In Your Dreams

By normamikorslayme

347K 11K 2.9K

just another imagine about your favorite celebrities... taking requests... More

"Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?"
"I don't want to just be your best friend."
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
One Way Ticket Away From Here...
You'll Find Your Way Back To Me...
You'll Find Your Way Back To Me...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Yeah, She Hates Me For Sure...
Just A Fling...
Just A Fling...
You Missed It.
You Missed It.
Ungodly Hour.
Halloween Party.
This Christmas.
A Sneak Peek...
Old Flame.
Old Flame
Old Flame.
Old Flame.
Let All Of It Go.
Let All Of It Go.
Let All Of It Go.
Leaked Sextape.
Agruments & Ice Cream.
More Than A One Night Stand?
More Than A One Night Stand?
More Than A One Night Stand?
The Nanny?
The Nanny?
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Too Young For Her.
Ms. Y/L/N
Ms. Y/L/N
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
Dreams? What's A Dream?
They Didn't Believe Me.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Love Don't Cost A Thing.
Cradle 2 The Grave.
The Purge.
"You're not my child anymore."
Poetic Justice.
One of the Finest Women in Hollywood.
Drunk Texting.
Almost Ruined Trivia Night.
The Game Plan.
The Game Plan.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
Rent-A-Gf. Well, Kinda.
I Wanted You First.
I Wanted You First
Nice To Meet You.
Nice To Meet You.
im not gone do it girl. i was just thinking about it.
Soccer Player.
You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.
You Get A Happy Ending, But I Don't.
Y/N Y/L/N Must Die!
Get Over It!
Get Over It!
Thee Stallion.
F.U.C.K. (Teaser)

This Christmas.

3K 145 20
By normamikorslayme

Pt. II

Your POV

I had listened to a lot of Kehlain's music over the week we had started talking. She had bop after bop, but I didn't really care if she was famous. She was just Kehlani. Looking for work during the holidays was the worst thing ever. No one was hiring whatsoever. I walked into plenty of stores I had applied for a be got declined one after another. It began to become frustrating. What was I going to do?

My phone started ringing as I rest my head on my steering wheel. I pressed the answer button and placed my phone to my ear.

"Hey, how is your day going?" Kehlani asked and I put on a fake cheerful voice.

"It's okay. Just really tired," I replied.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to join me to go see Christmas lights. I took Adeya yesterday and she loved it. I thought it would be a good date," she said rambling.

"I'd love to go see the lights with you. What time?" I asked her.

"At eight," she replied.

"I'll see you at eight," I told her and she giggled.

"See you at eight," she said softly and I smiled. She hung up shortly afterward and I did a little happy dance before heading home. I pulled into the garage and parked my car. When I walked inside, my mom was cooking and my little brother was running around in his pull up.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and he giggled. I picked him up and spun around. He began babbling and held onto me as I walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, momma," I said and she smiled.

"Hey, baby. How was the job search?" she asked and I sighed.

"Got declined one after another. What's the point in having a degree and you can't get a job with it?" I asked and she gave me a sad smile.

"I think you should take your father up on that offer," she said and I sighed sadly.

"You know I don't want to," I replied and she caressed my cheek.

"I know, baby. I know, but it would be a job doing something that you actually want to do," she said and I nodded.

"I'll call him later on tonight," I said.

"Go get cleaned up and can you put some pants on that little troublemaker?" she asked me as she poked my little brother's stomach.

"I have a date tonight," I told her and she smirked.

"Oh, really? Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm going to see Christmas lights with Kehlani," I told her and she smiled.

"Have fun, baby," she told me. I playfully held my brother in the air like a plane as I walked out of the kitchen. He giggled and scrunched up his nose. I went upstairs to freshen up for my date and I put some pants on my little brother.

"Carter, where are you?" I said looking at the baby boy hiding behind my curtains.

"Fine, I'll eat without you," I said and he ran over to me. I picked him up and went downstairs.

