Soulmates - George Weasley

Autorstwa xcoldestqueenx

943K 27.7K 33K

in a world were soulmates can hear the other one singing, and hazel has no idea why there's a sweet, loving v... Więcej

meet the characters


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Autorstwa xcoldestqueenx

play the song at <3

They all shot up from their seats, rushing outside after Molly opened the door. Hazel's heart clenched at the sight of Harry and Hagrid. Harry looked slightly beaten up, same as his half giant friend. "Harry! Hagrid!" Hazel saw Ginny jump on Harry, hugging him tightly. The boy caught Ginny, hugging her back with just as much intensity. "What happened? Where are the others?" Molly asked, looking over at Hagrid, who frowned.

Harry pulled away from the hug, staring at Molly with wide eyes. "Is no one else back?" Hazel shook her head as Harry walked over to her, embracing her. She hugged him back, noticing he was wet all over. "Hedwig died," Harry whispered, earning a few gasps. Hazel hugged him tighter, biting her lip. She knew how much that owl meant to him.

Hagrid's voice interrupted their embrace, "They were on us right from the start, Molly. We didn't stand a chance," Hazel took out her wand and pointed it at Harry, performing a silent drying spell, making the boy give her a small, grateful smile.

"Well, thank goodness you two are alright," Molly said, patting Hagrid's arm as the half giant continued speaking.

"The Death Eaters were waiting for us, it was an ambush," said Hagrid, pursing his lips. Both adults walked in the house, leaving the door open for the others.

Harry turned back to his soulmate once again, hugging her to his chest. Hazel watched from the corner of her eye as Harry pressed kisses to Ginny's head. Angelina stood beside her friend, holding her hand in support.

In that moment, there was a crack of an apparition. They all turned towards the sound, wands up in defence. Suddenly, Remus popped out of the reeds, holding George up by his arm, grabbing the boy's waist. "Oh God," Hazel covered her mouth, letting go of Angie's hand and rushing to George's side. "Babe - what happened?" Harry hastily walked towards George and Remus, throwing George's arm over his shoulder and helping him stand.

"Sorry I broke my promise, princess - I'm okay," George reassured Hazel with a fake smile, hiding his pain. Hazel shook her head, looking at the blood oozing out from the left side of his face.

"He's not - Quick! Into the house," Remus spoke, voice strained. Hazel walked in front of them, opening the door wider so that the three of them could come in faster.

Molly turned around as she heard them come in, "oh, my boy." They put George down on the couch, gently letting go of his arms. Hazel looked over at her soulmate, kneeling down on the floor in front of George, pushing his hair out of the wound, noticing he was missing an ear. Molly's eyes filled with tears as Hazel caressed his face softly.

"God, Georgie..." She turned around as she heard commotion going on behind her, only to see Remus pressing Harry against the wall, wand aloft and pointed at him.

"What are you doing?" Ginny cried, frowning as Remus held Harry down.

"Shh!" Panting, the man pressed his wand against Harry's neck. "What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?" Hazel knew what was going on now. Remus wasn't sure if Harry was actually himself or someone else pretending to be him, using polyjuice potion.

The younger boy huffed, trying to release himself from Remus' grip. "Are you mad?" Harry yelled back, clearly annoyed.

"What creature?" Remus screamed in return, his grip now firmer than before.

"G-Grindylow!" Harry retorted. It appeared to be the right answer, because Lupin's grip loosened and he finally let go of Harry's neck.

Harsh breaths left Remus' lips as he pulled away, wiping his forehead with the back of his forearm. "We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an impostor," he explained, still breathing with difficulty. Harry nodded, now relaxing, letting his head fall against the wall as Ginny made her way to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

There was another crack of apparition but Hazel didn't move. Remus and Harry ran out of the house and that's when she realised, the man's anger wasn't only because they'd been betrayed: he was worried about Sirius. Angelina walked over to her with a small bowl filled with warm water mixed with a healing potion and a towel so that she could clean George's wounds. "Thank you," Hazel whispered softly, taking it in her hands. Angie nodded, walking out of the house to wait for her soulmate. Gently, Hazel began by cleaning the outside of the wound, not yet touching it. "Does that hurt?" George hummed to let her know it didn't.

"It's okay," he mumbled, reaching up for her hand, wanting to hold her. "Stop, please," George murmured, opening his eyes to look at hers. "Just let me look at you," his voice was slurred, as if he was tired. And he probably was. Hazel stopped her movements, looking at him with sorrow in her gaze. "Those beautiful ocean eyes," he whispered, not letting go of her hand.

