Soulmates - George Weasley

By xcoldestqueenx

953K 27.8K 33K

in a world were soulmates can hear the other one singing, and hazel has no idea why there's a sweet, loving v... More

meet the characters


7.3K 243 165
By xcoldestqueenx

tw: violence, blood, sexual assault trauma.

"Rem!" Hazel gasped, a wide smile on her face as she saw her godfather and his partner enter the store. The couple had intelligently showed up during lunch time, which was when the store was mostly empty. She moved around the register, walking towards him before engulfing him in a hug. "You came!" She turned to Sirius, doing the same thing, grinning into the hug. "I can't believe you're both here!"

They both smiled at Hazel, looking around the store. "It's way more dramatic and colourful than the photos you sent led on," said Sirius, grabbing a Headless Hat from the rack. "Where are the twins?" He asked, immediately putting the hat on top of his head. Hazel couldn't help but laugh at how funny Sirius looked while wearing a pink, flowery hat. Seconds later, his head disappeared.

"Amazing magic," Remus noted quietly, reaching to grab Sirius' face. His eyes widened as his hand found the man's invisible face.

"Today's Fred day off, he's with Angie... either upstairs or at the Three Broomsticks," Hazel chuckled as Remus removed the invisible hat from Sirius' head, making it reappear. He inspected the pink object for a second before putting it on himself. "George's in his office, he's ordering a shipment of ingredients to make more of the 'Weather In A Bottle' collection - sold out almost instantly," she explained, going back to her post.

With a chuckle, Remus took off the hat, putting it on the counter. "We'll take this one," he grinned as Hazel bagged the product. "What does a 'Weather In A Bottle' do?" He wondered out loud.

"Well it depends," said Hazel, laughing quietly as Sirius walked around the store, grabbing different objects that called his attention. "It holds wind, rain, sun rays or snow that when unleashed affect a small area around the bottle," she handed Remus the bag containing the hat. "That'll be -"

"On the house!" George appeared from his office, smiling at Remus. "Lupin, it's good to see you, mate," the men shook hands, grinning at each other. Hazel loved how their relationship had grown way past Professor - Student, they were friends now. "Where's Siri-" before he could even finish his question, a screech came from the other side of the store. "Guessing he found the Screaming Yo-yo!"

They all laughed as Sirius apologised profusely for the noise, "Sorry, sorry," he waved at them to prove he was okay. Hazel didn't miss the fond smile that was on Remus' lips. "These are all so great," Sirius walked up to the group, holding a fair amount of items in his arms. "Prongs and Fangs would've loved this!" Hazel's heart fluttered at the mention of her father.

Remus scoffed. "Fangs would've spent all his time with me, trying to keep you both in line," Sirius shrugged it off.

"You love us," he replied, referring to himself and James.

"We do," said Remus, speaking for Benjy as well, a nostalgic smile on his face. "Are we getting all that?" Sirius nodded, putting the objects in front of Hazel, who beamed as she packed them up for the pair. "That'll cost a fortune!" Remus hissed to his soulmate, who just gave him an innocent smile.

"Don't worry about that, it's on us," George shook his head, Hazel looked at him surprised. The twins never gave anything for free not even to their family, only to Harry since he was the sponsor of the shop. Of course they tried giving things to Hazel and Angelina but they'd secretly always pay them back. "Your relationship with Hazel's reason enough," he patted Remus' shoulder after the werewolf thanked him for the gifts. Hazel's cheek tinged pink at George's words.

The way George showed how much he cared for his soulmate's wellbeing made butterflies swarm her stomach. "Emma wrote," Remus let Hazel know after the girl handed them the rest of their bags. "She asked for you, told me that she'd talked to you but thought you were lying." Hazel raised an eyebrow at his comment. Remus shrugged as Sirius nodded, backing him up. "She said that, not me. Said that even if you said you were fine, she doesn't think that you are -"

"I'm fine," Hazel interrupted with a sigh, looking over at her godfather. "I'm fine but I'm mad. I can't believe she doesn't know why," she grumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "It's ridiculous!"

"I agree with Little Fenwick," Sirius said pointedly, George nodding along. "Have you actually told her you want her to be here though?" Hazel shook her head in response, biting her lip. "Maybe you should? Some people don't know what to do unless you tell them," he said truthfully.

"He means him," Remus added, lightening the mood. Sirius slapped his arm playfully while Hazel and George chuckled. "But seriously, maybe you should let her know." Hazel thought about it for a minute before caving in with a slow nod. "We're off then. Sirius has a lot to see in Hogsmeade," the longer haired man grinned at that. "We'll see you both this weekend, at your grandparents'?"

