A Night Out

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Reid's POV
Hotch takes care of me and helps me to the car. Walking is becoming easier and the bursts of pain and sickness are fewer but he still let's me cuddle with him in the car. He sits in the back with me as Emily drives. I sit on his lap with my body curled up into him. He holds me close the whole ride as I fumble mindlessly with his buttons on his shirt. As we approach the movie theater and Emily leans back and says, "I'm really sorry again about earlier, I should have knocked or something". Hotch tells her not to worry and then returns to staring at me while I play with his shirt's hem. When we get to the theater everyone is already waiting inside and JJ has our three tickets. We pay her back and when we are inside and in the line for snacks.
She looks at us and our bloodshot eyes and asks "you guys alright".
I nod as Hotch says "we will be". After small chatter in the snack line we find our seats. I don't even pay attention to what movie it is or whats going on, instead I stared at Hotch. The movie starts playing slow music and he turns to me, staring deeply into my eyes. I don't thinks anyone sees us as we kiss. It becomes deep and passionate until my phone vibrates in my packet at the same time as his. We pull back and exchange a scared look before we pull out our phones. It's a picture from Garcia of us making out a second ago. I turn to her and blush when she gives me a plotting look. Hotch and I look around to see if anyone else saw, we don't think so. I spend the rest of the movie with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. Once the movie ends I stand up and hold onto his arm, keeping him close. I don't really need help walking anymore but I just want to be closer to him. Bursts of pain only happen once or twice a day, now I'm just worn from the past couple days. We walk out everyone is talking about the movie, I didn't really pay attention because it followed every horror movie plot line.

Hotch's POV
Reid holds my arm after the movie, I know he can walk now but I want him close so I don't care. As we walk out everyone talks about the movie. I hear Morgan talk to Reid, which breaks me from my thoughts, "Hey genius, you aren't gonna rant about how wrong the movie was," Reid is still lost in thought so Morgan messes up his hair and says "earth to pretty boy". Finally Reid answers how it's a basic horror movie and describes the plot and how the girl's actions were inaccurate. Everyone laughs when he finishes as he tries to fix his hair. I chuckle as I turn to him and fix his hair, when I finish he shoots a cold look at Morgan, only making me laugh more. We mix up the car arrangements so I drive and Rossi and Morgan sit in back, Garcia drives JJ and Emily. We're meeting at some Chinese restaurant, I wish someone made reservations because the wait might be a while. Reid sits up front with me, and Rossi and Morgan in back. I hold his hand as I drive.
For the first couple minutes I drive in quietness before Rossi asks, "how will all this work" he says gesturing to Reid and I.
"Yeah, you guys are inseparable" Morgan adds and Rossi nods in agreement.
I look at Reid and see his face full of worry and I rub the back of his hand and give him a small smile, saying, "I'll find a way. Everything will be okay". I say it more to Reid than Rossi and Morgan as I lightly squeeze his hand. I take the correct exit before I ask, "Morgan can you look up the directions for me?" Reid cuts him off before he can finish saying "sure" and quickly spits out the directions. I give him a questioning look before saying, "have you ever been?"
He pauses and then says "no I just figure I'd glance at a map before we left the theatre"
Rossi laughs and says "you'll never get lost with that one". After Reid directs us to the restaurant we see that the girls are already here. We get out and I see Reid is waiting for me as I walk around. I grin and hold my arm out to him, he returns my smile and takes my arm. Morgan and Rossi walk next to us and I point out the girls in the window seat waving at us. Out of no where Reid lets go and bends over quickly wrapping his arms around himself and then sinking to his knees. His body shakes and even though I can't see his face I know he's trying to hold in sobs. I wrap my arms around him and Rossi and Morgan meet the girls who run out to us. They try to ask me if we need help but I shake my head. He's getting better, this is only the second one today, he should be fine in a day or two. I rock him as we sit on the cold ground with everyone around us. As I hold him close I bury my face in his hair and listen to his sharp gasping breathes. Then I quietly ask, "do you want to go home?"
He shakes his head and in a quick breathless gasp he says "inside" and let's go of himself to squeeze my arm. I slowly readjust my arms and lift him slowly off the ground. I feel someone's hand help steady me but I don't break my gaze from Reid. I stand there and stare sadly down at the man of my dreams in my arms.

