The Other Lover

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Reid's POV
Terror had filled me when the unsub tried to take me. That's twice in less than a month. But thankfully I'm not alone, I have Hotch.
* * *
When I wake, Hotch's warm lips are pressed gently against mine. I gently move my lips against his and smile into the kiss. He pulls me up and mumbles to me, "we have to change". There's bad weather again and Strauss doesn't want us staying to late so we will fly the long way back. Hotch tells me to dress casual and I grab the black skinny jeans that Emily bought me and a deep purple sweater. I quickly finish packing and getting dressed. Then I peal the gauze off my wrists and pull my sleeves down quickly. I feel the urge to cut again and I start to panic. I'm scared when I remember the unsub's hand gripping my fore arm trying to pull me out and Tobias beating me, I start to feel unsafe, pathetic, and weak. I know Hotch begged me not to cut so instead I quickly rush into his room and curl up on the bed. I pull my knees into my chest hugging them and breathing fast. Hotch approaches me and places a hand on my back before he sits down and engulfs me in a hug. Stroking my hair he whispers "shhh, what's wrong spence, it's okay".
I finally manage to choke out, "I...wanted to...Tobias...yesterday" I say giving up. He hugs me longer before he pulls back and pushes up my sleeves. He brushes the cuts with his thumb before he kisses my wrists.
In my ear he whispers, "it's okay. It's okay spence I'm here. I want you to keep coming to me like this instead of hurting yourself. I love you. Please. I'm always here for you. Okay?" I bury deeper into his chest and nod. He kisses the top of my head before he rests his chin on it and continuously hushes me and strokes my back. We slowly break apart and I watch him put some shoes in his bag before he closes it. Then he holds my hand as we enter my room and he helps me pack. Then we curl up on his bed in silence and kiss a little until we here a knock at the door.
Knowing it's one of the team Hotch calls, "come in" but we don't move.
Emily enters and immediately "aws" at us. Then she reminds us that we have to leave in two minutes and I groan. Hotch just laughs and we all head down with our bags.

Hotch's POV
When we board the plane Reid and I cuddle on the couch. We both know the team is noticing us being more open about our relationship but we don't care. We have to live a life of hiding except for little free time and we will take any chance to be together. After a bit Reid untangles himself from me and I go to question but I realize he didn't even look at me. Then it hits me. He's going straight to the coffee. Everyone laughs with me when they realize that Reid left me for coffee. He turns around confused and I manage to say "looks like I might have some competition".
When his questioning face doesn't go away I nod at the coffee, immediately he says "ohh" and smiles walking back over. He takes a sip, still standing with everyone watching us and says, "you should worry". Then he sits back down with me and places his coffee on the table and leans over like he's about to kiss me before he says "I love coffee" and he pulls back. Everyone laughs at me as I hit him playfully and call him a tease again. He just sits back and casually drinks his coffee.
I look at Dave for help but he just shrugs, complaining I tell him, "you have become the world's biggest tease" and he just looks at me with a sly smile. Everyone talks a little about Reid and I, and jack.
Then Garcia just says "okay please don't fire me or something, but seriously how far are you guys?" I give her a shocked look and spence chokes on his coffee and starts to cough. I rub his back to help him calm down. My mind races trying to process everything until I hear someone mumble something, breaking my thoughts.
I quickly turn to discover it was Rossi who spoke, "what?" I ask in a choked voice.
Reid and I turn in stare at Rossi when he says, "I said it sounded like you're pretty far based on the hotel walls".
I ask "what are you talking about?" And the gaping Reid next to me, places a hand on my arm and quietly says, "he's talking about yesterday morning". "Ooohh what happened then?" Garcia asks.
I look at Reid and say to them "nothing happened".
Morgan goes to say something but Reid spits out "nothing happened really" and I know he immediately regrets talking.
Morgan then says, "I think you just lost your case" but Reid shakes his head, Morgan gives him a questioning look before challenging him, "then what?"
Reid then says "nothing happened because.....I'm not sure". I know he means he is scared about having sex so I pull him close, he see their confused looks before he mumbles "about sex". It's just audible and I know he's embarrassed, especially because he turns into me and hides in my chest. I shoot Morgan, Rossi, and Garcia cold looks before turning my attention to Reid and stroking his hair calmingly. We chat a little longer before the delicate body in my arms goes silent. I hear his breathing slow and I become thankful because I know he needs sleep. After a while I start to get concerned, I can tell his nightmare is happening again. It's been a while so I'm not surprised that its not completely gone yet. I debate for a second over waking him or if I should let him sleep. I sigh and lightly kiss the top of his head and wake him up. His eyes fly open and look at me scared and alarmed and I know everyone is watching but I don't care as long as Reid is okay. He gives me a sad look before trying to stand, I look him in the eyes and just barely shake my head. He just sighs and sits back down with me, him in my arms.
Then I hear a quiet voice ask, "You okay Reid?", it's Garcia. He just nods and cuddles into my arms. I feel his hands wrap around my arm and he squeezes tightly, I know he's scared and I know how he wants to face it.
I kiss his head again and mumble "I love you" into his hair so only he can hear me.
I hear him quietly answer, "I love you too". He stays awake in my arms as I quietly talk with the team, Reid stays silent the entire time. It starts to get late so we all go to change into comfier clothes.

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