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Reid's POV
When I wake up the I find Aaron gently stroking my back and I whisper "do we have to get up?"
He says " are you?"
I pause and say "not too bad". Then I ask "how's your chest?"
He smiles and says "pretty good". I smile back and he whispers, "let's shower".
I nod and he slips out of bed and turns on the shower, I shuffle after him and get undressed before hopping in. The water stings my cut at first and I cringe and hold him tightly.
He brush my hair out of my face and says "it's okay spence".
I adjust to the pain eventually and we wash up so we can stand under the warm water for a bit. When the water starts to turn cold he turn it off and wraps us in towels. We stand for a moment I glance at the clock and groan, it's 10:00 and everyone is coming at 11:30. I throw on my black skinny jeans and forest green V-neck with the sleeve rolled a little. I don't ty and hide the gauze because these people are my family and I don't really care today. Aaron wears jeans and a navy collared shirt and we head downstairs to set up quickly. And finish with time to make out. We stand on the back porch and kiss deeply. Our tongues dance in each other's mouth and we lightly bite each other's lips. My hickey from yesterday is practically gone and Aaron's collar covers his. I doesn't really matter that mine is almost gone because I start to gasp and moan when he sucks on my sweet spot. I arch my back into him and let out a low moan when he bites down, saying "ohhh aaron". He then kisses up my neck to my lips and we kiss hungrily once more. We hear the doorbell and I groan, annoyed I kiss him once more before we walk hand in hand to the door. Of course it's Morgan and Garcia. She squeals and hugs us we all head out back.
We chat for a bit before she says "oh gosh Reid! What happened?"
I decide to stick to our lie and say "I sliced my arm on the broken counter in our bathroom".
She hugs me and fusses over me and thankful the doorbell rings and saves me. Eventually the whole team is here except JJ. Haley and jack are here too. Aaron and I get the door together when JJ shows up we greet her and she brought along Will, one of the detectives from a previous case. We all head out back and everyone congratulates JJ.
JJ asks "reid, has that been getting air" she gestures at my wrist and I shake my head. She sighs and says "take it off for an hour or so later".
I nod and Aaron whispers "nice hickey in my ear".
I immediately blush and cover my neck with my hand and everyone laughs. His arm is around my waist so I turn to hide my face in him. He just laughs and says "it's fine spence".
Thankfully jack saves me and says "spencer you want to play?"
I gratefully say "sure" and we head off to the swing set, I push him on the swing for a bit before I start to feel a little tired and dizzy. I stop and say "sorry buddy, I don't feel good. Is it okay if I stop?"
He says "okay" and continues to swing on his own. I make my way back over to everyone else but sit on the steps.
Aaron joins me places a hand on my back and asks "you okay?"
I nod and say "a little tired and dizzy". He guides me to a chair and gives me a water before helping Morgan at the grill.
JJ joins me and asks "can I see?"
I sigh and hold out my wrist, she unwraps it and nods and says "it's much better, leave this off for a bit. I'll wrap it later." I nods and Garcia joins us.
I lean back and Garcia says "you want anything?" I shake my head and she says "okay, tell me if you do". I thank her and we chat a little. Aaron and Morgan finish with the grill and we all sit at the big table we set up to eat at. Aaron sits with me on the bench side and we all laugh and eat. When we finish we sit and talk and I relax into Aaron. JJ and will smile and agree on something and everyone smiles at them.
She blushes a little and Emily says "care to share".
JJ looks at will for help and then sighs and says "will and I made a decision."
Garcia smiles and says "tell us, but first how long has this been a thing?"
JJ smiles back and says "over a year. And ummm" she trails off and everyone is anxious. She finally says "I'm pregnant". All of us are shocked as we congratulate her, "we decided who we want to be the god father and god mother".
Garcia squeals loudly and says "please tell us!"