"I'll be back later, momma," I told her and kissed her cheek.

"Okay, baby. Be safe. I love you," she said and hugged me. I hugged her back before going over to Carter.

"Be good or we won't get ice cream tomorrow," I said to him and he giggled grabbing my finger. I kissed his chubby cheeks and he squealed. I left house nervously driving to the address Kehlani sent me.
When I got there, I had to give myself a pep talk.

"Don't trip over your own two feet, Y/N," I said to myself and took a deep breath. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth before getting out of my car.

"Y/N!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Kehlani waving her hand trying to get my attention. I locked my car and walked over to her.

"Hey," I said as I got closer to her.

"Hi, you look cute," she said making me smile as she hugged me.

"You look gorgeous as always," I told her and she blushed faintly.

"Let's go see the lights," she said and I nodded. We walked side by side.

"How had your week been?" I asked her.

"It's been good. Just finishing up some Christmas shopping and hanging out with my family. What about you?"

"I've been looking for another job, but no one will hire you even if you have a degree. So now I'm must likely going to work with my dad," I said to her.

"What does your dad do?" she asked.

"He's a music producer. He works with a lot of artists."

"So you like making music as well?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah, I've always had a thing for it. But I never thought I'd be good enough to do it," I told her.

"Do you have any beats that I could listen to?"

"I do, but you can't listen to them."

"Why not?" she pouted.

"You can listen to them, but you gotta let me take you on a date," I said and she blushed.

"I'd love to go on another date with you," she said and I smiled.

"Look, it's the Grinch," I said pointing at the roof of one of the buildings. The rest of the date went by so fast, but I did enjoy my time with Kehlani. We got to know each other a lot more.

"I enjoyed spending time with you," I said to her as I walked her back to her car.

"I enjoyed spending time with you. When's our next date?" she asked.

"How about the day after Christmas?" I asked her.

"It's a date," she replied and I smiled for like the one hundredth time.

"Is eight an good time?" I asked her and she nodded.


"I'll see you then," I said and was about to walk away, but she pulled me back to her and kissed me. I kissed back because I'm not an idiot. When she pulled away, I felt like I was in a daze.

"I'll see you Saturday," she said and I nodded. She hugged me once more before getting in her car. I walked over to my car and got in. My phone started ringing and my dad's face flashed across the screen. I answered it and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hey, Y/N," he said.

"Hey, dad. How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good. I just got of the phone with your mother," he replied.

"She must've told you, I guess?"

"Yeah, when are you available to come in?" he asked.

"I can come in now."

"Okay, you know the address. Just tell the receptionist you're here for me and she'll send you up," he replied.

"Okay," I replied before hanging up. I sighed and started my car. I drove to the studio and sat in the parking lot for ten minutes.

"Am I really about to do this?" I asked myself. I took another deep breath and got out of my car. I hit the lock button and entered the building.

"Hey, I'm here to see my dad, Y/D/N," I said to the receptionist.

"You must be Y/N. He is in studio seven. Second floor. Fourth door on the left," she replied.

"Thank you," I replied and walked over to the elevator. I got on the elevator and went up to the second floor. When I got off, I noticed my dad walking out of a room.

"Y/N, you made it," he said walking over to hug me.

"Yeah," I mumbled. He kissed my forehead repeatedly making me groan.

"I missed you so much," he said pulling me into the studio.

"Whoa," I said looking at everything around me.

"Nice, right?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's very nice. Better than the setup I have at home," I told him and he chuckled.

"I'm working on some beats for this artist named Kehlani. I'm pretty sure you know her," he said smirking and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I do know her," I replied.

"Show me what you got, baby girl," he said pulling the chair out for me. I listened to the beat that he already had switched it up completely. I played for him and he seemed to be shocked.

"You're a natural at this," he said and I shrugged. He saved it to his computer and sent it to her team or to her I guess.

"Did you like doing it?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Could you see yourself doing it as a living?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"I think you should."

Sorry for any grammatical errors.
Part 3?

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