Can You Save Him One More Time

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Reid's POV
We try our hardest to pull ourselves together but we do a pretty bad job. After talking to the sheriff we settle in the conference room and I slide the board to the table and pull out a map. I quickly start circling things and spit out facts. Prentiss stops me and the guys just break out laughing because they know I'm hyper. Emily asks me, "why are you talking so fast...well faster then usual" I shrug and try to slowly repeat what I said but I give up because I know I'm still going to talk fast no matter what. Hotch splits up the team, some stay to interview family and friends and he sends some of them to the crime scene. He keeps me to continue working on the maps and the notes that were left in each victims pocket. I leave to get a coffee before I return to my work. When I return he eyes me and I give him an innocent look. I take a sip and look back at the map. I sit on the edge of the table next to where he stands and I try to focus as I look at the map.
Eventually I focus and something clicks, I stand up mumbling "hang on" and slowly start circling things. After a moment of drawing circles and points and Hotch staring at me, to the sheriff who recently walked in and I ask, "what's here?"
He looks closer before answering, "some apartments, a gay bar, a homeless shelter, and a shop or two".
I nod and look at Hotch, "I think we should focus on here and see what evidence is connected to this area" I tell him, nodding he calls the team to inform them. I then hear Garcia and I jump a mile, I totally forgot she was here. Everyone laughs at me. Garcia didn't even say something, she was just typing on her keyboard.

Hotch's POV
After more information is collected I decide to have the team split up. We all go under cover at the gay bar and Garcia will stay on the line to monitor the security cameras. We send Emily and JJ in as bartenders, Rossi a bouncer, and Morgan, Reid, and I as people hanging out. I don't like this idea at all but at least Morgan is with us. Derek may be straight but he's a playboy and alpha male, which will hopefully help us out. Reid decides to play it safe and act sad over a break up or something like that, he sits at the bar and Emily and him small talk and occasionally slips in code words. Morgan goes out and tries to dance, I know he's not enjoying this but he's doing a good job...or it could just be the grinding that is helping him out. I find an alpha male to chat with, we get friendly enough to look like two friends boy hunting together, not actually dating. I learn enough about this alpha male, Marcus, to know he can't be the unsub. I offer to go get us more drinks and tell JJ, "he's not a match," I make sure I say it loud enough so Reid and Emily can know too. I head back to our table and Marcus and I chat until I see someone approach Reid at the bar. I can tell Emily and JJ are nervous too. Throughout the night Marcus and I have been pausing to watch people around us. When the man approaches Reid I quickly silence Marcus and we watch from our table. Reid starts to fidget and I can tell he's scared and uncomfortable, it kills me that I can't help him. The man starts talking to Reid and trying to get him to dance or something.
I see JJ look down and then my phone buzzes, she sent a text saying, "he's desperate to have Reid leave with him, Reid said he's in a relationship and his boyfriend will be back tomorrow and he misses him. He won't go away" I look desperately at JJ across the room and I know she can see how scared I am in my eyes.
He tries to grab Reid and pull him, JJ gives me a warning look and I hear Emily in my earpiece say to Rossi, "lock down the building immediately".
Rossi says "already done, what's happening?"
JJ then answers "a man dragging Reid out, it's him". I loose it and yell to Marcus to stay there as I chase down Reid. Thankfully they try to leave from the side door where Rossi is.
The second they step out Rossi pulls his gun out on him yelling "slowly put your hands above your head". I waste no time as I sneak up from behind and handcuff him. I don't even get angry because all I can think about is Reid, who instantly turns to me and hugs me for a long time. He's shaking and I know he was reminded of Tobias. Garcia sends us an address and I take Reid to the station and everyone else goes to the house. We wait in the conference room with Garcia, the door is locked and the blinds are closed. I sit in a chair with Reid curled up in my lap shaking from shock and clinging to me. My phone buzzes and I pick it up, Garcia got the same picture and she just closes her eyes quickly. I bring up the picture and it shows a long corridor that looks never ending. There's nothing but cages of men.
I shut my eyes and hug Reid tighter, he quietly asks "what?" I shake my head and rock him slowly. All I can do is thank the world that we caught the son of a bitch before Reid was gone again. He tries to ask me again to see the photo but I just hush him and mumble sweet nothings to him. The man who tried to take Reid arrives at the station along with the team. Reid stands close to me but not enough for the police to tell we are more than coworkers. The man tries to talk to Reid and comment on his looks but Morgan shoves him forward and out of sight. JJ comes over and quietly asks Spencer how he is and he just nods and mumbles something along the lines of I'll be fine. I understand why Strauss was desperate. Gay men have been disappearing like crazy and then some of them start showing up dead with notes in their pockets. Garcia comes out of the conference room to talk to Morgan. I tell Reid I need to talk to him but the second the conference door closes push him gently against the wall to remind me that I'm here with him and that he's safe. I kiss him long and slow and gently before he rubs my back and we kiss again.
He pulls away and mumbles against my lips, "I needed that". I give him another small kiss before I say, "me too". I know any longer the police will question us and I know the team probably thinks we aren't talking. I walk him to a seat before I open the door and the team comes in. A couple of the team eye us but don't say anything. Strauss calls and everyone looks worried. "Aaron, your team did a remarkable job, I've had three other teams on this case for weeks and no one could catch this guy. We should speak when you get back" she tells me and I cringe when she uses my first name. That should only be for Reid. I thank her and hang up. When I return the room I calm everyone when I inform them about Strauss call. They all look relieved and we finish the little packing we have left. Strauss sends me a quick text saying she forgot to tell me that we are welcome to stay the night and leave in the morning. I tell them team and the sheriff thanks, before we drive back to the hotel. I hold Reid the whole ride and rub small circles on his back. At the hotel we know we are safe because we caught the unsub. He walks into my room with me, feeling safe. He slips into his room and quickly changes and then we exchange a kiss before falling asleep all cuddled up.

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