Bondi Rescue Imagines - BOOK 2

By heyits_V

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BOOK 2! A continuation of my first book Bondi Rescue Imagines! BOOK 3 is out! Also have a book 1! More

Jules - Falling
Dustan - girls
Chase - compliment
Dylan - name
All lifeguards - lifeguard challenge
Lachie - missing you
Harrison - moments
Harrison - you're a great guy - part 3
Jethro - knot
Jackson - over you
Chappo/Whippet - best friends
Jake - 2 more days
Taco - bundle of joy
A/n ✨🀍
Chappo - pain
Kobi - father/daughter
Noah - tower
Jethro - bush camping
Luke - quarantine
Whippet - Abbie
Singlets - Wingman
Jethro - drink
Mouse - kissing you
Jethro - 7 months
Singlets - Wingman - part 2
Jethro - 2 minutes
Luke - quarantine - part 2
Chase - morning set up
Jackson - always my love
Jethro - tower duty
Joel - it's love
Maxi - better man
Harrison - jealous of her
Singlets - Wingman - Part 3
Harrison - hometown
Jackson - always my love - part 2
Lachie - feelings
Jethro - 2 minutes - part 2
Hoppo - bonding
Maxi - secrets
Max Ayshford - sleep
Reidy - gold
Deano - mornings
Maxi - bathroom floor - ⚠️
Harries - bride
Chappo - empty bed
Whippet - get along
Dylan - his birthday
Singlets - chip butty
Joel - my little one
Jake Bracken - ring
Quinn - work
Singlets - leaving you - pt 1
Jake Nolan - too close
Harrison - sickness
Jesse - serious injury
Singlets - long distance - pt 2
Harrison - tan it
Mouse - bronte
Singlets - together again - pt 3
Harrison - always
Jesse - different places
Chappo - empty bed - pt.2
Jethro - anniversary
Harrison - together - Pt 2
Chappo - only the beginning
Joel - big - pt 1
Harrison - forever - Pt3
Hoppo - married
Dylan - your birthday
Joel - broken - pt 2
Maxi - friend zone
Luke - brother
Harries - granddad
Joel - new guy - pt 3
Reidy - introducing you
Harries - granddad - pt 2
Luke - permission
Joel - 3 months - pt 4
Deano - surf date
Joel - worked out - pt 5
Noah - first steps - short
Jake Nolan - I'm ready
Harrison - my boo
Luke - the proposal - pt 2
Mouse - fighting
Chappo - love someone
Jackson - her over me
Jesse - smirk
Chappo - letting go
Beardy - made for each other
Chase - you're all I need
Maxi - buggies
Quinn - jelly
Jethro - blame
Singlets - home
Jethro - pack a bag
Deano - left you - short
Jake - unwell
Maxi - mini me's
Jackson - hemsworth
Chase - catching you
Harrison - spark
Noah - nothing but trouble
All lifeguards - memories
Jake Bracken - guys like you
Mouse - date
Luke - ready
Reidy - not anymore
Dylan - my forever
Whippet - love story
Jake Bracken - guys like you - pt 2
Glick - boy
Troy - different
Hoppo - decorating
Lachie - mistletoe
Dylan - home early
Whippet - santa
Singlets - last first kiss
Whippet - santa - pt 2
Joel - playing around
Noah - hot cocoa
Luke - 6 months
Dylan - home early - pt 2
Jake Nolan - bad ending
Glick - one step at a time
Whippet - santa - pt 3
Jackson - injury
Dylan - snuggles/hoddies
Mouse - nice to meet you
Singlets - visiting - short
Chappo - my turn
Max A - fed up
Lachie - shark attack
Maxi - passed out - short
Jethro - mine
Dylan - suited up
Hoppo - family
Deano - double rescue
Reidy - change
Luke - Dm
Singlets - newborn
Chase - pretend
Luke - dm -pt 2
Harrison - not alone - short
Singlets - change over
Noah - i saw that?!
Chase - pretend - pt2
Dylan - third wheeling
Jackson - rewind
Jethro - accident
Max Mcguigan - new faces
Joel - dinner
Jake N - mornings - short
Noah - wrong guy
Whippet - deserves better
Dylan - Skater boy
Chappo - exhausted
Noah - wrong guy - pt 2
Jethro - never met
Maxi - heart
Whippet - deserves better - pt 2
Jake B - call
Troy - last summer
Max A - you awake
Luke - period
A/n 🀍
Singlets - phone
Harries - some help
Dylan - out of town
Hoppo - tears
Lachie - height
Whippet - not me
Jethro - parenting
Chase - secret
Jackson - bucket list
Glick - missing
Deano - jealous
Reidy - wait what?!
All lifeguards - christmas miracle
Mouse - christmas party
Jackson - bed
Jethro - backyard
Whippet - not me - pt 2
Singlets - nothing like us
Mouse - blanket
Glick - missing - pt 2
Harrison - hero
Dylan - lockdown
Quinn - hospital bag
Lachie - bed
Maxi - shower
Luke - try
Chappo - anxiety
Jake N - you
Jackson - last name
The end - Book 3?!