The younger couple nodded, smiling back at them. "Enjoy your freedom, Paddy," the girl waved at the couple as they left the store, saying their goodbyes. "They're perfect for each other," she murmured, George humming in agreement. "Did you owl the provider?" Hazel rested her hand on top of George's, which was set on the counter.

"Yep," he smiled, popping the p. "Did Malfoy owl back?" He asked back, making her chuckle.

"Nope," Hazel said, doing the same sound. "He's being an ass. I think I'll just -" before she could finish her sentence, Hera flew in, resting upon the windowsill. "Wait, that's not Hera," it wasn't Draco's half eagle half owl either, it was Hedwig. George walked to the creature, removing the letter from his leg. Hazel joined him by the window, taking the piece of paper in her hands, tearing it open.

Hazel, George,

Ron got poisoned. He's okay, stable and awake but still in the infirmary. I suspect Malfoy is behind all this. Get here as soon as you get this. Hermione and I haven't left Ron's side but as soon as I do, if I find him, I can't honestly say I'll keep my promise.

I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me if it comes to that,


"Fuck!" Hazel cursed loudly, looking up at George, who had a worried look on his face. "Are- are you okay?"

The boy looked down at Hazel, shaking his head. "We have to go," Hazel nodded, taking out her wand and Accio-ing their brooms loudly. "Get going, I'll go find Fred, he's at the Three Broomsticks with Angie," George spoke, grabbing his wand and opening the door, letting Hazel out first. He closed it, locking it shut and flipping the sign from the outside, using magic. "I'll meet you at the infirmary - go find Malfoy," he leaned down, kissing her briefly.

"Be careful!" They said to the other at the same time before mounting their brooms and taking off in different directions.

As Hazel flew towards Hogwarts, her brain couldn't stop thinking about Draco. The obvious answer was that he was the one that had poisoned Ron, but why would he? Ron, out of all people? Had he done it to get back at Harry? Was there an actual reason, or was he just as cruel as everyone told her he was? Shaking those thoughts off, she bit her lip, tightening her legs around the broomstick, going even faster. Fifteen minutes later, Hazel landed on the yard right outside of the entrance.

Luckily, Zabini, Parkinson and Nott were standing by one of the trees, chatting and laughing. "Where's Draco?" She asked, walking up to them. Theodore turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "I need to find him," before Theodore could say anything, Pansy spoke up.

"Look for him in the Common Room," she said quietly, ignoring Blaise and Theodore gaping at her. Pansy knew there was something off about Draco, he hadn't spoken to her in a while, something was wrong and if someone was there to help him then she'd let them. "The password is Basilisk," Blaise exhaled loudly, shaking his head at the girl disapprovingly while Nott rolled his eyes, leaning into the tree, glaring at Hazel. "But first go to the Great Hall- he could be there-"

"Shut up, Parkinson!" Nott snapped, narrowing his eyes.

"You shut up," Hazel retorted, glaring right back at the boy. She turned to Pansy, and her eyes softened, "Thank you," Hazel said, from the bottom of her heart, mentally making it a point to remember this moment forever. She took off after that, sneaking into the castle, ignoring the weird looks she was getting.

Just as she was walking in, she saw Draco rushing out of the Great Hall, walking up the stairs. Hazel followed him, trying to keep her breathing steady, a few feet away from him so that he couldn't hear her coming. Draco slammed the bathroom door opened once they got to the sixth floor. Hazel held it open and snuck in, setting her broom by the door before turning back to the boy when she heard him begin to cry.

"Dray?" He looked up at her through the mirror before glancing in her direction. He had taken off his sweater and was only wearing the white school shirt and his loose tie. "W-What happened?" Hazel asked, voice gentle as she took a few steps towards him. Draco only managed to let out another sob, tangling his hands on his hair and pulling with panic. "Stop - stop!" Hazel grabbed his arms, taking them away from his head once she realised he was hurting himself.

"Let go! Let me go!" Draco begged, pushing Hazel away from him roughly. The girl stumbled slightly, looking at him wide eyed. "I just - I want it all to stop!" He cried, looking at Hazel, eyes bloodshot, dark circles under his eyes. "Haze- Haze please, make it stop," he pleaded, taking steps backwards until he hit the wall, sliding down onto the floor.