JJ shakes her head and says "not yet". Everyone groans and laughs and we play games and fool around all evening. When it gets dark Aaron grabs us sparklers. We give the first one to jack who runs off screaming. Then everyone else lights them from candles on the table and Emily takes pictures. Apparently she has been all day and I just didn't know it. It dark out so the only light is the moon, stars, candles, and sparklers...and the occasional flash from the camera. Aaron has an arm around my waist and reaches to light a sparkler. Neither of us look at it, instead we kiss deeply, thankfully it's dark so the others can't see us. The light from the sparkler flickers on our faces and when it dies we break apart. I light one and lean into him and we watch it burn slowly. We watch the silhouettes of everyone and I spot Emily, call her over so she can have fun and we'll take pictures. I make sure to take plenty of her since she's been taking them of everyone else all day. When the sparklers are gone we start the fire pit and gather around and make s'mores. I laugh when jack stuffs his face and gets the sticky marshmallow all over him. Aaron finishes making one and offers me a bit. I taste the sticky chocolate and gooey marshmallow in the crunch gram cracker and smile. He takes a bit too and we share the s'more. He holds me as we watch everyone laughing.
I say to Aaron, "look at Rossi". The two of us laugh at how focused he is because the marshmallow has to be just right. Will and JJ giggle and Haley laughs as she tries to get the s'more off of jacks face. Garcia and Morgan laugh as they talk about Garcia's nicknames for him and Emily laughs with Rossi when he isn't focusing and she isn't taking pictures. We finish our s'mores and we start to talk.
Jack shuffles to where Aaron and I are curled up in a chair together, jack asks "can I sit with you guys?"
All the girls say "aww" and we let him curl up in our laps. Haley grins at us and I watch jack slowly fall asleep. We all chat for a bit before it starts to get cold. We head inside and jack sleeps upstairs so we can talk without walking him. We all crash in the living room and I steal one of Aaron's sweaters from upstairs. We chat quietly while Emily uploads the pictures to her laptop and Garcia connects it to the tv for us to see. They're pictures of me hiding in Aaron's chest from the hickey incident. There's pictures of us all laughing and eating. Everyone aws at the picture of me pushing jack on the swing. There's a cute photo of JJ wiping ketchup on will. Jack is holding Rossi's hand showing him flowers in one picture too. We are sitting on the couches and chairs and on the floor in the living room. I'm on a couch curled up with Aaron on one end and JJ and will are at the other end. Emily, Haley and Penelope are on the other couch and Rossi is in a chair. Morgan sits on the floor at Penelope's feet. The next picture everyone awes at and Arron kisses my forehead, the picture is of us kissing and our faces are light from the sparkler he's holding. We all chat as we scroll through the pictures and we stop to aww at cute ones of jack, Aaron and I, and JJ and will. They're a great shots of Aaron feeding me the s'more and us all around the fire. When we finish going through the pictures and chat for a little people slowly start to leave. Jack woke up when we were chatting so Haley and him left first. JJ, will, Garcia, and Morgan are left and we talk a little. JJ asks Aaron to get the gauze so she can wrap my wrist. When he comes back I lean into him and hold my wrist out for her.
As she wraps it she says, "make sure it gets air, but at the same time you don't want it to rip and bleed".
I nod and thank her when she's done. Then JJ and will head out and Morgan and Garcia talk a little.
Garcia asks "how's your days off been?"
I shrug and Aaron says "insane". I nod in agreement.
Morgan asks jokingly "how's living with Reid".
I roll my eyes at the question and Aaron grins and says "perfect".
I smile at him and say "you're not too bad".
Everyone laughs and he says faking shock, "not too bad?!"
I smile and say "fine, you're better than perfect".
Penelope squeals at us and Aaron says "I can live with that".
We chat a little longer before they head out. Aaron and I clean up a little because it's late.
I glance at the clock and it says 11:47, I sigh and Aaron wraps his arms around me and says "come on" into my ear.
We head up stairs and we change into sweat pants and don't even bother with shirts. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me deeply, walking us backwards. When the back of my knees hit the bed he gently lowers me down, careful not to break the kiss. He places his hands on either side of my head to hold himself. His hands tangle in my hair and I hum in pleasure as he lightly tugs. My hands slide up his back and then I lightly drag my nails back down, he let's out a low moan as we kiss and I grin. He kisses down my neck and let's out small moans. As he bites and sucks on my neck I gasp and my eyes flutter close. When he kisses back to my lips he holds my hips down and I take his face in my hands, cupping his cheeks. I start to adjust us so I'm on top, I hold myself above him. The kiss is hungry and I break it so I can tend to his neck. Gently biting and sucking on his neck he let's out deep moans. I start feel weak and dizzy since I'm not technically healthy. All I've done is sleep a little, usually they would pump blood back in in a hospital....then take me away. I can tell Aaron wants to take be back on top and I'm thankful. I'm trying to hold it together and fake that I'm okay, but I'm not sure home much longer I can pull off this act. He switches so he's back on top we kiss intensely and I feel extremely dizzy. When the kiss breaks he places his forehead on mine and we breathe heavily for air. However I'm having a harder time trying to catch my breath so I try and hide it.
