Shop Till You Drop

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Hotch's POV
I feel terrible when Garcia pulls me off but I know Reid is safe with Emily. Complaining Garcia pulls me over to the suits. She starts going through the racks as she talks to me. "You need to get more creative with what you wear. Hotch, it's all boring suits and and dull ties" she pauses and goes, "this isn't formal why are we in suits?" I groan as she pulls me over and picks out a dark jeans and hands them to me, "hold these". To scared to argue with a shopping Garcia I silently take the jeans as she drags me to shirts. Finally after going through a thousand racks while grumbling she pulls out a light gray button down and a jacket. Hopefully Reid likes it, because there is no way Garcia is letting me wear something else. She goes and finds me a black belt and shoes and we go off to pay.

Reid's POV
I groan as I see a spark in Emily's eye, she is excited about something. I slowly stand and hold her arm as she slowly walks me to some button downs, she pulls out a deep purple one and turns around to pick out a waistcoat. She hands me a solid black one and grabs a purple tie with thin white stripes on it. Then she leads me over and grabs me a pair of tight black jeans. "Emily" I complain, dragging out her name.
She ignores me and takes me to the dressing room and says "go change" I go to protest but she closes the door. After a second I here a ding and keyboard clicks come from outside the changing room, she tells me "Reid, Garcia and Hotch are done and gonna walk around. We are going to meet them for lunch when we're done"
I call out to her through the door to her, "okay". I wince with pain but eventually get dressed, I wish Hotch was here to help me with the waitcoat, even though it has buttons my arms are still sore pulling it on. I finish and slowly open the door, a little shy of showing Prentiss.
She turns around and grins saying "it's perfect, he will love it. Come on let's go get lunch" she takes a picture and I nod quietly and close the door and change. I'm thankful that I can see Hotch soon, Emily walks me to a seat and goes to pay. When she comes over I try to pay her back but she denies my money and claims it's her treat. I give up and let her help me out and to a restaurant in the mall. All I can think about is seeing Hotch again. Emily's phone goes off before we reach the restaurant, "they're already there". I nod and Emily laughs as I try to hurry wincing a little. We get in the restaurant and I the second I see Hotch I call out "Arron" he immediately stands and rushes over to me. I let go of Emily and collapse into his arms. I know we are causing a scene but I don't care, I hate being away from Hotch. We pull away and my legs start to feel shaky and Hotch pulls me into him and guides me a couple steps to our table. My legs finally go and I fall into the booth. Hotch immediately slides into the booth and wraps his arms around me. I curl up in his arms and everyone starts to order and Hotch just orders fries for us. I stay up against him for the entire time.
Hotch turns and and whispers into my hair, "please it's been 4 days and since you've eaten. You been living off water, tea, and coffee. please" he says begging. I turn and look him in the eye and he looks like he's about to cry. I give him a weak smile of defeat and sigh. I know Emily and Garcia are watching us but I look up anyways to see their worried faces. We talk quietly the entire time and when our food comes I eat a little but it makes me feel worse. Not eating for four days and then eating even a little bit is sickening. I feel my stomach lurch and I hold in vomit and bury my face into Hotch, clutching his arm tightly. Prentiss asks Hotch is she should get me something he has her order a water to replace my tea. Garcia asks Hotch what's wrong with me and he tells her hang on. Hotch quietly whispers "Spence can you tell me what's wrong?" I shake my head squeezing him tighter trying to hold down the second wave. He hugs me and rubs my back with one hand while he holds the back of my head with the other.
I finally choke out the words "food" and "sick"and I hear him explain to Garcia. She brought medicines for every situation and passes a bottle to Hotch and tells him to give me one. The water Emily ordered is given to Hotch. He takes one pill out and gives it to me and holds the water. I swallow it and he tilts the glass and I take a sip. I curl back into his side and everyone starts to pay. Hotch stands and helps me up, I feel dizzy and start to sway. I feel Hotch's arms pull me into the hug and I let him lead me out and to the elevator. In the elevator I close my eyes and let him hold me, after a moment he lifts me up into his arms. I hear him lean over to Prentiss to ask a favor. Hotch carries me to the back seat of his car where he lays me down and lays me exactly how we were a few days ago, my head on his lap. I hear someone get into the drivers seat and I assume it's Emily. When we get to Hotch's house I hear Emily and Hotch talk quietly before she grabs the bags and Hotch carries me. We have a couple hours so Hotch let's Emily use the spare room to get ready, Garcia bought her clothes with Hotch earlier. I hear Emily walk off while he carries me to his room. I let him lay me back on the bed and lie next to me, he kisses me and I return it, small and gentle. The kiss deepens and I wrap my arms around him as he tangles his hands in my hair. He tugs lightly and kiss quickens, as he pulls I moan into his mouth. I slip my tongue into his mouth and our tongues battle for dominance and I moan more and more. The kiss becomes hungry and he breaks away. I whimper and then gasp loudly as I feel his mouth meet my neck. I throw my head back and moan, long and deep. I quickly become a mess of moans and I start to cry out and call "Aaron" thankfully Emily is in the shower so she can't hear us. Hotch pulls back from my neck and he start to kiss me again. I bite his lip causing him to groan. I slide my hand up under his shirt to feel his chest. I kiss him with passion as I lightly drag my hands up his chest, he moans my name loudly and we hear the shower turn off. I try to flip us but I feel a small burst of pain and Hotch pulls me close and kisses me slowly knowing that I just had a wave of pain. He mumbles something about getting ready and I nip at his ear. Hotch chuckles knowing it was small and wasn't to painful and that I'm eager to continue our little session. He kisses me and leans back and gets up, heading to the bathroom. I whimper and I hear him start a bath. He cuddles with me until it's full and then goes and turns it off. He comes back scooping me up and carrying me to the bathroom. Carefully he stands me on the floor and hugs me, he tells me "I'll have Emily lay your clothing out on the bed. Please call me for help if you need it," I nod and he leaves closing the door.

Hotch's POV
I worry about Reid being alone in the bathroom but leave anyways. I find Emily dressed and drying her hair in the spare room. "Hey, can you lay Reid's clothes out on the bed and just check on him. He's taking a bath in my bathroom. "
She smiles and answers, "of course, and you should get ready soon...don't forget to fix your hair too" she says winking. Then I realize my hair is probably a mess from Reid and I's make out session. Groaning I walk out and head to grab my new clothes. I head to the living room with the bag and grab a book while I wait for Reid to finish with the bathroom. I hear Emily head down the hall to my room. I sigh and start to read. I don't really process the words, instead I think Reid.

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