Mouse - perfect

1.4K 21 3
By heyits_V

Your POV:
My phone went off making me wonder who it could be. I went over seeing it was Mouse, my boyfriend.

Mouse 💕
Hey baby can you come to the beach between 6:30pm and 7:00pm please. Love you!

I smiled sending one back.

Of course! Love you too!

I placed my phone down and carried on with my day wondering what it could be about. I have a rough idea.

- - - -

6:30pm came around fast. I put my shoes on and headed down to the beach. It was about a 10 minute walk down there so I had plenty of time. As I approached Mouse was standing there by the tower for me. We smiled when spotting one another. "Hey sweetie." He said hugging me. "Hey." I smiled as we hugged. "I know our anniversary is coming up and we're obviously going to be away for it but I made something special for you as an early gift." He told me as we held hands walking onto the beach. "Aw babe you didn't have too." I said snuggling into his arm. He took my hand leading me to two chairs. "For my lady." He smiled helping me in my chair. He sat next to me. "I just want to say I filmed this all." He smiled. Mouse pressed play on the video.

The screen turned on and it began to play. "Hey y/n it's me Michael aka Mouse. Well you know that anyways but I wanted to make this video for you. Hope you enjoy." He said into the camera. I turned to him and smiled squeezing his hand.

(M: Mouse)

M: what's one thing you like about y/n?
Hoppo: I love how courageous she is. She's inspiring to so many of us here down at bondi and I wouldn't wish for anyone else!

M: what do you like the most about y/n?
Jethro: aw mate you've got me on this one! I love her bubbly personality and her sarcasm as this tower would be boring without her.

M: it's our 4 year anniversary coming up... we've been through a lot. What's one thing you would say to y/n?
Deano: she's incredible! You're both incredible especially what you've both been through! Keep going girl! You're strong and you have the whole lifeguard team right behind you!

M: what were your first thoughts on finding out about y/n and I?
Jackson: we all knew it would happen sometime soon. You guys are inseparable. It's cute.

M: what do you think about y/n and I?
Dylan: you two are the picture perfect couple here. When you get married sure to invite me and my other half. *both laugh*

M: Harries? What was your reaction to y/n and I saying we were dating?
Harries: young love. You two. All I can say is young love.

Mouse and I turned to one another when there was another clip. "I didn't know about this part." He told me. Ooo ok. It began to play.

All lifeguards: happy 4 year anniversary Mouse and Y/n. Without you both I don't know what we would do with ourselves. Now go on that well deserved holiday the both of you and get off the beach it's closing time and we wanna go home!

We both laughed. I turned to Mouse with tears in my eyes. "Babe?" I sobbed wiping them away. "Aww baby." He said wrapping his arms around me. "That was so sweet of you." I said resting my head on his shoulder. "What do you say we get out of here and head to the airport?" He suggested. "Let's go!" I exclaimed as we both jumped up. We began to walk up the stairs when they all started to pile out of the tower. "Wooo!" They all exclaimed. They all wished us the best and we headed to the car (which mouse took this morning). "What about our stuff?" I asked. "Already in the car my love." He told me as we got in. This is going to be a trip I remember.

A/n: I had this idea then as I began to write it it went down hill 🤣

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