Trip Back

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Hotch's POV
In the morning I wake up to talking next door but I ignore it and try to fall asleep again. Then I realize that we have to get going so I watch spence sleep before I kiss his head. He mumbles "aaron" stretching out my name and I stroke his back soothingly.
I whisper "spence we're gonna be late for the jet".
He mumbles something that sounds like "fine" and sits up. I go to sit up to but I stop half way up when he says "no".
Confused I ask "what?"
He yawns and places his hands on my shoulders and says "lay down, I want to check quickly. It's okay I won't hurt you".
I nod and cautiously lay down and say "okay".
He straddles me and then kisses me and whispers "don't worry".
I nod as he yawns again, I say half jokingly, "I wish you were more awake".
He rolls his eyes and says "yeah, yeah. Now be quiet so I can think". I smile and nod because I love watching him think. He gently places his hands on my chest and I flinch a little. Spencer gently pushes around the bruised rib and I wait for it to hurt. His hands leave my chest and he kisses me and says "that's it".
Shocked I ask "really?!"
He nods and says "yes, well it's a bit more swollen, that could be from yesterday...." he says trailing off in thought. He gently rubs my chest soothingly and says "I want you to ice on the plane and take it easy. If you can get the swelling down it will heal faster". I nod and and he kisses me and says "come on" and get out of bed to get ready. We quickly slip on jeans and he puts on a green sweater, I wear a gray t-shirt under my black sweatshirt that spence always steals. I slip on casual shoes and he puts on his worn hightops and we quickly pack up. We kiss quickly before turning in our key and sitting in the lobby. Rossi arrives soon after we do and sits with us to chat. I lean back on the couch with spence and I keep my arm draped around him and he leans into me.
Rossi looks like he's about speak when we hear Garcia squeal and say "you guys are so cute!"
Then I notice JJ behind her curse under her breath and say "shut up my heads going to explode".
We laugh at her and Rossi mumbles "stupid kids" referring to Garcia, Spencer, and I. JJ sits across from us and covers her face with a pillow and Garcia giggle and sits next to her. Morgan and Emily arrive dragging their bags and Morgan wears sunglasses like JJ.
They crash with us and Spencer looks at me and says "good news and bad news...well just bad news for you".
I give him a questioning look and say "what?"
He frowns and says "Garcia can't drive an SUV" then smiling and says "I'm driving" He frowns again and says "but I can't be with you".
I hold him close and say "it's okay the airports not far, but-".
I'm cut off by JJ groaning and Morgan says "I can drive".
I shake my head and say sternly so he doesn't argue "no, not while you're hung over".
Emily digs through her bag for sunglasses and Rossi says "I call going with Hotch." Spence pouts and I kiss him on the head, he snuggles into me and sighs.
Garcia checks the time and then says "we should probably go".
I glance at my watch and say "good idea". We all grab our bags and spencer and I walk hand in hand to the SUVs. We put our bags in back with everyone else's and he kisses me. I smile and say "it's a short ride". I pause and then flirting I ask "you gonna miss me?"
He fixes the strings to my sweatshirt and says "don't I always" and looks at me smiling.
I peck him on the lips and say "come on let's get this over with". He nods and I get in the car. When I get in I glance around to see who I'm driving; Rossi, Emily, and Garcia. I return my attention to the car and then look back to confirm that it's Garcia, I ask her "just out of curiosity, why aren't you with Morgan?"
She shakes her head and says "no offense to Reid but I trust your driving a bit more. Also, I don't like hung over JJ".
I shrug and say "fair enough".
I pull out behind spence and I smile as I watch him drive in front of me. He drives fine, he basically knows where every light and sign are. I get that he doesn't usually drive us but I start to wonder why no one likes him driving. Then it hits me, he's not use to driving in such a big car, I don't notice until we go around the corner and clips the curb a little. I smile to myself and we drive quietly.

Reid's POV
When I get in the car I glare at Morgan because he's sitting in the middle of the back and has both seat belts over him. I glance at JJ and she gives me a weak smile that tries to hide that she's scared. I roll my eyes at them and pull out, Aaron drives behind me and I smile to myself because everything seems to be going fine. It's not until the second turn that I clip the curb.
I curse under my breath, saying "shit".
Morgan says loudly "fuck Reid don't kill us".
JJ groans and says "I will kill both of you if you don't shut up and drive carefully".
