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Hotch's POV
In the morning I shower and get dressed, I put on one of my usual suits but leave the tie untied and my jacket unbuttoned. Emily's already downstairs eating with jack, Spence and I aren't big breakfast people so it's okay. I kneel next to him and place a hand on his face and kiss him, he groans and I whisper "come on spence, I let you sleep in. You have to get up or we'll be late...come on babe, please".
He groans again but finally sits up and kisses me saying "fine, but only cause I love you". I smile and he frowns, he goes off to shower and I busy myself with my hair, when he finishes I sit on the bed and watch him get dressed. I stare at his back and arms which are slightly toned, just enough to help control a gun and run. He's tall and skinny but it fits him perfectly, and his clothing shows him off well. He's been wearing waistcoats more lately and I know it's because I love him in them. He slips on black pants and a white button down, he pauses after he rolls up one sleeve and then starts on the other. Looking sadly at his wrists he rolls his sleeves back down. Then he puts on a black tie to match his pants and then a dark purple waist coat, lastly he slips on his black high tops and I smile, he's gorgeous. He walks over to me and kisses me, while he kisses me I feel his hands take my tie and tie it for me. Next his hands move to my jacket and he slowly buttons it up for me.
When we break for air he rests our foreheads together and he says, "we'll be late".
When I stand up. I hug him and ask "are you okay?".
He quietly says "I don't know, but I need you," I nod and kiss him. We head downstairs and Haley's sister is here to watch jack and we say hello and goodbye.
Spencer smiles the whole way to work, I look at him and ask "why so happy?"
He beams at me and says "we don't have to hide or worry".
I grin back at him and when we walk into work we both go straight to make coffee where the rest of the team is. "So how was your days off?" Morgan asks us.
I'm about to answer but Spencer says "absolutely perfect". I finish fixing myself coffee and turn to the team while spence finishes with his. We chat a little about our off days and then I feel spence's arm snake around my waist and he leans into my side.
Everyone smiles at us and Garcia asks "Hotch, how's your chest?"
I tell her "it's good".
I hear Spencer mumble something that sounds like "liar" and so I turn in his grasp to look at him and ask "what?" He looks at me and shrugs and says it again "liar" everyone pauses and doesn't know if they should laugh or worry about us until Spence says "yes, the external bruises are gone but your rib is still bruised".
I roll my eyes and sigh, saying "okay". Spencer jumps when Strauss walks up from behind us and says "morning everyone".
We all laugh at him as he chokes on his coffee, once we calm down he's still coughing and I place a hand on his back and ask, "are you okay?" He coughs one last time before nodding and I smile at him, making him smile back.
Strauss looks at us and says "you two seem to be adjusting well with the new situation".
Spence blushes and I say "yes, it is nice".

Reid's POV
We all talk a little more before Strauss starts to head off to her office, but she stops and turns to us and "Aaron please look over the two cases on you desk, I think you're team and you will be leaving soon". He nods and kisses the top of my head before heading to his office and we all stay to talk some more.
"So how are things?" JJ asks.
I shrug, "I don't know, perfect really". Garcia looks confused and asks "what don't you know then".
I merely say "everything was chaos and then for two days perfect".
She nods and we are silent for a moment, then Aaron leaves his office and calls down to us, "conference room" and we nod and follow him there. In the room I sit next to him as usual and he gives me a worried look. Garcia looks down to see which case he chose and quietly says "oh".
He nods and says "Strauss left a note, she wants us on this one unless I think the other one is worse". Garcia fools with the remote before getting a picture of a man lying in a park dead.
"This is the fifth victim, all of the victims have been raped and left in parks".
I stare at the screen and ask, "why are we just being called in".
Aaron sighs and says "the local police thought they got the unsub but the next day three more victims showed up". Emily says shocked "three?!"
Garcia nods and says "yes, yesterday, two victims were left in the same park and today three more where found in the exact same park".
Pausing Aaron looks over the details quickly and says "wheels up in 20," nodding we all rush off to grab our go bags and pack up, Aaron calls home and I hurry up to his office before we leave. When I get through the door he immediately hugs me and mumbles "I hate these cases". I nod and hug him tighter, he quietly asks "did you need something?" But he doesn't break the hug.
I sigh and say "no, I just wanted to be alone with you". Then I feel his hand start to rub my back and we stand there just taking in each other. We break apart and quickly leave because we both know there wasn't really time for that. The team drives quickly to the jet and we board, leaving as soon as possible.
* * *
When we are all settled on the jet I go to make myself tea, as I wait for the water I turn to Aaron as he approaches me. He stands close and I gently place a hand on his chest and ask "how is it?" Aaron gives me a small smile and says "it's better".
Frowning I say, "I wish you told me".
He places his forehead against mine and hugs me, whispering "sorry".
I place a hand on the side of his face and say "please tell me when it hurts". He nods and my water is done, I give him a small kiss and then he goes to sit down. I realize that the team could see us but are looking mainly at Aaron's back but ignore it. Then I go and sit next to him at the table. We chat quietly until we start to get close we talk about the case.
"So do we think this is a male unsub or female because of male rape," JJ asks.
I shrug and say "the chances of it being a male is less than the chances of it being a woman but both are extremely rare," I say trying not to think of it, I hate rape cases. I can feel my heart rate raise just a little so I sip my tea to try and calm down. No one knows about my panic attacks, even Aaron, they've been getting better but I still don't want to provoke them.
Aaron must have noticed that I've tensed up because he gives me a worried look and asks "you okay?" I nod and he gives me a worried look but he doesn't pry because of the team. The jet starts to land and he says "Morgan and Emily go to the park. JJ, Rossi, Reid and I will go to the station to meet the sheriff and interview family members". Everyone says okay and looks through the case files one last time.

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