The ocean eyed girl watched in shock as Draco broke down in front of her, crying into his knees. She made her way to him instantly, kneeling beside him. "I'm here with you, Dray," she murmured, wrapping her arms around him, rubbing his back comfortingly. Draco cried into her shoulder, she felt tears soaking her shirt. "What's wrong? What happened?" She asked after his crying stopped.

"I - I - Ron got poisoned," Draco told her, shutting his eyes tightly, expecting Hazel to be mad. "I'm so sorry, I promised nobody you cared about would get hurt and now Ron's hurt and I didn't mean to! He wasn't meant to drink that," Draco sounded like a child that had made a mistake. Because that's exactly what he was. "Please don't hate me, I can't have you hating me too," his voice was small and shaky and he avoided her gaze, by keeping his eyes closed.

"Draco - Draco, open your eyes - look at me," Hazel demanded, making the boy look up at her, fear written all over his face. "I don't hate you, I don't. I swear. I know this is not something you wanna do but please tell me what it is that you're actually doing so I can help you," she put her hand on his, squeezing it to show support. Draco's gaze inspected Hazel's expression, and his mouth opened. Hazel felt her heart dropping, he's finally gonna say it.

As soon as Draco was about to speak, the door burst open, revealing a very furious looking Harry Potter. Hazel and Draco stood up from the ground as swiftly as possible. "You know what you did, Malfoy!"

"Harry, wait-" Hazel raised her hand, trying to stop the boy from coming any closer. Draco drew his wand, holding it tightly in his hand. "Draco, don't-"

"You poisoned Slughorn's mead, didn't you?" Harry pushed, also gripping his wand.

"Harry, please wait- " Hazel tried once again.

"Didn't you, Malfoy?" The black haired boy continued, glaring at Draco. "DIDN'T YOU?" With a scream, Draco threw a wordless spell at Harry, making Hazel screech.

"No!" Harry managed to avoid it by hiding behind the bathrooms, "Stop!" Hazel pushed Draco out of the way when Harry threw one right back. "Harry, stop!" Draco ignored her screams, shooting another spell at Harry.

It was a full on duel at that point, Hazel stood beside Draco, hiding behind the wall, holding on to his shirt. Harry fired back running from one side to the other. Draco managed to avoid the spell and it hit the faucet, exploding, water filling up the bathroom. "Please stop," Hazel's voice was full of desperation as Draco ran to the other side, having her follow suit.

They both walked, a yell falling from Hazel's lips when Harry fired at Draco's feet. Harry and Draco ran in the same direction, finally getting to the end of the toilets. "SECTUMSEMPRA!" Hazel watched as Draco's body flew across the air, landing on top of a puddle of water.

"Draco!" She ran to him, gasping as she saw blood was gushing out of his chest, colouring it red. "GOD!" She tore his shirt open, tears streaming down her face as Draco cried out in pain. It stung, and it stung a lot. "Episkey," Hazel cried, using her wand, trying to close up the wounds but it wouldn't budge. It would only cause them to close for a second before tearing open again, making Draco scream louder. "I'm sorry! God, I'm so sorry, Dray."

Harry slowly made his way to both of them, eyes wide in terror. "What spell was that?" Hazel asked Harry, voice cracking as she held pressure on Draco's wounds. Harry watched Hazel's red hands and knees in shock. Her jeans and bottom half of her shirt now ruined by Draco's blood. "WHAT FUCKING SPELL WAS THAT, HARRY? PLEASE!"

Suddenly, Snape pushed past Harry, walking hastily to Draco's body on the floor. "Miss Fenwick, let go. I will handle this," his voice held more emotion than she'd ever heard before. Hazel removed her hands slowly, sobbing when the blood began pouring out once more. Draco's mouth opened and closed as he tried to breathe through the pain. "Go," he ordered Harry with a glare.

"Go! Now!" Hazel spoke louder, realising Snape wouldn't do the spell with Harry present. Harry blinked a few times before rushing out of the bathroom.

Snape took out his wand, pressing it lightly to Draco's uncovered chest. "Vulnera Sanentur," he traced the slashes with his wand, Hazel's eyes widening as the wounds began shutting. "Vulnera Sanentur," he continued, following the cuts along. Hazel used her wand to close up the smaller wounds on his lower abdomen, repeating the spell after Snape.

After a few minutes, they were done. Draco was passed out on the floor due to blood loss but he would be okay. "I'll take him to the infirmary, he'll need a Blood replenishing potion," Snape muttered, picking up the boy with ease. Hazel stayed kneeling down on the floor, it was clear she was in emotional distress. "Miss Fenwick," Hazel's eyes snapped up towards Snape, chest heaving. "Go to the Prefects Bathroom, I'll send someone for you," he told Hazel, giving her the password for that, tone soft and understanding. As Snape left, he took her broom with him, knowing she wasn't thinking about it at the time. She could come get it from his office later.

Hazel walked to the Prefect's Bathroom slowly, her feet felt heavy, as did her eyelids. She finally made it there, thankful that it was only a floor below. Nobody saw her walk in. She shut the door and stood in front of a mirror, a blank expression on her face as she stared at the bloodied up girl in front of her.

Pomfrey gasped as Snape entered with Draco in his arms. "We need a private room," he said, the woman nodded, opening the door to one and letting the Professor in. George and Fred were sitting next to Hermione, watching Ron sleep. However, when George saw it was Draco in Snape's arms, along with Hazel's broom, his eyes grew.

Quickly, he stood up, going to the teacher. The older man turned around, staring at George for a couple of seconds. "Prefects Bathroom, the password is Cherry Blossom," instantly, the ginger boy ran out of the infirmary, ignoring Hermione and Fred calling after him.

It was already about six pm, meaning most of the students were in their Common Rooms or at the library after a long day of school, so there was nobody to interrupt George as he ran up the five floors. "Cherry Blossom," there was a clicking sound made by the door which made George promptly push it open. He stepped in, locking the door instantly before turning to face his soulmate. George's mouth dropped at the sight of Hazel standing in the middle of the bathroom, blood all over her. "H-Hazel?"

"It's not my blood," this felt oddly familiar. The phrase, the strain in her voice, the look on her face. George was deeply moved by her words, having his own traumas from that particular moment. "It's not my blood," she whimpered. Sobs began coming out of her mouth as memories of that Halloween night drowned her.

This didn't happen often. But whenever Hazel went through something that would send her into panic mode for too long, and George wasn't there with her, Bole would come to mind and anxiety would surge through her. Hazel fought against it daily, George saw her struggle and tried to help however he could but sometimes it was too much for either of them. Moments like this made Hazel feel the need to scratch, scratch, scratch until she bled out.

Steadily, George walked in Hazel's direction, not wanting her to be startled. Hazel's sobs died down eventually, her arms were wrapped tightly around herself, nails picking at her skin. "Do you want to get washed up, darling?" George's voice came out delicate, almost as tender as his touch. Hazel's eyes darted to his reflection, nodding in a stagnantly. Carefully, George began lifting up her shirt, pulling it over her head. It was a slow process, but finally, George kneeled on the ground, helping the girl out of her jeans. She held on to his shoulder wordlessly as he took them off.

Without speaking, George laid her clothes on top of the sink, taking out his wand and pointing at them. "Scourgify," he whispered, watching as the blood disappeared from the fabric, leaving no trace. "Do you want me to help you wash up in the sink or would you rather do it in the tub?" He asked, Hazel walked towards the sink, lips closed, eyes dead. George opened the tab, grabbing Hazel's hands and pulling them in to wash the blood away.

Hazel stared numbly at the pink water flowing down the drain. After they were finally clean, George grabbed a small towel and wet it, wiping away at her chest and abdomen. He finished with her upper body pretty fast. George kneeled once more, letting Hazel hold on to him as he wiped her legs down, pursing his lips. "Do you feel like talking?" He asked quietly, looking up at her, sadness all over his face.

The girl shook her head, "Hurts to talk," she mumbled, clearing her throat after her voice came out scratchy. Her screams had taken a toll on her, just like they had that night. With Bole still in her mind, she saw George standing back up, taking her clean shirt into his hands.

"Should I dress you?" Hazel barely gave him a nod, having zero energy. George knew not to overstep his boundaries. He was there because Hazel wanted him to be there, he did all he did because that's what she needed and no more. No more. "All done, baby," he whispered, Hazel's eyes focusing on him once again. "Do you wanna go see Miss Brown? I'm sure she has time..." Her lips parted as she thought about it for a second. "I can wait for you right outside," he added, wanting her to be at ease.

Hazel nodded weakly and George took her hand, giving it a squeeze.

A few seconds later, she squeezed back.

AN: EARLY UPDATE. hard af. i can't deal. the tears were REAL while writing this, wow. i have shocked myself. okay. maybe its just me.

thank you so much sooo much for congratulating me yesterday, i feel the love and i pray you feel it right back. i love you all so much <3 sooo much, for real. please keep commenting <3

follow me on tiktok: xcoldestqueenx

insta: siupunzumaran

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