Three Guns and One Dead

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Reid's POV
The second we step out of the conference room, Hotch than I, we see everyone gathered around Emily's desk spin around. They see us and Garcia looks scared. Hotch has his "work face" on and I wipe my face of emotion. Without saying anything Hotch goes to his office and me to my desk.
At my desk everyone gathers, Morgan starts, "something's up Rei-".
He doesn't finish before Garcia interrupts and says "we are here for you and Hotch. Is everything okay? How can I help?"
I just chuckle and put my hands up and say "everything is okay". She nods and everyone goes off to get their bags for the flight.
* * *
Hotch said we'd probably have a case so we packed go-bags ahead of time, but we still arrive last. The couch is open and Garcia is coming due to webcams and websites it's easier having her close. I assume she left it open to see who sits where.
Hotch and I casually sit down together on the couch and Hotch leans over to mumble in my ear, "I will get us back for your birthday if it's the death of me" I smile and hug him tightly making him laugh. He knows almost every birthday I've had was forgotten or missed due to my mother's schizophrenic breaks or lack of friends. Even with the team I never did anything. He wants to make it special and it will be no matter what, I'm with him. With our small act of affection the team seems to relax as if seeing us together was reassuring. The plane ride is short so I just lean into Hotch the whole time.
At one point I say, "Aaron" looking up at him.
He replies with "hmm?"
I smile and say quietly so we can hear, "I love you".
He smiles back and stares into my eyes and says "I love you too". Then the jet starts to descend.

Hotch's POV
We head straight to the station to set up. This case doesn't worry me as much as the others but I'm still scared for him. This is a serial killer who's killing because of someone in his past. As usual Spence starts by heading straight to the board to set up maps. We all discuss what to do first and then split up. Reid and I go with Rossi to one of the dump sites and the others go to the victims families. At the site I can't focus at all, I can only admire Reid as he thinks and thinks. Then he gets it and I try to focus.
"I think I know why here. Before we couldn't figure out why this location, it's busy and open. We know the unsub blends in too. What if the unsub is dumping where the next victim will be picked" I just stare in shock and Rossi says "you are insane". After a bit more talking we get in the car to go back to the station. Rossi drives with Reid and I in the back.
I curl my arms around him and mumble into his hair, "you're in pain, I can tell. What can I do?"
He pretends to think it over before he says "maybe something tonight". Smiling I kiss his head and say "maybe if you're good".
He smiles up at me and says "aren't I ways?" with a sly grin. Back at the station we go over photos and maps searching for a connection.
Finally Reid turns to Garcia for some help, "speak to me boy genius" she says.
He pouts before saying "can you run for any records connecting our victims, maybe they worked together or something".
"One second lover boy" she tells him and we hear the fast clicking of keyboards. "Oh oh oh oh oh apparently both our victims were not so sweet. They both had affairs....annddd if I keep digging a little more they had affairs with the same man".
I cut in and ask "do you have a name".
She says "of course, it's Arthur Jackson and his address is on your phones" I quickly thank her.
Looking at Rossi and Reid I say "let's go, Rossi call the others and have them meet us here" and we are off to Jackson's. When we arrive it seems he's home so we carefully approach the house we hear fast footsteps and no one answers. Without Morgan or S.W.A.T. our only option is to have one of us kick the door down. Knowing I'm the best option for the door now I don't hesitate before I kick it open I step in and Rossi parts left and Reid right, as Reid passes I feel his hand drag across my ass and slightly grab it, but knowing our situation I try to brush it off. I hear the others pull up and I can just barelly hear Morgan say to go around back and surround the house. Rossi goes upstairs and Reid checks the rest of the downstairs as I venture into the basement. Pulling out my flashlight I explore deeper into the darkness, I see a women curled up on the floor and hear a gun click. I freeze. Something swings.

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