More and more apparition sounds came from the outside, and Hazel's heart felt lighter as she counted them. One of those had to be Fred. "Deserves that, brilliant he was, I wouldn't be standing here without him," Sirius' voice was loud and clear, could be heard from the inside of the house. The sound of his voice put Hazel's mind at ease. George let go of Hazel's hand, letting his own hand fall on top of the couch, still staring at her, eyes droopy.

"Are we the last back?" Fred was also loud enough for them all to hear, her heart tightened as she pictured the worried look on his face. "Where's George?" Nobody replied, the next thing they heard were rapid footsteps coming towards them. "George!" The boy had closed his eyes again by the time Fred ran to the couch, kneeling besides Hazel, putting a hand on her shoulder and another on top of George's.

Everyone stood still, watching the scene unfold. Hazel bit her lip as she glanced at Fred, who looked like he had his heart stuck in his throat. "H-How're you feeling, Georgie?" He asked his brother with furrowed eyebrows.

"Saintlike," George mumbled out, making them all frown.

"What's wrong with him?" croaked Fred, turning to Hazel, looking terrified. "Is his mind affected?" Hazel was about to reply but George spoke up once again.

"Saintlike," repeated George, opening his eyes and looking up at his brother. "You see...I'm holey, Fred, geddit?" He pointed at his ear to make it even more obvious.

Fred let out a breathy laugh, not out of anything more than relief. "Holey? You have the whole world of ear-related humour before you... you go for holey?" Angelina put her hand on Fred's shoulder, giving it a sympathetic squeeze.

"Reckon I'm still better looking than you," George mumbled lowly, chuckling. Fred shook his head, biting his lip as he rubbed his brother's arm.

The mood in the room shifted back to its tense state. "Mad Eye's dead," Bill told the group, making them turn around, wide eyed at his statement. Bill nodded solemnly, as if confirming his words. "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated," that fucking coward, Hazel narrowed her eyes before turning her attention back to George.

Fred stood up, placing his hand on Angie's waist and pursing his lips as Hazel wet the towel again, going to clean George's wounds for the second time. "What spell was that?" Hermione asked from her spot besides Ron. Hazel continued dabbing at the cut with care.

"This was Snape's work," Remus answered, sitting down on the armchair a few feet away. Hazel turned to him. "I believe it's his own spell-"

"Sectumsempra," said Hazel, eyes wide as Remus nodded, surprised that she knew it. She took out her wand, lightly tracing on the wound. "Vulnera Sanentur," she murmured, watching the wound begin to close. Molly gasped as the cut stitched up, making the bleeding stop. George groaned as he felt his skin tingling, getting tighter. "There, it's done, don't worry," Hazel whispered sweetly, going back in with the towel after leaving her wand on the table.

"How did you know that counter spell?" Sirius asked, he was sitting on the arm of the chair Remus was in. "Severus never even attempted to tell us, he said we hadn't earned the right to that counter spell-"

"He used it on Draco," Hazel replied, licking her lips as she finished cleaning up the dried up blood from George's side. "I was there," Sirius nodded, eyes still narrowed suspiciously.

Slowly, people began leaving. Some of them went to bed while others went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Fred and Angelina lingered. They sat down on the couch opposite to George and Hazel, Angie's head nestled in Fred's neck. Both of them asleep. Hazel finally got up from the floor after finishing with George's ear. She set down the bowl of water on the table and accio-ed some bandages to wrap them around his head. She wanted to wrap him up before he fell asleep too. "Baby?" George whimpered out, making her turn in his direction instantly.

"What's wrong, love?" Hazel questioned, stroking his hair tenderly. "Does it hurt?" George nodded slightly. Hazel sighed, biting her lip. "Okay..." She thought about it for a second before she lifted his head up gently, sitting down and then placing it on her lap. The veela concentrated for a couple of minutes, trying to channel heat in her hand by thinking of the heating spell. Softly, she placed it on top of the scar. George moaned a little at the sensation. "Better?"

"Mmm," the boy almost moaned, finally relaxing under her touch.

A small smile settled on Hazel's face as she kept her hand pressed against his closed wound while the other played with his hair. "Oh Georgie," she whispered quietly, feeling her eyes sting with the need to cry.

"Darling," George nuzzled his head against her tummy. Hazel hummed in reply, scratching his head lovingly. "Sing something for me?"


Hazel inhaled deeply, nodding in silence. "I swear, I'd stop breathing," she began singing softly. "If it would benefit you...  If that's all I had to do," George let out a breathy chuckle at her words. It was clear she was making up the lyrics on the spot, or at least he thought so.

