One Long Night

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Reid's POV
We break apart and walk back to the cars where JJ and Morgan wait. It's clear they were talking about us and watching us but we don't say anything. I open the car door and grab one of my waistcoats from the back quickly and slip it on. Aaron grins at me and I'm happy to see him smiling, I don't care enough about my appearance to button it up so I leave it hanging open. It's chilly, enough for a waistcoat not a sweater but too cold to be in just a shirt. We get inside the building quickly and we pause before figuring out what building the sweet is in. Aaron and I walk close so that our sides are practically touching, we hang back and let Morgan and JJ lead us there. Inside the building we have to take the elevator to fourth floor so I hold Aaron's hand and with my other arm I pull myself against, holding his arm. When the elevator stops we separate and the doors opens, we walk in and JJ asks who the RA is, we walk over to her. She's an average height with big green eyes, blazing red long hair, and a few freckles. She's skinny and is wearing a tight gray tank top that shows off all her curves, one of he bra straps hangs off her shoulder and she has extremely short pink shorts on. I glance around and see that almost every girl here is dressed the similarly, probably because it's summer and their getting ready for bed because it's about 10:30-10:45. Wait, what? I double check the time, did we really spend that long at the morgue? We gather all the girls in the main room, the fill in on the floors and chairs so we can sit too, Aaron introduces us to the group and says "we will be having a group interview and then individual ones, while two of us examine the crime scene". They nod and agree and we split up, Aaron and I go to the crime scene first. He walks into the room first and I freeze in the doorway, worriedly Aaron walks over to me and kisses me gently before saying "what's wrong?"
I manage to say in less than a whisper, "I'm scared. I see myself in these girls" he shakes his head and hugs me. He tenses from the pain and I feel him grab my shirt tightly.
Eventually he relaxes and tells me, "you don't have too".
I shake my head and barely manage to say, "I'll try". He looks worried but doesn't fight it. Nodding a little he let's go and we get to work, the room shouts "help me" but to an average person this is just someone who's a little different, but she was an athlete and judging by the medals people accepted her. Aaron goes through shelves and desk drawers.
I move to the bed and look closely at the pillows, I say "Aaron, she went to bed crying almost every night, there's make up and judging by how it's on the pillows she didn't forget to take it off. She also has plenty of empty water bottles here, she was clearly trying to hide her puffy eyes from the others." He nods and comes over to looks at the pillows. After a bit of searching I decide to check under the bed, that's where I kept my box with the journal. I crouch and use the flashlight on my phone, I feel Aaron's hand and I smile to myself and scold him, "Aaron, we are in a dead girl's room".
I know he smiles when he says casually, "you find something?"
After pushing a thing or two around I say "no". I start to try and stand and my head hits the bottom of the bed and I mumble a curse.
Aaron chuckles a little before placing a hand on my head and asking, "you okay?"
I'm still on my knees and say "hang on". I think I heard a jingle so I slip my hand back under the bed and feel the lip of the bed frame, my hand hits a tin box and something jingles again. I slowly pull out the metal altoids tin and stand up.
A voice calls down the hall saying "Hotch" but we both ignore it, we both focus on the box in my hand. I slowly lift the lid and I yang my hands back dropping the box. Blades spill all over the spotless floor rattling as each one it's the ground.
Aaron's voice rings in my ears as he calls my name, everything slows, "spence". Footsteps come running at us, JJ and Morgan. I feel strong hands grab my biceps and gently push me out. My vision is blurry but I hear JJ ask Aaron a question. After some talk between them JJ and Morgan take over searching the room. Aaron places a hand on my back and slowly guides me down the hall, away from the room. He hugs me quickly tensing and then he pulls back enough to ask, "spencer are you okay?"
I shrug and whisper "I don't know".
He leans in close and asks, "I'm going to take over the interview with the girls, you can wait in the car if you want". He holds my face and waits for me to answer.
I sigh and quietly say, "no I'll stay". Aaron nods and doesn't fight me on it.
Instead he nods a little and says, "okay, come on". He kisses my forehead and we walk back to the girls, apparently JJ and Morgan finished the individual interviews and now it's just the group for us to do.

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