Wheels Up?

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Reid's POV
When we get back to Hotch's we crash on the couch. It's not to late because we had done an early movie and a normal dinner, so it's about 9:15. We sit around and chat for a bit and then Emily asks "so can I ask what freaked Morgan out so much or do I not want to know?"
Hotch looks at me and I shrug and answer, "well the food upset my stomach so I left and Aaron came to check on me. Then we um...kissed and that kinda esculated into making out and umm Morgan walked in and freaked out. And then being mean to him, Aaron kissed me probably longer than he should of and that's when he freaked and stormed out".
Then Hotch quickly adds, "you forgot to tell Emily what sound you made when he walked in". I blush and push him over and he pretends to be hurt. Emily just laughs at us and we all end up laughing. After some more talk Hotch informs Emily that she can stay for as long as she wants and she thanks him.
We both know she's nervous about going back and she confirms our guess when she says, "can I please stay till I can check it out on Monday? I don't think I'm quite ready to go back just yet" Hotch lets her know it's totally okay and then we decided to head to bed. Hotch gives me his room to change and he goes to the bathroom. He knows l'm self consious and lets me have the privacy. I throw on a gray t-shirt that's a little too small and black and red and black checked pajama pants. He knocks before he comes out. When he knocked I quickly put my hands behind my back to try and hide my wrists because I don't want to remember the pain. He sees me trying to hide my wrists and walks over to me, leaning me backwards onto the bed and gently lays me on my back. Holding himself over me he kisses me long and slowly. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me, we cuddle and peacefully fall asleep in each others arms.

Hotch's POV
My phone wakes me up ringing, I squint at the clock and read "1:03" before I carefully climb out of the bed, trying not to wake Reid as I pick it up once l'm in the hall. "Hotchner" I say.
And hear Strauss answer, "how's your team?"
I roll my eyes before I say "they're fine, what is this about, it's 1 in the morning". The bedroom door opens and Reid shuffles out yawning.
He wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his head on my back as Strauss says "I need your team, do you think they're ready?" I squeeze Reid's hand and he knows what's happening and nods against my back.
"I'll gather them now".
She says, "okay thank you, brief them on the plane, it's a long flight and we can't waste time". I hang up and Reid lets go and I turn to face him.
He sees my sadness and wraps his arms around me and I say quietly in his ear, "I love you. I love you so much".
He tighens his grip and says "I love you too". I reluctantly let go to tell Emily and call the others. I call them first and everyone complains. Emily looks worried, she can probably see the sadness in my eyes as she says okay with a sad look on her face. Reid and I quickly pack and meet Prentiss downstairs and pack the car. When we get to the jet people are either pulling in or already on the plane. I watch as Reid quickly claims the couch and I glance over a file from Strauss. Something is really wrong because Garcia is coming and the file shows a hurricane and says that the quickest way we will take, that means taking the long way around the earth. I look up and announce 20 hour flight, everyone groans until I point out that Strauss wants us there immediately, not in 28 hours. I tell them that we'll brief the last hour and a half of the flight and to sleep and relax. I sit in the chair closest to the sofa. At the table Morgan and Prentiss sit across from me. Everyone falls asleep. Eventually I fall asleep too but not on purpose.

Reid's POV
I wake up and go into the bathroom. I close the door and pull out a blade and unwrap the gauze and add deep fresh cuts. I'm weak, he can't love me, look at me, I'm pathetic. I once again hear Hotch's voice fill with concern as he knocks on the door, breaking my thoughts of self-hate. He starts to panic when I don't answer and he begs me to open the door. Now I've dropped the blade somewhere and have sunken to the floor. Blood flows steadily from my wrists and I weakly unlock the door from the floor. Hotch closes the door and drops to the floor and tears flow from my face. He delicately takes my wrists in his hands, slowly raising his head to look at me says "why" so quietly I almost miss it. Gently he lifts me off the floor and has me sit on the counter. I'm too weak to sit up so I slouch into the corner of the wall. He turns the water on and once it's warm he places both my wrists under the water. I watch as the clear water becomes a bright crimson, swirling down the drain. He let's go of my wrists to clean the blood off the floor before he returns to me and rubs my back. He turns the water off and pulls gauze from the draw and wraps my wrists back up. Luckily I managed to keep the blood only on my shirt, but it's soaking wet with blood now. Hotch's sweatshirt is on the other side of the counter where I left it. He goes to take my shirt off but I stop him and try to protest. He gives me a small sad kiss and says "you are beautiful" and try's to remove my shirt. This time I don't argue and let him but I try to hide myself from him. He doesn't fight me on this one, instead he grabs his sweatshirt and puts it on me. Slowly he zips it up and kisses me again, deep and passionate. He hugs me and lifts me off the counter and glances around the bathroom to confirm there's nothing out of place. Everyone else is still asleep as he lays down on the couch with me. His back is to the inside of the couch and his arms are pulling me close as I curl up into him. I bury my head in his chest and fall asleep to his warm scent and breathing.

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