"You're the one that's saintlike," he said quietly, making her giggle before continuing.

"I'll give up everything because I'm in love with you," Hazel sang, running her fingers through his hair. "Yes, I'm in love with you..." The girl repeated the lyrics a few more times, trying to make her voice as mellow as possible, not wanting to disturb Fred or Angie. "Was that okay, sweetheart?" She whispered, only earning a low hum in response. Hazel closed her eyes, resting her head against the back of the couch. She felt George's breathing steadying, making her realise he was asleep. Soon after, she was too.


The next morning, Hazel woke up to clicking sounds. Her eyes snapped open and she blinked a few times to focus them, using her hand to shield her from the harsh light. Fred was standing in front of her, a camera on his hands. "What are you doing?" She grumbled, feeling George stirring against her legs. "Fred, come back here!" She hissed at her best friend, rolling her eyes as he ran off giggling. "Ouch," Hazel rubbed her neck, noticing how stiff it'd become due to sleeping in a sitting position.

George groaned, stretching his arms towards the ceiling before sitting up slowly. Hazel helped him, putting her hands on his back and setting it against the cushions. "Good morning, angel," George's raspy morning voice could send Hazel into cardiac arrest.

"Hey," she said softly, reaching over for the bandages on the table. "How does it feel?" Hazel asked him, holding the bandages on one hand.

"Like my ear got cut off by a traitorous Death Eater," George joked. The girl only stared at him, eyes narrowed. With a chuckle, the boy waved a dismissive hand. "It doesn't hurt anymore, it's okay."

Hazel moved her hand close to the left side of George's face. She rubbed her fingers together, creating a small sound. Maybe it did nothing to his ear canal, maybe it was only the shell that got injured. "Do you hear anything?"

The boy shook his head, shrugging. "It's fine though, I still have one good ear," he pointed to his right one, smiling brightly. Hazel chuckled sadly, leaning in and pecking his lips briefly. "Are you still gonna put that on me?" He asked, referring to the gauze. Hazel nodded, already beginning to wrap it around his head. "But why? It's cured," he reasoned.

"That was Dark Magic - it's a cursed wound," Lupin responded, leaning into the door frame. "It could get infected. She's doing the right thing," Hazel gave him a half smile as the man nodded at them. "Good morning," Remus walked over to them, putting a hand on Hazel's shoulder as she finished, wrapping the gauze with linen. "How are you feeling?" He asked George, who smiled bravely.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," he told the older man, who smiled back. "How are you, how's Sirius?"

The three of them chatted for about fifteen minutes, getting up from the couch and fixing it up before Hazel and George decided they needed to brush their teeth. George was adamant on taking a shower too. Remus went to the kitchen looking for Molly as the teens walked to George's bathroom.

As Hazel brushed her teeth, George got in the shower after she told him it was safe to do so with the bandages on. Angie had brought them over from St. Mungo's, they were waterproof. "Waterproof," George murmured, lips curling upwards as he turned the water on. "This just gave me a great idea for a new product," Hazel laughed quietly, rinsing her mouth.

"You're always on, aren't you?" She smiled as George stuck his head out from the shower curtain, nodding vigorously with a grin on his lips before going back in. "I'm going to the kitchen, I need coffee - should I make you some?"

"Please, darling!" Hazel felt like their coffee addiction was the main focus of their relationship.

Chuckling, she left the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She walked over to the kitchen, where Bill, Fleur, Remus, Sirius, Ron and Molly were already enjoying breakfast at the dining table. "Morning," they all waved and smiled at the girl, continuing to eat. "Where are the others?" She asked, putting coffee grounds in the coffee maker.

"Sleeping, dear," Molly replied, smearing butter on toast. "How's Georgie feeling?" She asked with interest, turning to look at Hazel.

The girl was just done wiping down the counter, now setting mugs for the coffee. "He's feeling better, having a shower," she informed them all, earning a few sighs of relief and 'that's great's. "So, what's going on? Why do you look so cheery?" She asked, resting her elbows on the clean surface, nodding at Fleur.

"Well, Bill and I have an announcement we'd like to make," her accent was strong, which meant she was very excited about what was going to happen. Everyone turned to look at them with expectancy. Fleur and Bill glanced at each other for a second and Bill sat up straighter, clearing his throat.

"We're moving the wedding up... We're getting married in three days," as soon as William finished his sentence, Molly beamed with delight. Ron looked up from his plate, swallowing the last of his french toast in surprise.

