Christmas Time

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Hotch's POV
It's Christmas time and spencer and I have been together for about 6 months. Spence still cuts but he's getting better. Everything's been perfect, cases and cuddles. Nothing to unusual has happened which is really good. I'm just worried because JJ and will are having a Christmas party and then the BAU's annual new year ball.
(Day of JJ's Christmas party)
I finish up with my work early and join Rossi and Garcia at everyone's desks in the bullpen. Spencer is looking down writing I smile at everyone and slip behind him and whisper in his ear "whatcha doing?"
He drops his pen and sits up and says "shit Aaron!" We all laugh and he says "you scared me".
I grin and say "sorry spence".
He just rolls his eyes and mumbles "yeah right".
Emily asks JJ "so what should we wear to this?"
She says "it's just casual"
Morgan asks "are a lot of people coming?"
JJ says "yeah, it's you guys and a bunch of will and I's friends". She glances at the time before saying "I have to head home and finish setting up, see you guys later".
Everyone says goodbye and then we all start to pack up and head home to change. When we get home Haley is watching jack and we say goodbye to them and she leaves with him. We head up to our room and I open the closet and spence sits on the bed and stares into the closet.
He frowns and says "I wish I had something Christmassy to wear". He stands up and starts to look at his red button downs.
I reach under the bed and through him a wrapped package. He looks surprised and I smile and say "just open it". He smiles when he sees that it's a red christmas sweater. Spence thanks me and I say "I had a feeling you'd want one".
He laughs and asks "how on earth did you manage to get this, I literally haven't left your side".
I smile and say "JJ helped".
He smiles and kisses me and I hold him closer. When we break he says "shower?"
I nod and say "come on" and we head to the bathroom. I turn on the shower, we hurry so we aren't late. When we get out we look for cloths. He wears the new sweater and his black jeans and I wear a brown collared shirt in jeans.
We kiss and he places his hands on my chest and says "I love you".
I wrap my arms around him and kiss him and say "I love you too".
I slip my hand into his and we head down stairs to get shoes and coats. He wears his black hightops and I just through on random shoes. When he finishes tying his shoes I help him slip on his black peacoat and he grins and says "thank you" and kisses me. My coat is already on so he grabs a red scarf and we link arms and head to the car. When we pull up to their house and he says "how come we are on time and it's already packed".
I stare at all the cars and say "I don't know". We get out of the car and he waits for me, I hold out my arm. He holds my arm and pulls himself against me and we walk up. I ring the door bell and the door swings open and JJ smiles. Her house is packed and join her, will, Garcia, and one of their friends in the kitchen. When we enter we take off our coats and he lets go of my arm. In the kitchen JJ gets us sodas because she knows spencer doesn't drink and I don't anymore. JJ introduces spencer and I to their friend, Julie.
I ask "how do you know JJ?"
Julie says "we went to college together". Then she asks "how about you guys?"
I say "I'm her boss".
Spencer smiles and says "I work with her too".
Julie asks Spence "so do you work for him too?"
Spencer says "I guess so, I've never really thought of that".
I nod in agreement and Garcia laughs at us. I look at her and ask "what?"
Garcia says "the boss and the doctor".
I roll my eyes and spencer says in an annoyed voice "Penelope" dragging out her name.
Julie asks "what?"
JJ and will laugh at us and I wrap an arm around Spencer's waist and say "we're a couple".
She asks "how does your work allow that".
I shrug and say "one of the members on our team was fraternizing with my boss. Another one of our team members approached my boss about the matter and the board decided to let us date".
JJ asks shocked "wait Rossi and Strauss?"
I say awkwardly "yeah...I wasn't supposed to tell".
Spencer looks at me and says "how come I didn't know this?"
I laugh and say "just because I love you doesn't mean I'll just share Rossi's secrets with you".
He frowns and says "okay".
We all chat and people come and go from the conversation, in one room the music blasts, the lights are low, and people are dancing. I pull on Spencer's hand and say "come on".
He tries to resist and says "Aaron no". I frown and turn back to him and hold his biceps.
He's sad and I step closer and say "spence what's wrong?"
Whispering he says "I can't dance, I mean I've never".
I give him a soft smile and say "okay, we don't have to".
He still looks sad and he says "I'm sorry Aaron".
I hug him and say "hey spence it's fine. Don't worry about it".
He whispers "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".
I says to him calmingly "spence it's okay".
He mumbles "are you sure".
I lean back and smile at him and say "absolutely, just promise me one thing".
He asks "what?"
I give him a warm smile and say "one dance at the BAU New Years ball".
He smiles and says "okay".
I grin and say "let's find Emily".
He slips his hand into mine and we wander off. We find her and we all chat for a bit, spence and I slip on our coats and head into the back yard where a few people are drunk and laughing. We sit on the porch steps and watch snow gently fall.
He lays his head on my shoulder and I wrap an arm around him. He says "this is perfect".
I smile and say "yes it is".
After it gets too cold and we talk to everyone at the team we decide to leave, basically everyone is drunk and it's 2:30 in the morning. I drive home and spence sleeps in the car. When we pull in he wakes up and it hold his hand as we shuffle to our room. We kick off our shoes and change into sweats and sweatshirts and he curls up in bed with me yawning. I kiss his head and say "I love you spence" but he's already asleep.

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