Chapter 10

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Scotland withdrew from the room of Black Norway, the corridor was a little dark, only a glimmer of light was brought into the room.

He closed the door gently, with a serious expression on his face, as if he had noticed something, he turned his head suddenly.

In the shadows at the end of the corridor, a touch of blond hair was particularly dazzling.

Seeing that it was Bourbon, Scotland froze for a moment, then walked over slowly: "Waiting for me."

You don't need to ask him to know that the other party has been here for a while.

Bourbon nodded, and pushed open the door next to him: "I have checked, there are no monitors in the house, except for one room."

Hearing what he said, Scotland also looked towards the opposite room.

From the moment they entered here, Black Norway told them that they could enter anywhere except this room.

It was clear that there were secrets lurking in this inaccessible room.

Scotland and Bourbon set their sights on it as soon as they came in.

They have an intuition that the things in the room are very important, at least the information about the black organization.

So this room is like Pandora's box for them, which arouses their curiosity but cannot be opened.

Scotland looked back and walked into the room that Bourbon opened.

"I know."

Seeing that Bourbon closed the door, Scotland's body relaxed a lot.

Bourbon turned his head, saw him like this, and sighed: "It seems that your vigilance has not decreased."

Scotland laughed: "How can it be possible to really relax in this situation."

"Oh, is it?" Bourbon's eyes were a little playful, "That's not what you said just now, did you even forget my existence at that time?"

When this matter was mentioned, Scotland felt a little hot on his face.

At that time, he really forgot the existence of the other party, and that situation really made him lose energy to distribute around.

"It's just a medicine, and you don't need to invest so much."

Bourbon was writing a report at the time, and from his perspective he could only see the back of Scotland, and the black Norway was well blocked, so he didn't find anything wrong, but his friend's behavior told him that something seemed to happen.

"So you guys are really just taking medicine?"

He thought he would get an affirmative answer, but Scotland was silent for a while before answering.

Bourbon paused, and began to recall what had just happened.

That scene, that sound, if it wasn't drugging, what would it be?

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Black Norway's sweet voice that was a little cloying, and the occasional voice that was suppressed to the extreme.


For some reason, Bourbon felt his face was a little hot, but fortunately, no one else could see it.

He looked at his friend's frank expression, and felt that he was thinking too much.

"However." Bourbon hurriedly changed the subject: "We can only come in because Black Norway is injured. After he recovers from his injury, it will be difficult to approach that room. Have you found out anything?"

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