever lowlife scum ended your life with her, and she will not rest until she does so.


Home was safe to him, no matter what happens, he can fix it at home, so hes never expected something that he cant fix to happen, especially not here.

He was fixing a new experiment with his prosthetic people, when he heard a scream, he was quick to take action and run to find whoever was screaming, he didnt realize you were home, he thought you went to town to get something..if only he knew.

He saw a figure in the dark, he didn't think to call out your name, he just...struck at it, when the person fell to the floor with a great amount of force, landing with a thump and crack, he flipped the light switch, then almost screamed.

It was you...he just killed you. He should've been more careful, more smart, more..everything, he repeatedly tells himself that its his fault, that you were lost solely because of him..and he completely believes it.

He decides to bury himself in work, locking the door to the room he ended his happiness in, he wants to forget, he wants to live on...but you were his entire life.

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