high school AU!

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I cant find who requested this, but if they comment here I'll edit this and tag them. ^^


The kid everyone wants to make fun of, but are terrified of, they saw what she did to the last student who hit her...they're not taking chances.


The one who's pretty popular, but doesn't even know it, hes just vibing while everyone is around him for some reason.


The quiet and secluded kid, he doesn't mind having nobody around him, he'd rather relax and read a book.


If a kid, hes The one who tries to act like a fuckboy, but ends up being rejected so much that his self esteem is now a puddle.

If an adult, hes the PE teacher, even though he falls on his face after a few minutes of running.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If shes a teenager, shes the mom of the group, keeping the goblins from eating tide pods.

If an adult, shes the principal...still keeping people from eating tide pods.


If a teenager, hes the one that likes to help kids who got hurt doing stuff, bandages and alcohol! Just dont ask where he got the alcohol..!

If an adult, hes the school nurse, patching kids up for a living...although he may be the one tripping a few, its an ongoing investigation.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Not doing a kid version for obvious reasons of the cycle.]

Hes the vice principal, although hes probably more of a kid than half the students, he's the one trying to eat the fucking tide pods in the lounge.


If a teenager, shes the teachers pet, it gets annoying because she reports anything she doesnt like.

If an adult....a teacher, thats no surprise, probably one that studies biology or anatomy.


If a kid, hes the sweet kid everyone likes to tell their problems to, he always has hugs and smiles.

If an adult, hes the janitor of the school, he likes to talk to the teachers before he has to clean up the messes around the school.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The kid everyones silently afraid of, they have a rumor around that she threw a kid out a window in elementary, and now people fear her...honestly she doesnt mind it, no loud people.


...do i have to say? They're always gonna be little shits, modern AU or not, they're bullies til the end.


Stuck up girl who transferred from a fancy school, would 100% do the 'do you know who i am?!' Thing...shed be insufferable.


If a teenager, theyre the twins that share almost everything, they sound, look, and even act similar, they like to screw with people by pretending to be the other twin. [...Hikaru and Kaoru anyone?]

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The kid that carries lighters and pocket knives everywhere, she once actually tried to stab a kid, but by the time the kid went to the principal to report her, she was there, covered in bruises and a couple small stab wounds...she does what she wants and goes through horrific lengths to be falsely innocent.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Castaway kids, they have their own group and are basically self isolated from other students, they're only comfortable with each other and would rather never talk to others if they can avoid it.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The ADHD kid that will drop on all fours and start running to bite peoples ankles, nobody trusts him and he loves it. [I legitimately have a cousin exactly like this, she goes on all fours and bunny hops towards me and bites me...its terrifying.]

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hes legitimately the quiet kid, hes quiet and secluded, but one day you may see him in the halls with a fucking shotgun...even in a modern AU, hes still insane.

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