Soulmates - George Weasley

By xcoldestqueenx

943K 27.7K 33K

in a world were soulmates can hear the other one singing, and hazel has no idea why there's a sweet, loving v... More

meet the characters


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By xcoldestqueenx

The Order took no more than a half hour to get together. Hazel was pacing back and forth, biting her nails nervously as people began arriving. Tonks was the first to get there, rushing over to Hazel and embracing her tightly. "He'll be okay, don't worry," she knew Hazel's mind was with Harry. After all, he was one of her best friends.

Mad Eye and Shacklebolt were taking longer to arrive. Remus and Sirius were chatting amongst themselves as Tonks and Hazel talked quietly a few feet away. "What if he gets hurt?" Hazel asked Tonks nervously. "Oh my God, wait - George!" She realised suddenly, eyes wide. "Are Molly and Arthur coming?"

Tonks shook her head, biting her lip. "Arthur's still recovering from the attack... It took a huge toll on him," it had been about six months and Mr. Weasley hadn't recovered fully yet. Hazel cursed under her breath. "Molly knows though, she'll tell him, don't worry -"

"What if she doesn't?" Hazel closed her eyes. He's going to be so mad. "Is there any way I can talk to him before going?" Tonks thought about it for a second before shaking her head.

"You could write?" She suggested with pursed lips, "I know it wouldn't be fast enough at all but I think he'll feel better knowing you attempted to contact him." Hazel sighed, nodding in defeat. "Sirius, parchment and quill, please!"

The younger girl sat down at the table, thanking Sirius quietly before she got to writing.

My love,

H contacted us about an hour ago. He had a vision of Padfoot being tortured by YKW. It was a possession but he is unaware of this. Padfoot walked in a couple of minutes later, he's safe and sound. We are almost certain H is on his way to the Department of Mysteries, as I'm writing this. He thinks he's going to 'safe' Paddy.

We're going to intervene so that nobody will get hurt. Padfoot and Moony believe He's after the secret weapon. I know you and Fred are probably trying your hardest to join me - us. I know Molly would never permit it. I'm sorry it has to be this way.

By the time you get this, I'll already be there. It's too late, but try not to worry.

I will see you after we're done.

I love you with all my heart.


Hazel Victoria

Hera flew over to Hazel after the girl called her with a whistle. Her trunk had been sent earlier along with the rest of her belongings by McGonagall. "To George Weasley," she murmured, tying the letter to her paw and watching the owl fly out the window instantly. Tonks rubbed Hazel's back soothingly as Hazel rested her head on her hands, elbows on the table. "Please, God," she mumbled under her breath.

Meanwhile, Fred and George were just arriving to The Burrow. They entered the house noisily, as per usual. Molly pursed her lips tightly at the sight of them. "What are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" She asked, pretending everything was fine. "I thought -"

"We bought the shop!" They chorused, sitting down by the table, grins on their faces.

Molly inhaled deeply, looking at her two sons. In a moment like this, all she wanted to do was hug them tightly and be thankful they were safe. She had gotten word that Ron and Ginny were most likely on their way to the Department of Mysteries along with Harry. That had her more than concerned than Fred and George leaving school. "Okay... Well, I wish you both luck with this new chapter of your lives," she settled on saying, making them both narrow their eyes in confusion. "Dinner?" She knew she couldn't say anything about what was really going on. If George found out Hazel was on her way to fight, he'd follow without thinking twice.

"Alright," they chorused, exchanging a suspicious glance.

"Hey, mum!" George called after Molly, who turned back around. "Hazel will be joining us in a minute, is that alright?" Molly's smile faltered slightly, knowing Hazel wouldn't make it to dinner, but she nodded anyway.

"Of course, dear."

Finally, Shacklebolt and Mad Eye showed up, barging in through the door. The six of them stood around the living room, wands out, almost screaming at each other.

"And why the hell were you out of the house?" Alastor growled at Sirius, who glared at him.

"That's not important now!" Hazel snapped at the bigger man, holding her finger up, pointing at him menacingly. "My friends need us. Harry needs our help! We have to go - I don't see why we're taking so long!" She cried as Remus placed his hand on her shoulder.

"She's right," Tonks supported her, nodding at Shacklebolt. "We don't wanna be too late," Tonks muttered under her breath. "Let's discuss the situation after, with biscuits and tea."

