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Hotch's POV
When we get to the hotel I kiss the top of Reid's head and then we get out. I hate this, I don't want to hide us from the world. It's nice to be open to the team but I still don't want to hide in public. Especially with this case, we cannot let the unsub know if their watching. In the elevator we stand close but know to avoid the cameras. Luckily I got the whole team rooms near each other, three on one side and four across from them. My room is in between Reid's and Rossi's, thankfully the rooms have connecting doors. Reid goes into his room and dumps his stuff before showering and joining me in mine. We kiss and then curl up in the bed, his damp hair tickles my neck. He smells like a little like lemons from the shampoo. Jet lagged we quickly slip into a deep sleep.

Reid's POV
The alarm goes off at 3:45. That gives us an hour to get ready and get to the station. I hear the blaring noise and Hotch's let's go of me to turn of the alarm and get up. Groaning I wrap my arms tighter around him and I hear him chuckle and feel the vibrations. He pries himself out of my grasp and gets up. I mumble complaints as I crawl out of bed and shuffle to him. He kisses me and then playfully pushes me to my door. The quick action startles me and I stubble and he laughs more. "we have some time, get dressed and we can spend some time together before we go to the station" he tells me I nod and go into my room to change. Lay out my clothes on my bed and pull off my shirt and toss it somewhere on the floor. I push my hand through my hair as I debate what to wear today. I grab a pale blue button down and quickly slip it on and button it up. Then I put on black pants with a pink sock and a purple polka dot sock with my black high tops. I look at my selection of ties, waistcoats, and sweater vests before I choose a black and light blue striped tie and a black waist coat. I slip the tie around my neck but I don't tighten it and throw on my waist coat and leave it unbuttoned and my sleeves messily pushed back up. Pausing I smile at the gauze because for the first time I'm not being bothered by that nagging urge to cut. Then I finish my hair as the shower turns off in Hotch's room. I slip into his room and sit cross legged on the bed. For some reason I'm feeling pretty bold as I wait for Hotch on his bed in my partially ready work clothes. The bathroom door opens and he comes out dressed in his suit, ready to go and his jaw drops when he seems me on the bed.
I decide to play it casual and pretend I don't know what he's staring at, "what?" I say.

Hotch's POV
I leave the bathroom ready to spend time with Reid before we have to leave for the station. What I don't expect is to see him sitting on my bed with his legs crossed and looking hot as hell...even with the gauze on his arms that breaks my heart. But my jaw drops at the sight of him and he teases me and asks with a straight face, "what?"
I frown at him and say "don't play games, you know exactly what".
I walk towards him and stand in front of him and look down at him as he says, "but I thought you liked games" and as he finishes he bites down on his lip. That puts me over the edge and I reach down and start to hungrily kiss him. I push him down on the bed, straddling him and then I kiss him one more time before I move to his neck. I kiss his neck all over until I find his sweet spot. He moans loudly and arches his back up when I find the spot. I start to suck and rub my teeth against his bare skin making the room full of his beautiful moans. To end the hickey I bite down but not hard enough to hurt him. He half moans half shouts my name out and I kiss his jaw line before connecting our lips again. As we kiss he tries to fight for dominance and I let him think he's won for a moment. When I let his tongue guide mine I know he feels successful until my hands that are tangled in his hair tug enough to arch his back and moan loudly again. I take this opportunity to take control of the kiss, I lead his tongue and bite his lip before the alarm goes off again. I stop straddling him and we both stand, I quickly turn off the alarm and turn to Reid.
I start to fix his tie and tell him "Spencer Reid you are unbelievable".
He smiles and says, "I try" and shrugs. I move onto buttoning his waistcoat and then fixing his sleeves and tie before I take a step back so I can fix his soft hair. I reach over to the night stand and grab his watch, I place it over his sleeve and over the hidden gauze but I put it on loose enough not to bother him but enough to ensure that sleeve from falling down. I kiss him one last time before he goes to leave through his room so the unsub can't find out. When we both meet in the hall Rossi and Morgan are talking and Morgan says "Rossi and I are switching rooms, why, I don't know?" He says shrugging. I think of Reid as we walk to the car. That man will be the death of me.

Reid's POV
Hotch is a fucking god or something. Damn. Just damn. I freeze and tap Hotch on the shoulder and say "the hickey".
He looks at it and says "oh shit I didn't pack anything for it, sorry Spence". "It's okay" I tell him.
I notice the time and kiss him quickly and race out to my room and call "beat you to the car".
I just hear him yell back "not fair" as I run out, straight past Rossi and Morgan who are waiting for us. I sprint to the elevator and jam the "close doors" button before they can get in. Once I beat them to the car I sit in back and wait.

Hotch's POV
I know I can't race him because of the case so instead I casually walk out and let him win. Rossi and Morgan give me a strange look as we watch him run to the elevator and close the doors quickly. Rossi asks "what's that about?" I just shake my head and shrug saying, "I honestly don't know". When we get to the car I slip in back to where Reid waits and try to give him a quick kiss but he pulls back. I just playfully hit his arm and tell him, "you are the biggest tease lately," he just smiles as we drive off the station.
* * *
As we walk to the doors Morgan asks Reid, "kid why do you have so much energy this morning?!"
He just smiles and answers "some sorta rush of energy or something" he says only partially acting casual and partially hyper.
I eye him and say "maybe you should skip the coffee today".
He throws his hand over his chest and dramatically gasps and says taken aback, "how could I?!" Everyone laughs but stops shortly after we enter the station. We try to act professional but Reid is killing all of us. The girls give us a strange look but let us be for now.

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