Arius - [Reputation]

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She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. I was about to kiss her again, but suddenly, her expression changed and she completely pulled out of my arms. “Oh, of course my Prince.” She said, a little loudly. “I will inform Lady Tabia immediately.” She hesitated and then smiled.

       “Alexandra?” I questioned, confused.

       She bowed, and then rushed off.

       I watched her leave, wondering what had gotten into her. I then decided to shrug it off. I turned around to return to the banquet, but then I realized why Alexandra was acting so weird.

       My grandfather stared at me with angry eyes. Doctor Kamuza stood next to him.

       He must have seen me kiss Alexandra just now, that was it, I can’t hide this from him any longer. He slowly walked towards me, his face was hard, and I had no idea what to expect. It was quiet, and then… I really hadn’t expected what had hit me.


       My grandfather smashed his hand across me face, which is his form of a slap. As I stared at my grandfather in disbelief, I felt the blood drip from my mouth. If he hit me any harder, he would have broke my jaw… or my whole face.

       “Akhenaton!” Doctor Kamuza yelled.

       My grandfather held his hand up, in a way of telling Doctor Kamuza to silence himself. He didn’t take his angry eyes off of me. We stared at each other, until my grandfather finally said. “How dare you?”

       I was a little confused by his words.

       “You have disappointed me, Arius!” He almost yelled.

       I looked at him, what could I say?

       “How could you, son of Khamen, use a slave for such despicable reason?” He hissed.

       My confused look turned into shock. “No! Grandfather, it is not like that!”

       “I thought so highly of you! Foolish boy!” My grandfather yelled.

       “No, wait—”

       “You are engaged!”

       “Grandfather. Please!”

       “How many slaves have you toyed with?”


       “Please tell me you haven’t slept with any of them!”

       “I am not like my father!”

       My grandfather stared, and then threw his fist at me again.

       This time, I was quick enough to block it with my arm. I think his fist left a bruise.

       “How dare you?” My grandfather hollered. “Don’t you dare speak of your father like that!”

       Lord Kamuza stepped forward, “My Prince, you should not speak with such lack of respect.”

       “But how can grandfather speak of me in such ways!” I hissed, as I turned toward my grandfather. “Well? How dare you speak like that of me?”

       My grandfather’s nostrils flared. “What do you expect me to say? You were kissing her!”

        “So, I kissed her, does that make me a perverted bastard?”

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