"Not the time, Nymphadora," Mad Eye grumbled, holding on to his cane.

Just as Tonks was about to snap at him, the man disapparated, making her scream at the air in frustration before following Moody. Remus held on to Hazel's shoulder as he did the same thing. He knew the girl had passed her Apparition exam but this was far too important to risk.

When Hazel felt her feet hit the ground she opened her eyes back up. The first thing she saw was Hermione being held tightly by a Death Eater. The next thing she saw was Sirius punching Lucius Malfoy directly in the face. She couldn't help the smirk that creeped upon her face. "Stupefy!" Hazel screamed, pointing her wand at the man behind Hermione, making him fly backwards.

The metamorphmagus rushed to Hermione's side and pulled her down closer to her before doing the same with Luna after Hazel got rid of her attacker. The ocean eyed girl ran over to Harry and Sirius. "Harry!" She exclaimed as another Death Eater neared the pair. The yellow lights flashed from Hazel's wand as she blocked the spell the man had sent their way before she sent one of her own. Sirius grabbed Hazel's hand and pulled them both behind a rock.

"Now listen to me, both of you," Sirius spoke, voice shaky. "I want you to take the others and get out of here -"

"What?" Hazel shook her head in denial.

"No, we're staying here with you," Harry insisted.

"Harry, you've done beautifully without us," Sirius put his hand on Harry's arm, referring to the Order. "Now let me take it from here."

At The Burrow, George sat on the table, resting his chin on his hand. "What's taking her so long?" He wondered under his breath. Fred shrugged, looking at him.

"Mum's acting weird... Do you think something happened?" His older twin questioned, narrowing his eyes. "She'd let us know, wouldn't she?" George shook his head, pursing his lips.

"There's no way she'd tell us. She doesn't think of us as part of the Order," George muttered knowingly. Fred's breath hitched when he turned towards the window. "What?" George followed his gaze, landing on Hera, who stood in the windowsill. He shot up instantly, rushing towards the owl. He grabbed the letter and tore it open urgently, eyes wide as he read through it.

Fred got up when he saw George was unmoving. "What is it?" He asked, shaking his brother's shoulder. "What does it say? George!" The boy pressed the letter to Fred's chest, leaving towards the kitchen. Fred grabbed the letter and read it quickly, mouth opening in shock.

"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?" George bellowed, making Molly turn to him, fear in her eyes.

"I - I was trying to protect you -" Molly stuttered, reaching her hands towards him. George shook his head, taking a couple of steps back. "Georgie, she has Remus by her side, he'll protect her! Who did you have? I can't leave your father - I couldn't go - "

"I HAVE HER!" George screamed as Fred entered, putting his hand on his brother's shoulder. "HOW COULD YOU HIDE THIS FROM ME?" Molly's mouth opened and closed as she stared at enraged George, the veins from his neck, jumping out.

Molly let out a small sob, looking at George with tears in her eyes. "I can't bare the thought of losing you..." she told them. Fred's eyes softened but George remained angry.

"Do you not understand? The love of my life - my soulmate is in danger right now and I'm not there with her," George couldn't believe this was happening. He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Hazel was probably fighting for her life while he was eating dinner.

"George, wait!" Fred called as George exited the kitchen. They both followed close behind. "You're not leaving alone," Fred told him. "That's my best friend," George nodded at him, accepting his help.

"Darling, please -" Molly tried to talk but the younger twin shook his head, grabbing his broom.

"I have to go..." George cut her off. Fred grabbed his broom too, looking over at Molly, who teared up silently. By the look in her eyes, it was clear that she wanted Fred to go with his brother, calm him down, help him out. She knew they were better together. "Mum," George turned back to look at Molly after he opened the door. "If she's - if Hazel's d-dead - if she doesn't make it... I swear to Merlin I will never forgive you."

Right then, Hazel felt a spell hit the rock right behind her. She grunted angrily, turning around and pointing her wand at the man. The girl blocked the Death Eater's spells quickly, before hitting him with the Stunning spell. The man flew all the way to the wall, hitting it and falling on the floor.

That's when Dolohov, known for his sadistic nature, appeared from beside her, "Impedimenta!" Hazel fell to the ground with a yelp, groaning in pain at the impact.