At first I think he doesn't notice it's more than the kiss until he kisses my foreheads and whispers "come on spence, you need to rest".
I mumble breathlessly "no, I'm fine".
He places a hand on me cheek and says "spence".
I close my eyes and say extremely quietly "I don't want to stop".
He carefully brushes my hair out of my face and says "shhh, spence, I know, it's okay. Shhh it's fine spence."
He lays next to me and we kiss slowly, me in his arms. When the kiss breaks I hide my head in his chest and I hold in sobs that cause my body to shake.
He kisses the top of my head and I say in a choked voice "I'm sorry" over and over.
He rubs my back and says "shhh spence, shhhh".
I start to cry a little and I coke out between cries, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm so messed up, I'm sorry Aaron".
He continues to rub my back and says "shhh, there's nothing wrong with you spence".
I ask into his chest "really?" I say it meaning are you kidding me instead of asking him a question.
Aaron kisses the top of my head and says "shhh spence, you can do this. I'm here for you. I'll be here every step of the way. Shhh".
I nod and whisper "okay".
He runs a hand through my hair and says "sleep spence".
I nod a little and my sobs stop as he rubs my back soothingly. I fall asleep dizzy, weak, and tired but feeling safe in his arms.

Hotch's POV
I wake up with spencer protectively wrapped up in my arms. I tilt my head so my face is in his hair and I listen to him breathe. After a while he starts to shift and his hold on me adjusts a little. I kiss his head and he mumbles "Aaron".
I kiss his ear and say "spence".
He snuggles into me and he yawns and says "I'm tired".
I press him closer and say "shhh, I know spence".
He tilts his head up and kisses my neck and says "Aaron" quietly.
I answer "what Spencer?"
He pulls me closer a little and says "I feel dizzy".
I rub his back and say "shh spence I know, you need to rest". He nods a little and I ask "do you want me to call JJ?"
He nods a little and says "please". Quietly he snuggles into my chest and I grab my phone, but I stay with spencer curled up in my arms to make the call. It's a little past 11:00 a.m. so I call her but I don't bother to get up. Spence stays quietly in my arms and listens. She picks up:
JJ: Hotch?
Hotch: yes
JJ: is everything okay? How's Reid?
Hotch: that's why I'm calling.
JJ: what happened?
Hotch: he's really tired and dizzy...anything else spence?
Reid: (quietly says) I feel weak
Hotch: he also feels weak
JJ: ummm okay, stay in bed all day. Don't go out, try to get up as little as possible. Sleep a lot, stay hydrated.
Hotch: ok, thanks JJ
Reid: tell her I said thanks
Hotch: spence also says thanks
JJ: no problem, I hope he feels better
We hang up and I stroke his hair and ask "you want food?"
He shrugs and says "not really".
I give him a worried look but he just closes his eyes to breathe.
Finally I say "okay, but you have to eat later". He nods a little and I let it go. the day is slow, I read to him and we chat almost all day. As I read he lays his head on my lap and I stop at the end of chapter 1. I say "will you please eat".
He pauses before saying "okay..." I get him crackers to snack on because I know he's not hungry. I want him to eat more but I'm not going to push it. He nibbles on the crackers but I can tell it's only to make me happy.
We snuggle a lot and when it's close to dinner time I ask "will you eat something for dinner?" He nods and I say "okay, I'll be right back".
He nods and I kiss his head before heading downstairs. I heat up two slices of leftover pizza for us and I grab us waters before heading back upstairs. I get back to the room spencer and looks cold, he's curled up under the covers.
When he sees me he starts to move to sit up but I say "wait".
He nods and I grab a sweatshirt for him. I place the two plates on the nightstand and help him up. Then I join him bed under the covers and hand him the sweatshirt, he kisses me and says "thanks" and slips it on. I pass him the plate. He leans into me and we chat and eat. Once we finish eating I put the plates on the nightstand and we talk a little, quietly and snuggle. Eventually he falls asleep in my arms and I let myself drift asleep, knowing he's safe.

A Bit Of DeathOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora