New Year Ball

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Reid's POV
It's the day of the BAU New Years ball and I'm honestly terrified. I promised Aaron to a dance and I won't back out. Garcia and Emily are taking JJ and I to Garcia's before the ball to get ready. It's a formal event and I've already rented my tux. I'm leaning back on Garcia's couch with my eyes closed as Garcia get our outfits from the closet. I roll my eyes when Garcia squeals and says "you are going to look so gorgeous!"She pulls me up and pushes me into the bedroom and says "go". I close the door and put on my suit, I don't put on the jacket and I step out holding the jacket and bow tie.
They laugh at me and JJ helps tie my bow tie. She asks "you really can't tie a bow tie?"
I say "no I can, I'm just awful at it".
I thank her and slip on my jacket and button it up.
Emily whistles and Garcia throws me a white scarf and says "it's very you".
I thank her and slip it on, and the girls leave to go change in different rooms, Garcia goes to her room, Emily goes to the bathroom, and JJ is in the spare room.
I sit on the couch and read one of Garcia's books, I hear a door open and JJ say "hey Reid?"
I look up and see her holding the top of a deep blue gown up. It has one strap and a little gold with a good belt. I say "yes?"
She asks "can you please zip up my dress?"
I stand up and say "of course". She steps into the living room and we walk toward each other and meet halfway. She turns around and I look down her back, following the open zipper down with my eyes. As I find the zipper I see the hem of her underwear, I grab the zipper, internally cringing, and start to zip it up.
When I pass her bra strap she says "can you also do the clip at the top?"
I nod and realize she can't see me so I say "yeah". My fingers brush her back as I finish zipping up the dress, she shivers at my touch and I say to her "sorry".
She says "it's okay".
I get to the clasp and I can't get it to close, mumbling I say "shit".
She laughs and says "what have you never done a clip like this before?"
I say in shock as I try again, "why on earth would I, their for dresses and bras!" She laughs at me more and I finally get it and say "yes!"
We high five and she thanks me before heading back into the room to get ready. JJ finishes getting her shoes, coat, and gloves from her bag. We stand and talk a little in the living room before she leaves to help Garcia and Emily with their dresses and the girls quickly finish with their make up. Garcia has a emerald green dress with a thick silver belt, her hair has matching green streaks and she has green eye shadow on too. Garcia requires us all to take a group photo before we leave. Everyone gets on their jackets, shoes, and gloves. We glance at the clocks before heading out, we should get there on time. Emily drives us and when we pull in the valet takes the car, as usual the ball is amazing. Thankfully I won't be awkwardly alone this year, will is coming with Morgan. We are the first from out team to show up, we head in and the ball room is gorgeous like every year. We our name tags and grab the rest of the teams and place them on table.
We all chat a little until Garcia says "ladies, dear doctor, I will join you later, a god has arrived".
We laugh as Garcia stands and heads to Morgan's and will approaches JJ, his mouth hang open in amazement and he says "damn". She laughs and pulls them off to dance.
Emily and I stand and chat at the table until she smiles and I ask "what?"
She places her hand on my shoulder and says "I will chat with you later" as she walks off in a daze. I follow her gaze and see a blonde man talking with a woman. I let her go as I stand with my back to the doors and watch everyone dancing. I notice Strauss dancing with Rossi and chuckle to myself.
Suddenly I feel arms snake around me and I smell a strong cologne, I relax into the arms and lay my head on them and they gently kiss behind my ear and whisper "gorgeous".
I smile and say "god I missed you".
I turn in his arms to face him and grin at him, he says "you are so incredibly sexy".
I blush and say "I think you're more". He smile and says "shh, don't tell lies".
I laugh and say "I'm not". I pause and then I say "do you want to..."
He asks "you sure?"
I hide my worry and say "yes".
He grins and says "you're a terrible liar".
I know he could feel my hear racing, I say "maybe you're just good at your job".
He smiles and says "at the next good song". I nod and he slips his hand into mine and we walk around talking. After the next song people sit for dinner, we join them at the table and we all chat, Strauss sits with us too. After dinner people go back to dancing and as the conversation dies down the song ends and Aaron smiles and says "shall we?"
I look around the table a little nervous and Rossi says "go on kid".
I frown at him and stand up, Aaron says quietly, "don't worry". I take his hand and he guides me out on the dance floor as we walk out onto the floor he says "don't listen to Rossi".
I say "I know, just sometimes..." we stop. He holds my left hand and holds my waist with my other hand, and has me place my right hand on his back. The next song is slow and I rest my head on his shoulder, I know to follow his lead and I quietly say "you know not to listen to Rossi, too".
He nods a little and says "yes, but that doesn't mean his words don't bother me".
I whisper "okay".
After a moment of silence he quietly asks "how are you?"
I say "terrified".
He chuckles and says "you're heart's racing".
I say breathlessly "yeah, I know".
He says "don't be scared, I'm right here". He adds "focus on my breathing, you're doing great".
I nod and say "how'd you know this would be a slow song?"
He says "I had Rossi ask Strauss to find out".
I nod and we are quiet before I say "Aaron".
He says "yes spence".
I look him in the eye and say "I love you".
He says quietly "I love you too spence".
Not caring about anyone around us we share a small gently kiss.
When we break I hear someone say "aww". I turn to see Garcia and Morgan and she smiles at Aaron and says "don't you look handsome".
Aaron laughs and Morgan says "what am I, chop liver?"
She laughs and says "no" as the song ends, Aaron and I leave the dance floor to get drinks.
We stand and chat during the night and Aaron says "it's almost midnight".
He wraps an arm around me and asks "ever had a New Years kiss?"
I say quietly "no".
He asks me "want to have your first?"
I say barely loud enough for him to hear "yes".
He kisses the top of my head and says "let's get a good spot".

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