Just as the man was about to cast another spell, Remus hit him back with, "Petrificus Totalus!" Remus rushed to Hazel's aid, helping her up on her feet. "Are you okay?" Hazel nodded, despite feeling pain shooting up and down her left leg. "Go with Tonks," he ordered.

Hazel turned around when she heard Neville screaming, cornered by a Death Eater. "Reducto!" Hazel yelled, pointing at the rock that was closest to Neville's attacker, making it explode, sending the man to the floor, rendering him unconscious.

In that moment,  Hazel decided to listen to her godfather. She had to grab the rest of her friends and follow Tonks. There was no way she would lose any of them. She ran off towards Neville, taking his arm tightly. The boy was mumbling things that Hazel couldn't make out. Ginny was fighting two Death Eaters at once. Neville pointed his wand at one of them, performing the Full Body-Bind Curse from behind. "Come on!" Ginny grabbed on to Hazel as the girl ran past her, towards Tonks.

The purple haired woman stood a few feet away. "Go, go!" Hazel let go off her friends, pointing towards Tonks so that they could get to safety. Hazel felt someone grab her from behind, making her scream loudly. "No!" She thrashed against the Death Eater's grip.

At that same exact moment, Albus Dumbledore arrived. He held his wand aloft, fury written in every line of his face. He sped past Remus and Moody, charging at the Death Eater that was holding Hazel. The man instantly dropped her after he became aware of Dumbledore's presence. It was too late for him though, Dumbledore stunned him, sending him flying back. The girl got up from the ground. Hazel watched as some of them fled with fear of duelling the Headmaster. Without saying anything, Dumbledore left Hazel's side, going after the ones that were trying to escape.

Hazel turned around when she heard commotion, noticing Sirius and Harry were duelling Lucius and someone she didn't recognise. She watched as Sirius powerfully threw a Stunning Spell at the man, sending him rolling down the floor. Harry took this chance to disarm Lucius Malfoy. "Expelliarmus!"

"Nice one, James!" Hazel felt her heart clenching on her chest at Sirius' words. Harry's eyes were wide as he lowered his wand in shock. With that, Padfoot finished Malfoy off, shooting spells at him until he was defeated.

Suddenly, Hazel saw Bellatrix flying around before landing in a high point, wand drawn. Her eyes widened when she realised what was going to happen. This is what Bella was known for, killing victims when they weren't watching. No, no, no! Hazel felt her world turning in slow motion, the way Bellatrix pointed her wand at Sirius and began yelling out the Killing Curse. Her gaze landed on Remus, who was already yelling out in pain at what was going to occur. Hazel raised her wand, chest rising and falling heavily as she screamed with all her might.



Sirius flew backwards, dropping on the ground roughly, limp. The girl felt lightheaded from the shock as she saw Harry and Remus rush to Sirius' aid. "You! Disgusting Halfbreed..." Bellatrix turned towards her, making her take steps back in fear, stumbling over her feet. Hazel held her wand up, attempting to protect herself. "Expelliarmus!" It flew out of her hand, landing a few feet away. "Interesting," Bellatrix smirked when she spotted Hazel's necklace. "Let's see how much protection is in this little charm... CRUCIO!"

The necklace wasn't made to sustain a curse with that kind of power. Nothing but a real wand could.

Agony. Pain like she'd never felt before. Hazel cried out loudly when she felt as if all of her bones were breaking at the same time. The pain was so intense she writhed on the ground as if she was drowning, thrashing and screaming uncontrollably. It was so all-consuming she no longer recognised where she was, who she was, what was happening. It felt like white-hot knives pierced every inch of her skin, she was sure her head would burst. "P-PLEASE!" She begged, convulsing. Bellatrix's laughter rang in her ears.

It felt as if hours had gone by when in reality it had been seconds.

"Impedimenta!" And then it all stopped.

Hazel's vision was blurry as she laid against the cold floor, her head lolled to the side, motionless. Her limbs twitched with aftershocks, whimpers falling from her lips. She could feel the tears running down to her ears. Her eyes fluttered uselessly as she trembled. Hazel tried her hardest to breathe but it was shallow and, oh so excruciating. It felt like the oxygen wasn't reaching her lungs, it burned. Her lips parted as her chest heaved for air.