We go silent not daring to mess with JJ, especially me since she's in the passengers seat. When we pull in the rust to hop out and I wait for Aaron to pull in. He walks around to me and hugs me, and presses on my lower back and says "nice turn".
I glare at him and say "I was doing good until then".
He says "yes you were".
The engine to the jet turns on and I laugh as JJ screams at it "shut up you bastard!"
Morgan pretends to smash his head on the car and the others groan, Garcia tries to get them to get their bags and shut up. We break an grab our bags and board the jet, I get Aaron the couch and say "lay down". He tries to protest but I shake my head and say "no, we talked about this".
Everyone fills in and almost everyone falls asleep. Aaron lays downs and I grab a towel and make a bag of ice for his chest. Then I crouch next to him and unzip his hoodie. I gently feel his chest through the t-shirt and find the bruised ribs. I look at him and sigh, curious he asks "what?"
I frown and say "you're going to have to take your shirt off, don't forget, 15 on 15 off".
He says "okay" and sits up. He slips the hoodie off and throws it on the end of the couch. Then I help him slide his shirt off and lay back down so I can place the ice on him. The moment the ice comes in contact with his skin he hisses in pain and shock.
I push a hand through his hair and say "shhhh, I'm sorry Aaron".
He gives me a small smile and says "it's okay" but I know he's lying. It's a little cold on the jet because the air conditioner is on so I drape a blanket over him. Morgan, Rossi, Emily, and JJ sleep in the four single seats behind Garcia. I join her at the table across from Aaron on the couch and she quietly watches as Aaron and I stare at each other. I break the silence and ask "how's your chest".
Aaron says "painful, numb, and extremely cold".
I frown and Garcia says "you look so precious when you frown".
I roll my eyes and Aaron laughs, he says to Garcia "I'm assuming Morgan got you to fly to Boston".
She nods and says "he gave me a heads up and said if I got the next flight I would make it in time".
I smile and say "it was great that you came to Boston but can you try not to kill me next time".
They laugh and Garcia says "okay".
Aaron says "you weren't gonna die, just freak out".
I shrug and say "same thing".
Aaron frowns a little and I know that means we'll talk later. We go quiet and sit in silence the rest of the flight. I lean on the table and prop my head on my hand and stare at Aaron. I check my watch and glance out the window and say "we should start to descend any minute" and Garcia and Aaron nod. I stand and crouch next to Aaron and ask "how is it?"
He says "a little bit better".
I nods and take off the ice, he sighs and I ask "better?"
He smiles and says "much, you have no idea how cold that is".
I smile and look at his chest, the swelling is down a little, I place a hand on his chest and smile at him. The jet start to descend so I help him sit up. He cringes a little and I whisper "it's okay". I gently pull his t-shirt back on and slip his hoodie on and zip it up. I join him on the couch and let him lean into me and I hug him.
Garcia says "awww" and I try and hide my blush.
Aaron says quietly "looks like we switched".
I smile as I hold him and I say "apparently".
Garcia grins at and then she asks "do we get to wake them up?" I nod and she steals an ice cube and places it on Morgan's head. He curses and then she goes around waking them all up with an ice cube. Aaron and I laugh and at everyone and the jet lands. Once again Aaron and I drive the same people back to the BAU to get our cars. I manage to drive fairly well with one close call and mumbles. We get into the parking garage and Aaron and I look over the space in the cars. Garcia can drive four and we can drive three. In Garcia's car is Morgan and Rossi, and in our car JJ and Emily. We only have to drop off JJ since Emily's staying with us. JJ seems much better now but Aaron and I dare not ask, up front we hear the two of them whispering in back. Usually we'd be suspicious but now we are just too tired to bother with them.
Aaron asks me while they talk "what do you want to do when we get to the house?"
I grin and say "sleep".
He laughs and says "I should've guessed". We pull into JJ's apartment and she thanks us and leaves. Then we drive home and drag our bags to our rooms. Emily said that she's going to try and sleep the hung over away. We drop our bags on the floor and I close the door. We quickly change into sweat pants and t-shirts and he slips into bed with his back against the headrest. I give him a nervous look and slip under the covers with him. He pulls me close and whispers "I love you spence"
I say "I love you too". After a moment or to I whisper "I'm sorry".
He calmly strokes my back and asks "about what?"
I stare down at the covers and fumble with the hem of my shirt and say "you know what".
I know he's frowning because theirs a hint of upset in his voice when he says "it's okay spence".
I say quietly "no....I shouldn't have".
