Jack's Back

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Hotch's POV
In the morning I wake up to Reid curled up in my arms peacefully asleep. I lay there watching him sleep and stroking his hair for a while. I don't know how much time has past since I woke up but he starts to stir. He tightens his hold on me and pulls us closer together...well if you could pull us closer. Finally he opens his eyes and tilt his head so he can see me, I kiss him and chuckle. Confused he asks, "what?"
I smile at him and say "you". He snuggles into my chest and sighs, I play with his hair and ask, "how are you feeling?"
Pausing he considers the question before saying "extremely sore".
I whisper back to him, "sorry last night was kind of rough".
We lay in silence for a moment before he says, "I liked it.....when do you have to get jack?"
I smile to myself and then pause to ponder the question and say "I have to pick him up at 2:20, so I'll leave at 2" he nods his head and we lay in silence.
Once again he breaks the silence but this time he adjusts so he's looking at me and says, "how will we tell him?"
I pause and then say "I'm not sure, I have an idea but I don't know".
He smiles at me and says "we'll do it together".
Then I grab my phone to check the time, it says a missed call from Emily and it's 1:30. "Shit" I mumble and he gives me a questioning look, sitting up I say, "it's 1:30". He gapes at me and I laugh, pulling out of his grip and the climbing out of bed with me. I shower quickly and throw on a black collared shirt and jeans and let him lay in bed a bit longer because I know he's tired. In the kitchen I start to make us lunch quickly when I hear the shower turn on. By the time I'm finished in the kitchen he comes downstairs wearing a blue button down with a navy waist coat and tie, with light brown pants. His hair is still wet and in his eye, he walks over and we kiss, smiling I pull back and push his hair out of his face. Resting my forehead on his I mumble "I have to go". He frowns a little, I tell him "Emily will be here any minute and you guys can decorate, I'll be back soon, okay". Spencer nods and then we kiss I grab my coat and say, "I love you".
He says "I love you too" and I smile and wave goodbye as he stands in the doorway watching. As I'm getting in the car Emily pulls in and we wave and I drive off.

Reid's POV
As Aaron leaves Emily arrives. They exchange a wave and I wait for Emily in the doorway. We start to decorate right away because we don't have much time, because we have about 45 minutes till they get back.
* * *
I panic when I hear Aaron's voice, we didn't even hear the car. Quickly I get the extra decorations and put them in the kitchen, I hurry back just in time to see the door opening, Emily and I dog even have time to hide or something. Jack jumps up and down happily and I laugh. His attention turns to Emily and I and he runs over to us to say "hi". After everything settles down and time passes we order Chinese and sit down for dinner. "So Jack" Aaron says and I immediately know where this is going, so does Emily because I gave her a heads up while we decorated. Jack turns to Aaron, who says "how was camp".
Jack plays with his food and says "it was okay...is something wrong".
Aaron smiles and says "no buddy, Emily is gonna stay with us for a bit because her apartment is being fixed".
Jack turns his attention to me and I get worried, I feel Aaron hold my hand under the table and jack asks "what about Spencer?" I smile, as a team we decided it's be easier to let each others' kids call us but our first name.
Aaron smiles and asks "can he stay with us too?"
A grin appears on jack's face and he says "yeah!"
Aaron strokes the back of my hand with his thumb and says "we'll talk more later, okay?"
Jack says "okay" and we finish up with dinner.
After dinner Aaron tells jack to go get ready for bed, jack runs of and Aaron says to me "come on, I want you to do this with me". Emily waves me away from the sink where we're washing the dishes, I dry my hands and then hold Aaron's hand and he guides me upstairs.
I stop half way up the stairs and mumble "hold on," when he gives me a questioning look I add, "just sore". He nods and then picks me up and carries me up the stairs, placing me on the ground outside jack's door. When we enter jack's room he is sitting on his bed with a book and I smile. Aaron sits at the end of his bed and pulls me down, sitting next to him.
He rubs my back soothingly and says to jack "jack, do you know why Spencer is staying with us?" He shakes his head and Aaron takes a deep breath and says "I love spencer so he's going to live with us now, is that okay?"
I squeeze Aaron's hand tightly and jack throws his hands in the air and says "yeah!!!" I let out a sigh of relief and lean into Aaron's side. I stay there and listen as he reads jack a story. Jack falls asleep and we silently leave the room, when the door closes I kiss Aaron and he hugs me pulling me in close.
We go down to the living room and lay on the couch, he kisses me and I lay my head on his shoulder and let my fingers dance on his chest as I say, "I want to check before we go to bed" I look up at him. He nods, knowing that there's no point in arguing.
We hear Emily come downstairs in sweats and she grabs a water, she smiles at us and says "I'm going up to bed".
Aaron says "ok, good night". I yawn and he sits up with me and says "come on, let's get you to bed" I nod and we head up to bed. When we get upstairs I just throw on sweatpants and stay shirtless. Aaron does the same and then lays on the bed and I once again straddle him to inspect his chest, wincing a little.
Almost all the bruises are gone or barely visible, I gently rub my hand over his chest and ask "does it ever hurt?"
I pause, waiting for him and he says, "only if it interacts with too much pressure".
I kiss him gently and tell him "you might have bruised a rib...why didn't you tell me?"
He breaks eye contact and says "I didn't want to worry you".
I kiss him passionately and say "it's my job to worry". He chuckles quietly and I curl into his chest and pull up the covers and we drift to sleep.

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