"Haze, baby, stay with me," Hazel tried to keep her eyes opened as George kneeled beside her, placing a hand under her head tenderly. "Hazel, oh love, I'm so sorry - please... I love you..." Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, passing out.


Hazel felt someone forcing her eyes open before a blight light was aimed at them, making her groan in discomfort. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't, they felt too heavy. God, make it stop. Her head was pounding and whole body ached.

"Hazel? Are you okay? Oh, darling," George, that's George. His voice was full of concern, she could almost hear the tears as he spoke, seconds later, a warm hand was placed on top of hers. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Her pupils are responsive. This is just the aftermath of the Cruciatus Curse," A female voice replied, soothing her worried soulmate. Who is that? Where am I?

"How did this happen?" another voice asked, worry dripping from his tone. Hazel recognised her grandfather's voice.

The girl could hear someone shuffling around before suddenly stopping, close to her. "Thank you, thank you for what you've done," Remus? He sounded like he was crying too. "We're all here with you."

Hazel then felt a hand caressing her hair gently, stroking it. "You should all get something to eat, I can stay here," Tonks! Once again, Hazel tried to open her eyes but they wouldn't budge, she couldn't fight it.

"George, you need to eat, mate -"

"I'm not going anywhere!" George snapped back at the other person, still holding on to Hazel's hand tightly. "I'm not leaving her," Hazel heard the sound of a chair being dragged against the floor before it stopped beside her bed.

"I'm staying too," Remus said softly, sitting next to Hazel, she could almost feel him staring at her. She could tell they were all restless.

"Me too," Hazel felt her heartbeat rising at the sound of that voice. "She saved my life, I'll be here when she wakes up."

Someone sighed harshly. "Fine then you all stay, I'll bring back some food," Molly volunteered. Nobody said anything as the woman left, closing the door behind her.

Hazel couldn't guess where she was at the moment. At first she thought she had to be at St. Mungo's but how could they all be here? Was it even possible? Was the woman Madam Pomfrey? After all, Dumbledore knew a lot of healers... Was this Grimmauld Place?

God, I can't think, I'm so tired. With that last thought in mind, Hazel fell asleep.

Slowly, Hazel opened her eyes. It took a few seconds for them to adjust to the light. She looked around, noticing she was in a room of Grimmauld Place. The next thing she saw was George, resting his head on top of her legs. His hand was still in hers, eyes closed, cheeks blotchy. She turned her attention to the side, noticing Remus and Sirius sleeping on a couch. Remus had his head against the wall, while Sirius' was in the nape of his neck. A feeling of relief washed over her, thank God I wasn't delirious. Harry sat against the wall in front of her, staring at the ceiling.

"Could I get some water?" Hazel asked, voice groggy. Harry's head snapped in her direction, eyes wide.

"Haze!" He stood up, walking over to her bed.

George quickly sat up at the sound of her voice, gasping. Sirius and Remus did the same, staring at the girl, astonished. "Harry!" Hazel chuckled lowly.

Her soulmate kept looking at her, tears filling his eyes. "You're okay," he breathed out, reaching his hand up to caress her cheek. Hazel leaned into his touch, humming, still feeling pain the back of her head. "Merlin... you scared me," George croaked out while Sirius and Remus came to her side.

"How are you feeling?" Sirius asked, handing her a glass of water. Hazel sat up with Remus' help, taking the water with her free hand, taking a few sips.

"I feel fine," she lied, badly. They all stared at her until she spoke again, "Well, everything aches, I feel like I'm dying... How long was I out?" Hazel asked, frowning. She pulled the glass away from her lips.

"A day," Remus replied, taking the empty glass from her hands.

"A day and a half," George specified, caressing her hair gently.

Hazel blinked a few times, glancing between the four of them. "You have been here for a day and a half?" They all nodded slowly, making her shake her head. "Go! Have a shower, eat something, sleep - in a bed," she told Remus and Sirius, who laughed softly. "I'm okay. It was just a Torture Curse, I'm not dying," Hazel joked, not obtaining any laughs. "Too soon?"

"D-Do you mind leaving us alone for a bit?" George turned to the other three people, who nodded. The girl bit her lip, suddenly feeling nervous.