"Oh my Godric!" The woman stood up from her seat, going to hug the happy couple. "Oh, please tell me you're having the ceremony here! Oh, how marvellous! A wedding is going to bring us all a much needed break!" Remus patted Bill's shoulder, congratulating him, a warm smile on his face.

Hazel walked over to Fleur, hugging her when the girl stood up from her chair. "I want you to be my maid of honour, Hazzie, if you want to, of course," Hazel squealed, only holding the girl closer.

"I'd love that," Hazel cooed, pulling back from the embrace. "I'm so happy for you!" Fleur only smiled graciously, bowing her head slightly.

The blonde veela turned to Molly, still holding Hazel's hand. "My petite sœur, Gabrielle - she's joining us too. I want her and Ginny as my bridesmaids. If you're okay with that, Molly," the woman nodded repeatedly.

"I'm sure Ginny would be more than happy to be your bridesmaid!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands with enthusiasm. Sirius and Remus chuckled, smiling warmly at the group. "Who's going to be your Best Man, Bill?" Molly asked, turning her attention to her son.

"Well," Bill cleared his throat again, smiling nervously. "Charlie's on his way now," Molly gasped, hands flying to her mouth in surprise. "And I'm planning on asking George, it's only fair. If his soulmate is Maid of Honour," he said, sending Hazel a half smile, which she returned.

"How long have you known you wanted to push this wedding?" Sirius asked, tittering. "Sounds like it's been part of the plan for a while," he noted, sipping on his tea.

Bill and Fleur locked eyes before shrugging. "We let Charlie know about three days ago but ma chéri has been planning her wedding for her whole life, she didn't mind when I suggested to have it sooner," Bill explained as Fleur nodded in agreement. "Plus, anything is possible with magic," he finished, smirking as someone knocked on the door. "Must be Charles," they all looked over at the clock and smiled when they saw Charlie's face on the clock, pointing at 'HOME'. Just then, the bathroom door opened and George came out, already dressed in clean clothes. "Georgie, could you get the door, please?"

The younger twin rolled his eyes. "Why don't you get it, Wolfie?" Bill cackled, shaking his head and insisting once again. Dragging his feet, George walked over to the door, opening it. "Charlie!" His voice was so loud everyone in the dining room heard, laughing at how childishly excited George sounded. Hazel felt her heart fluttering at the love George felt for his family. This is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

"Georgie!" The man replied, hugging George back. "Sporting a new head band, I see," the man joked. The pair walked over to the table, Charlie waved at everyone before hugging his mother, still holding his bag over his shoulder. "Mumsy, Order, good morning," Hazel waved at the man with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" George asked, walking over to Hazel, draping an arm over her shoulders. "Shouldn't you be recruiting-"

"We're putting a small pause on that for our older brother's wedding," Charlie said, as if George already knew. Hazel chuckled as she saw George's eyes grow. "Don't tell me you wanted to be Best Man on your own - were you trying to push me aside?"

"He's getting married now?" George looked at Bill and Fleur, who were now back to sitting next to each other, grins on their faces. "What, like today?"

"In three days," the couple chorused.

"And I'm a Best Man?" George gestured to himself by putting a hand on his chest. The pair nodded, smiling as George cheered. "Wicked!" Hazel leaned up, kissing the boy's cheek lovingly. "And you're a bridesmaid?" He asked, turning to her.

Hazel shook her head. "She's my Maid of Honour," Fleur corrected, smiling proudly. "Gabrielle can't do it, she's too young for that," the group chuckled, nodding understandingly. "We have a lot to work on!" Fleur said pointedly. "A seamstress is coming over later today, she'll be making everyone's outfits, she's the best there is - family friend," Fleur gushed, grinning when Molly stood up from her place.

"You heard the bride! There's a lot to be done! Chop chop, everyone!" Molly said, applauding.

"Coffee first?" Hazel smiled, looking up at George, who nodded, kissing her lips.

AN: omg wedding timeee <3 i'm so excited, i love fleur and bill so much. guys, can i be real? if george wasn't in the picture, bill would be my favourite weasley. he's so handsome, i drooool. omg bill fanfic? ahahah

please vote in each chapter <3 it makes me so happy! and omg some of your comments = chefs KISS. you, the ones that comment on every paragraph <3<3<3<3 i couldn't love you more. follow too! so that when this fanfic comes to an end, you're able to find my new ones!

follow me on tiktok: xcoldestqueenx

follow me on insta: siupunzumaran

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