Chapter 11

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Before Haneda Ren finished speaking, Shirley interrupted: "So what have you been doing all this time?"

He froze for a moment, and Xue Li's expression became much darker: "Do you know what happened to my sister during this time? She actually had a car accident."


Haneda Ren was also a little surprised, he hadn't heard about it some time ago.

Shirley clenched her fists loudly, obviously very angry.

When the two walked to the door of the laboratory, Ren Haneda felt that Shirley's anger was also accumulating little by little.

He was a little annoyed that he didn't take care of contacting Akemi Miyano during this period of time due to the change of partner.

So I didn't know it happened.

"is it serious?"

"It's not a big problem."

Although Shirley said that, the anger in her words did not subside, and she pushed open the door of the laboratory.

After all, the laboratories here are not as good as those in the United States, and even the equipment is a bit old. With a bang, the door of the laboratory was scrapped.

Haneda Ren was stunned for a moment, and then walked in.

The people inside were also taken aback, they all stopped their work and looked over.

They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the person coming, and continued with what they were doing.

From the looks of it, Shirley is indeed living quite comfortably here.

At least no one is looking for trouble for her.

Haneda Ren was simply measured and given a pill.

Same as the original.

"Is it the original one?"

As soon as Shirley arrived in the laboratory, she seemed to be a different person, and her emotions became much more restrained. She looked at the data and confirmed the answer.

Not getting any response, Shirley looked up and saw Ren Haneda's hesitant movement.

She said helplessly: "Don't look at it, you have to take this medicine for at least a while, and if the effect is not good, you need to continue to increase the dose."

Shirley was also a little distressed: "Your body is not suitable for this experiment at all, so you need to adjust your physique to be like Belmode before. Do you regret accepting this experiment now?"

Haneda Ren shook his head, which he never regretted.

Shirley continued: "Then you should regret that it fell into my hands, after all, I won't give you a good time."

What she said was correct. At that time, the experimenters only recorded the data, and then conducted the experiment directly, without considering the physical condition of the experimenter at all.

But Shirley was different.

Haneda Ren pursed her lips: "I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you all the time."

Normally, Xue Li would have started to dislike him long ago, but today the other party looked normal, staring at the data for a long time, frowning tightly.

Seeing her like this, Haneda Lian didn't show it on the face, and already suspected that there was something wrong with her body in her heart.

Could it be that after so many years of medication, something finally went wrong?

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