"I'm going to tell your grandparents you're okay. They just left to eat something a few minutes ago," Harry said softly, patting Hazel's leg. "I'm glad you're okay," the boy took off after that.

"Hazel," Remus called, making her turn to face him. "Thank you," he murmured. Her breath got caught in her throat at his face expression. The man looked like he would do anything she'd ask for. "Thank you." He removed his hand from her shoulder before Sirius smiled at her gratefully, bowing his head. "We're forever in your debt."

The girl shook her head, smiling at them. "Just be happy together, that's how I want you to repay me." The couple left after that, finally leaving her and George alone. Hazel turned to her partner, her gaze instantly saddening at how brokenhearted he looked. "Oh, love..." she laid back down, moving over steadily, not showing how painful it was, leaving a spot for George to lay next to her.

George got in bed, careful not to hurt Hazel in the process. He rested his forehead against her temple, inhaling sharply. "I can't live like this," he breathed out, swallowing with difficulty. "As soon as the curse hit you I knew," George told her softly, Hazel pulled back, looking at him with wonder. "The necklace, my wand... I knew."

"Oh, right," was all Hazel could say in return, blinking away the tears. She'd never seen George look so miserable.

"I've never run so fast in my life, with such purpose," George confessed, tucking Hazel's hair behind her ear lovingly. "When I saw Bellatrix laughing - Merlin, that disgusting laugh -  I - I prayed it wasn't you... For a second, I hoped it was someone else, anyone else but you. Seeing you lying there, cold and beaten down..." Hazel bit her lip as she watched George break right in front of her eyes. "I can't live in a world knowing you could get hurt and I can't protect you. I can't live without you, please, I can't -"

"I'm here," Hazel murmured, leaning into his body. George was almost trembling against her, she knew this was a panic attack. "Baby, I'm here," she repeated, grabbing his hand and putting in against her face. "How about we try something, hmm? Calm down a bit? Could you tell me five things that you can see?" She asked him, stroking his hair soothingly.

George's eyes darted around the room. He inhaled deeply, nodding. "I - I see the dresser, the couch, the bed, the nightstand and y-you."

"Very good," Hazel praised, still running her hand through his hair. "Now, tell me, what are four things you can feel?" Hazel asked softly. George reached up to her pale cheeks, placing his hand there comfortably.

The boy shook his head, still crying silently. Hazel looked at him encouragingly before he murmured out. "I- I feel your face against my hand..."

"Yeah? How's it feel?"

"Warm..." George replied quietly. Hazel hummed, lifting up his other hand to the middle of her chest. "I feel your heartbeat," Hazel nodded, still staring at him. "I - I feel your hand in my hair," he mumbled, breathing in slowly. "I feel your chest moving as you breathe," he whispered in an exhale.

Hazel pulled his hand away from her chest, setting it down on on her waist. "That's good, love. That's so good," she murmured. "How about three things you can hear?"

"Your voice," George answered quickly, already noticeably calmer. "My voice," he murmured. "And people talking downstairs," Hazel smiled at him proudly.

"What are two things you can smell?" Without thinking much of it, George nuzzled his face against the crook of Hazel's neck, taking deep breaths. She draped an arm around his waist as he laid there.

"Lavender and daisies," he mumbled. "Your hair smells of lavender and daisies..."

"Yeah? That's my shampoo," Hazel chuckled. "How're you feeling?" George didn't answer, just pulled her in closer to his body. "Babe... I'm alive," she felt her soulmate's tears hitting the exposed skin on her neck. "I know what you're feeling," Hazel whispered. "It's scary but we have each other. You have Fred, Charlie, your mum, your dad, your whole family's with you... I'm not dying any time soon. I love you, God, George. I love you so much."

After a few seconds she felt George's breathing slow down and she realised he'd fallen asleep. She stayed still as he slept for a few hours, knowing he needed this.

AN: this was always part of the plan hehe what scared me was your reactions! i hope you're happy with this! i was inspired by Muggle written by TinaX2 (a m a z i n g fred fic btw). please continue voting and commenting, you make me smile more than anything else.

also: victoria made a beautiful edit that i will be sharing with you down below. if any of you want to make drawings, edit pics or maybe suggest songs (i'll try and take those into consideration), feel more than welcome to do so.

follow me on tiktok: xcoldestqueenx

follow me on insta: siupunzumaran

love you

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