Night In

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Hotch's POV
I drive Spencer and Rossi to the hotel, it's 8:26 so I think we'll eat and then sleep. We don't talk much, every attempt at conversation dies immediately. At the hotel Rossi and Morgan go to get our room keys. Spence and I sit on one couch and he leans into my side half asleep, and I have one arm around him.
JJ and Emily sit across from us and I say "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so rude in the car". They both tell me not to worry about it and I nod.
Emily says "you don't have to always have to talk to us, but you don't have to always shut us out either".
I nod slowly and say lost in thought, "thank you". Spencer shifts under my arm and I look down at him and smile. Rossi and Morgan return with our room keys and I gently stroke his head and whisper "spence". I shift, getting ready to stand and he sits up and yawns, I wrap an arm around him and we join everyone in the elevator. He leans into me and rests his head on my shoulder and sighs. I keep my arm around his waist and I rest my head on his. When we get to our rooms on the 8th floor, I find out that our room is between JJ and Emily's room. We all crash in our rooms and I lay on the bed and I don't even bother to change. When I lay down spence lays with me. I lay on my back and he lays on his side and hugs me.
I wrap an arm around me and mumble "how are you?"
He mumbles "safe".
Confused I ask "hmm?"
His breath tickles my neck when he replies quietly, "I feel safe with you". I turn my head and kiss his forehead. We lay on the bed just hugging and staring at each other, I don't know how long we lay here but I don't want it to end.
Finally he breaks the silence saying, "I really hate to ruin this, but I'm hungry".
I sit up smiling and say "it's okay, I am too." He sits up and I ask "do you want to go out or we can stay in?"
He smiles and relaxes into me and says "can we stay here and have everyone over?"
I kiss his head and say "of course, spence". I send them all a text and they all say they'll come. When I look up from my phone I see a grin plastered on his face, I smile and ask "what?".
He continues to smile and says "we've got a few minutes". At first I'm confused but that only lasts a fraction of a second until his lips collide with mine. He takes me by surprise and I'm okay with that. I take control of the kiss and lay him back on his back, I straddle his waist and kiss him. This kiss is different than usual, it's not slow but hungry and desperate. Our hands tangle in each other's hair and he gasps when I pull. Quickly I break the kiss and search for his sweet spot, he has a couple but by now I've mastered where they are and which ones are his favorite. I go to his absolute favorite spot and start to make a hickey, I suck and bite, gently rubbing my teeth and kissing. He struggles to keep his moans quiet but he fails when I bite a little bit harder. It takes him by surprise and he moans loudly, "ohh Aaronn".
Spencer's back has been arched up in pleasure since we started to kiss and I kiss back up his mouth and whisper "quiet". He groans in annoyance but doesn't argue, instead his lips connect with mine. He let's me stay on top but breaks the kiss and start and suck on my neck. Half in surprise and half pleasure I gasp out "spence". His teeth rub lightly on my skin and I gasp and try to hold in moans. When I think he's almost done he bites a little harder like I usually do to him. Finally a moan escapes me but I'm not very loud as I moan "oohhh spencer".
He places little kiss all over my neck and in between a kiss he says "quiet". I smile to myself and we kiss and fight for dominance. Our tongues dance together but I win the kiss, when we can no longer kiss without air we break apart and I place my forehead on his.
We grin at each other and in our silence I hear Morgan on the phone say "I'll probably go over in a minute or two".
We but let out annoyed groans and I slip off him and we stand up. I walk toward my suit case to change and as I grab clothes I say "spence". He looks at me curiously and I say, "tuck your tie in" and walk away smiling. I know he did realize it had been pulled out from under his waistcoat. I change in the bathroom so if anyone shows up they don't have to wait. I change out of my suit into jeans and a brown collared shirt. I check quickly in the mirror to see if the collar covers the hickey. It does and I'm thankful that he made it close to my collar bone. I leave the bathroom and take him by surprise by hugging him.
He laughs and says "Aaron, don't scare me".
I smile and he turns in my arms to face me and I say "fine, than kiss me". He grins and we start to kiss passionately and his hand twist into my hair and my hands tangle with his silky brown hair. We are broken apart by a knock at the door and I say "to be continued".
Beaming he says "absolutely". He leaves me to get the door and I fix my hair a bit. Almost everyone joins us and the rest show up a minute later. Our room is a bit bigger and has a large bed so it's a better for us to gather here.
Someone orders pizzas and Morgan says "Reid, nice hair".
He looks confused and pats down his hair and tries to fix it even though he doesn't know what's wrong with it. We all laugh and he asks "what? What's wrong with it?"
JJ laughs and says "it looks like you got some action".
He still looks confused so I whisper in his ear "it was a good kiss".
Rossi says "good luck girls, you will hear a lot".
"No" spencer says.
Morgan ignores him and says "they're very busy". I sit back and let spencer deal with this, I know I should help him but I want to hear what he has to say.
With a bit of upset and a hint of anger spencer says "no, you are wrong".
Morgan crosses his arms with a smirk and says "and why is that, pretty boy?"
I tense up at the name and say "there are plenty of explanations for what you are hearing, if you are even hearing anything".
We all stay quiet and wait as Morgan questions spencer. Morgan asks "what are some of those explanations then?"
Spencer goes quiet before saying "well..."
I finally help out because I can see him struggling so I say "my chest before our break".
Morgan turns his attention to me and asks "just your chest?" He doesn't sound too convinced.
I smirk and say "possibly".
Emily laughs and says "better watch out Morgan".
Morgan gets the biggest smirk on his face and says "show me one other way than".
I hide my shock and horror with a frown and then I turn to spence and say "spence?"
He shakes his head and says "no Aaron, if you're think of that I'll kill you".
I shrug and say "fine, either way this will end in embarrassment".
He roles his eyes and says "maybe later, but right now I want food". Everyone laughs and we are interrupted by the pizza man and spence saying "thank god". I pay for the pizzas and then we all pass out paper plates and napkins, the night is nothing but laughing until JJ and Emily start to whisper.
Rossi says "even without alcohol you two are trouble".

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