Reid's POV
I shake uncontrollably with pain in Hotch's arms. He slowly lifts me and steadies himself, I can feel his eyes on me as he stands for a moment. Once Hotch takes a few steps a small after wave of pain shoots through me and I moan. He whispers sweet nothings to me as another wave starts. I squeeze his arm and he tightens his hold on me. I know that the others heard me moan because when we reach the door I feel warmth as Garcia asks for tea for me. Thankfully we have a large table in the corner with a booth and chairs. Hotch slides into the corner with me still in his arms. I stay curled up in his lap for about ten minutes until the pain leaves completely. My eyes are bloodshot from tears from silently crying. Before I move off of Hotch's lap I hastily wipe my eyes. Slowly I slide off his lap because I can feel stranger eyes on us because we created a scene when he carried me in. I only pick a couple bites from Hotch's plate before I start to feel nausea. I causally excuse myself to the bathroom, everyone is casual but Hotch gives me a worried look that I try to ignore. When I get to the bathroom I place my hands on either side of the sink and slightly lean forward to help support myself. I gaze into the reflection of my eyes before I feel the food try to force it's way up. I lean my head back with my eyes closed and try to control my breathing and keep it all down. Not for my sake but for Hotch's, I know he's really worried about me. I feel a little better and look down at one of my wrists and push up my sleeve. A single tear falls as I stare at the gauze Hotch wrapped around it earlier. I hear the door open and someone enter but I don't look up, I jump a little when arms wrap around me. Instantly I smell a distinctive cologne and breath "Aaron" out. He turns me around and asks "how are you feeling?"
I pause and then say "the food is a little too rich," he chuckles and I feel it in his chest.
Then he asks "emotionally?"
And I reply with, "unstable" which only causes him to laugh more.
He pulls me close and says "I love you" and I smile. Then I am thankful for us being close in height as he leans back in just enough to kiss me. I slide my hands under his shirt and and and press him closer to me. He slips his hands into my hair and tugs lightly, because he knows how much I like it. I hold in moans but he whispers "I want to hear you". Then I stop caring and moan as we kiss. I relax as I let him take control of the kiss and guide my tongue. After a moment it becomes passionate and hungry and he tugs on my hair more. The door opens as I moan loudly into the kiss.
We don't stop until the door slams shut and hear whoever entered bang their head against the door and say "nooo". Morgan. I look up into Hotch's eyes and hear Morgan say "that was not something I wanted to see...ever" I laugh and Hotch's face lights up. I realize my arms are still under his shirt and so I slide them out. Hotch kisses me again, knowing Morgan is there and watching now. At first I'm confused but then I realize he is pulling down my sleeve and trying to distract Morgan. Apparently it works because Morgan looks at Hotch and says "I hate you," we both laugh and Morgan says "hurry up" and walks out. I peck Hotch on the lips and we walk out. I think I'm feeling better now.
We sit down and Emily asks, "everything okay?"
Morgan glares at us but mainly Hotch before he says "no" angrily.
We all laugh at Morgan and Garcia asks, "will someone tell me what we've missed?!"
In unison Hotch and I shout "no" which only makes them laugh more and me blush.

Hotch's POV
Dinner ends and we all pay and start to put our coats back on. Reid puts his coat on and I take over and button it up for him. We all walk out, Reid and I walk hand in hand infront of everyone. as we reach the car I volunteer to take Emily and Morgan home and Garcia says she'll drive Rossi and JJ. We say a quick goodbye because we will see each other in a day and then we climb into our cars. First we drop off Morgan who is still a little mad at me from earlier and then we drive to Emily's appartment. We wait for her to text Reid that she's inside before we leave, instead of a text we get a call. "someone broke in, they stole a lot. I just grabed my go-bag. I'm on my way back to the car now, can you guys take me to a hotel? Hang on I'm at the car" she says, hanging up and climbing in back. I look at her and ask if she's okay and she nods and tells us nothing too bad was stolen.
I then inform her, "you can stay at my house, Jack is still at camp. Don't waste money on a hotel, it's fine" she then thanks me and we drive off.

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