I'm not sure we were talking about the same thing until he confirms it saying "spence, I'll never like you joking about killing yourself" he pauses and we are quiet for a long time before he whispers "I don't want to loose you".
I nod and gently snuggle into his chest and he wraps his arms protectively around me. I say extremely quietly "I'm sorry".
He says "shhh, spence".
I nods and whisper "I love you Aaron".
He kisses the top of my head and whispers back "I love you too spence".
We quietly lay down and he holds me close. I snuggle into his chest and we fall asleep.

Hotch's POV
When I wake up its dark out and spence and I are hugging. It isn't like a normal hug, we hold each other tightly. I can't tell if he's awake or not so I don't speak, instead I shift my arms a little and adjust my head a bit. My neck is sore because somehow throughout the day it went from his head buried in my chest to mine in his. He breathes quietly and steady so I can't tell if he's up or not, after a moment I move my head a little. I feel his hand move from my lower back to gently holding my neck. It's a little better with his hand there so I relax a little into his hold.
He rubs my neck a little and whispers "how's your neck?"
I shift so I'm looking up at him and I tense since it hurts to look up. My neck aches and I say "it could be worse".
He smiles and asks "can I do anything?"
I pause and give him a small kiss and say "stay here".
He smiles and says "I like that idea". I cuddle into him and he asks "how's your chest?" I shrug a little and he nods and says "okay". He props himself up with an elbow quickly before laying back down. He says "it's 8:37" and it's obviously night.
After a moment I have to sit up because my neck hurts too much, he let's me lean into him and gently massages my neck. I sigh and ask "do we have to see if Emily is up?"
He kisses my head and says "yes" sadly and but doesn't move. After a moment or two we finally get up, it's a little chilly since it's night time in the summer and all the windows are open. We start to head to the door and I see him shiver a little. I stop at the door and grab my black hoodie from on top of our backs and hand it to him. He quietly says "thanks" and slips it on. I pull him in for a hug, cringing a little and then we head downstairs. We start to look around for Emily but then she shuffles down the stairs yawning. Spence and I sit on the couch and she sits on the other couch.
Emily says "you two are adorable".
Spencer blushes a little and I smile. We chat a little about renting a movie for tonight. We finally decide to watch The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King since we've all seen the first two. None of us are too hungry so we just start the movie because it's 9:14. Emily lays on one couch and spence and I lay on the other.
When he leans into me I tense a little. All of a sudden he stands up and says "hang on". When he comes back he's got advil, water, and a bag of ice. I groan because the ice is always cold so he scolds me and says "come on aaron, you know better".
I give in and mumble "I know, I know". He smiles and I take the Advil and let him place the ice on my chest. He throws the blanket over us and we start the movie.
Emily's phone buzzes and she says "my apartment should be fixed by the end of tomorrow".
Nodding I says "okay". We return to the movie, every 10 or 15 minutes spence takes the ice off or puts it back on.
I gently rub his back as we watch the movie, when it ends Emily says "I'm still tired. I'm gonna head to bed". She yawns and we exchange goodnights, spence and I stay on the couch and let the credits play softly in the background. Once we hear Emily's door close and the movie ends spence takes off the ice and sits up. He helps me sit up and then he grins.
"What?" I ask him.
He kisses me and whispers against my lips "just looking at you".
I kiss him deeply and ask quietly "you want to lead?" He grins and I say "you'll have to fight for it". Smiling he excepts my challenge and we kiss again, it's hungry and out tongues fight for dominance. We lightly bit each other's lip to try and take the lead. Finally it hits me and I let my hand slide down he back so I'm now holding his lower back. I let him think he's won for a moment, then I quickly grab his ass tightly and he gasps in shock. I break the kiss so I can tend to his neck and gently suck. I grind my teeth against him and bite lightly. A low moan escapes his lips and I growl quietly and he breathlessly gasps and kiss back up to his lips. I gently lay back down and he places his hands on either side of my head, holding himself above me. He leans down and we continue to intensely kiss. The kiss slows a little and I gently lower him onto me.
We break for air and he mumbles "I think we tied".
I smile and whisper against his lips "maybe".
He lays his head gently on my chest and I tense and let a hiss of pain escape my lips. Spencer gently rubs my chest and says quietly "shhhh, it's okay, shhhh Aaron".
I relax a little and he continues to slowly rub my chest. We lay their for a long time and I feel my eyelids grow heavy. I fall asleep with him peacefully on my chest.

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