Chapter 84

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When Haneda Ren heard this voice, he was taken aback for a moment. Of course, he was very familiar with this voice. He had heard this fearful voice many times before.

But I didn't expect to hear it in my own home one day.

The faces of the people around changed.

"Xinhai!" "It's Xinhai's voice."

Having said that, everyone left the room one after another and ran upstairs.

And the one who ran in the front was actually a child.

Haneda Ren was the last to arrive, and he saw a room full of people at the door.

Just as he was about to say something, he heard a voice from inside.

"No one comes in! This is the scene of the crime, don't destroy the traces of the scene."

The tone was full of seriousness, but it couldn't hide the fact that it was a child's voice.

Ren Haneda raised her eyebrows.

Most of the people in the family are ordinary people who have never seen such a scene, and they all turned pale and showed a look of intolerance.

He easily squeezed into the front, so that he could see more clearly how calmly the little boy handled the corpse.

The person who fell on the ground was Reiko Masuyama, the uncle's wife. With her good eyesight, Ren Haneda could be sure that the woman was completely lifeless.

The murderer's movements were very agile, and he basically eliminated the other party in one fell swoop, but the dead man still had a frightened expression on his face, and he didn't know what horrible scene he saw before he died.

Xinhai at the door was obviously the one who reacted the most. After all, she was the first person to find out and she was also the daughter of the victim.

Her face was pale, her eyes were wide open, and her lips were trembling.

"How, how, how did mother encounter such a thing? Who did it?"

In comparison, her sister Xinyue's reaction was much better, she pursed her lips.

"It must be a member of the family. As long as there is one less heir, you can get more inheritance. It must be so!"

As she said this, her gaze was patrolling the faces of everyone in the Masuyama family, as if she wanted to find any flaws.

Sensing the look in the eyes here, Ren Haneda had an ominous premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, after seeing him, Xinyue's face became ferocious.

"I knew it was you! You were very dissatisfied with my mother's words, so you did this kind of thing! This is easy for you, it's not the first time you have done this."

Ren Haneda was a little helpless, obviously, the murderer did this kind of thing at Masuyama's house, showing that he was asked to be the scapegoat.

Like now he is at Masuyama's house, but everyone hates him.

The uncle still had a sad expression on his face, and he suddenly said: "I heard that if the heir is killed, the murderer cannot inherit the inheritance."

This sentence undoubtedly deepened everyone's suspicion.

Even if the murderer is not him, it is now in the eyes of others.

Seeing the other people's expressions getting more and more unfriendly, Kogoro Mori, who was checking the corpse beside him, couldn't stand it any longer.

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