Telling The Truth

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Hotch's POV
I might kill Prentiss, and they aren't going to stop soon too. Once the conversations slow Emily asks "Hotch, Reid. Something is definitely up, I don't know what but I know your not telling us something". I know everyone is watching Reid and I but they fail to pick up that Reid is squeezing my ankle tightly, he is getting nervous.
I look around slowly before I ask "what do you mean?"
Rossi laughs and says, "really Hotch, it's not hard to see something is up, but figuring out what is what's stumping us".
They still think I'm straight...I just easily cover us and say, "Reid is just in shock. You all should know how the shock from an event like that can effect someone" they all nod and I hope they are convinced. I look down and see Reid has his head down and I feel panicky because I don't know why. I hear him mumble something but I can't figure out what he says. Everyone watches as I look down at Reid and say, "hmm?" I feel the stares from the team on us but try seem as calm as possible for Reid.
"Can you help me the kitchen?" He asks quietly and I almost miss it. I nod and help him up he grabs my arm tightly and I help him in. I feel their gazes leave us and they start to quietly talk. I get Reid in the kitchen and sitting at the counter and say, "what's wrong, are you okay?" I walk over and get him a water before I join him at the counter.
He thanks me before saying, "should we tell them, I mean I don't want to but do you think we should?"
I look at him and think for a moment. "If we have to yes, they'll understand. But for know let's try to avoid informing them" he whispers okay and I grab his water and guide him back into the living room. Everyone stops talking and Reid's pain is showing when Garcia says "Reid are you okay, you look terrible" he just nods and slides back down onto the floor. I understand why he doesn't want to sit on the couch with me but he should he's in pain.

Reid's POV
After a while everyone goes to get more drinks and I try to stand but eventually need Hotch's help. In the kitchen I take a seat at the counter and everyone continues to talk and make different drinks. Hotch is busy looking for something in the fridge as I try to stand to get my glass but the second I try to stand up again pain bursts through me and I collapse again. Everyone hurries over. I loose control of myself as I sob and choke of Hotch's name. I can feel everyone's eyes on me as Hotch immediately stops and rushes to me, scooping me up and cradling me in his protective arms. Everyone then rushes around to try and find something to help ease the pain. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to focus on my breathing as Hotch uses a calm and quiet voice. I start to shake in controllably and I hear Rossi ask the group a question but my mind can't focus. Next thing I know Hotch is carrying me gently to one of the three spare rooms. He tucks me under with a small kiss and mumbles into my hair "I'll be right back" I nod and seconds later I'm asleep.

Hotch's POV
When I join the team in Rossi's kitchen everyone has already finished cleaning the living room and is doing the dishes. Dave tells me to sit and Prentiss puts a hand on my back, sitting next to me. I place my head between my hands on the counter and sulk. "Just shock then?" Rossi asks me and I know I can't avoid it any more. I slowly shake my head.
My voice shakes as I say "I'm so scared. I don't know what to do"
Morgan give me a sad look and says, "well you're doing something right because he looks calmer around you".
I keep my head down when I say, "but I wake him up every night from the same nightmare and he collapses from the pain. Yesterday before work he couldn't stop shaking from it,".
JJ gives me a sad look and says "all you can do with be there for him and remind him how much you love him".
I quietly thank them before Rossi says "you look like shit, everyone is staying the night. We are here for you and Reid, now go sleep". I thank them all again and go to curl up with Reid in bed. I pull his sleeping body into my arms and fall asleep.

Reid's POV
I wake up gasping from the same dream. I try to sit up quickly in shock but it just causes even more pain to surge through me. A cry of pain escapes me as the pain builds in my stomach this time. Between my quick movements and cry, Hotch wakes up and instinctively pulls me into his arms. He strokes my head and hushes me quietly mumbling "it'll be okay". The small cries that have started don't stop or get worse. Hotch let's go with one hand and leans back to grab his watch, "9:45" he mumbles rocking me slowly in his arms. I eventually pull myself together and remember last night after a minute.
I look at Hotch and whisper "oh god".
He gives me a small smile and says, "don't worry when I went back out I had to tell them. They are supportive of us and all stayed the night to make sure you'll be okay. Everything will be alright". He whispers ready and I nod, looking at him and realize he's in his jeans and a white t-shirt that was under his collared shirt. I notice that my tie, watch, and sweater vest are off along with our shoes. I cringe and try to stand but my legs buckle. I cling to Hotch so I don't fall and he picks me up and hushes me as I start to protest. Everyone is already up when Hotch carries me into the living room. He lays me on the sofa and goes to join the others in the kitchen. They come through in a couple minute and Hotch brings me eggs and a coffee. He helps me sit up as everyone else settles in. "So how long has this been a thing?" JJ asks after a moment.
I look down and say "since Tobias" and every nods slowly. The conversation shifts as I stay leaning into Hotch. Then he mumbles in my hair, "please eat".
I shake my head and say quietly, "I don't want to get sick" he looks sad but doesn't protest my decision.
Then Emily stops and says "oh god what about work?"
I turn and bury into Hotch's side and he wraps an arm around me saying, "I don't know," hear Hotch put his mug down and then he pulls my legs over his lap and and hugs me. I start shaking again because the pain is acting up again. I whimper quietly as coldness floods through me and I shiver. I hear Rossi offer Hotch a blanket which he excepts, draping it over me. I barely hear Hotch talk with them about my burst of pain and coldness because I'm to focused trying to hold in sobs. I calm down a little when I feel Hotch start to rock me. When the pain fades a bit I feel the coldness slowly leave me.
Morgan says "maybe we should all do something today" Hotch looks at me and I nod, he gives me worried look but says we'll go. After some chatter it's decided. Hotch, Emily, Garcia, and I will go shopping and then we will all go home and meet back up for dinner and a movie. We throw on our coats and split up. At the mall Hotch steadies me and we all get into the elevator. Inside I let Hotch hold me up as I struggle to steady my breathing. Garcia and Prentiss look worried but let us be. We all make it to my favorite store and Hotch has me sit down. We sit for a bit with my head between my elbows which rest on my knees and he rubs tiny circles on my back. Emily rush over and Garcia grabs Hotch.
She pulls him away saying "I found you the perfect thing to wear" he looks back at me nervous before I turn to Emily.
She just smiles and says "I know what you should wear"

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